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Happy Gilmore

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Everything posted by Happy Gilmore

  1. I just can't imagine him being done at 56. Well if Shelley is to be believed he won't ever coach in the NFL, as she said in that interview yesterday. So it's college or nothing and it's been said Texas is one of the three jobs he'd come back for. USC isn't going to offer him anytime soon (Prez says no way) ND isn't opening up either. So that boils down to us or being retired for good.
  2. I think you're lost, hand wringing is done over at 247. Those people seem like your speed
  3. Typical FCB move gather information from other sites paste it together like a kindergarteners shitty macoronni picture post it behind a pay wall. Rinse and repeat.
  4. Have you tried DMT though? Hey Jamie pull up that clip of Urban Meyer right hooking Herman off the podium.
  5. Has more of a following than our prophet RapGameLarry. And I like RapGameLarry's Schtick. If the deal through, him and the squid do down as one of the greatest duo's of all time. If they're wrong, the Squid is getting shipped to Japan to be rightfully processed into sushi.
  6. Oh noooo what ever will he do without Ohio's love? Texas will love him better.
  7. Urban deserves more. The hobbit is overrated as fuck and killed FSU on his way out.
  8. Poster over at 247, he has some sort of in He called the Guilbeau commitment a few weeks before it happened and then the latest OL commit a month or so back
  9. Texans7 is saying it's done and we have reached a verbal agreement with Meyer. Just need to put in ink now.
  10. You're burying your head in the sand there devils advocate.
  11. Next level denial. They might want to put a watch on him. Once it all goes down.
  12. Matt Coleman climbing the ranks of being one if the clutchest players in Texas history. Dudes made so many clutch buckets.
  13. Y'all right, I read that to fast and posted without thinking it through.
  14. Coombs doesn't worry him? Correct me if I'm wrong but Coombs is a stud recruiter. I could be thinking of someone else.
  15. Welp if you needed any more evidence that it's happening there it is.
  16. I'm perfectly fine not seeing another "Update" from either TFB or this fat fuck.
  17. Should read Tim May WANTS Texas to ride it out and keep Herman. Assholes are puckering in Columbus
  18. Bob Stoops liked, retweeted and pinned it.
  19. Wasn't it insinuated that majority of the team got it during the spring or over the summer?
  20. Same. But I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
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