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Evil Bill Obrien

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Posts posted by Evil Bill Obrien

  1. 6 minutes ago, Saint Austin said:

    So what are the chances it's a '24 Big 12 rematch with a "traditional" Big 12 team vs. a Pac refugee?

    Would assume they would try and get one of the ex-Pac thats in the B1G first, and if that doesn't work out at least get a non rematch from an ex-Pac Big 12 team, but yeah failing those two options rematch defiantly on the table. 



    3 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    This thread always delivers. It’s the same cycle of posters saying mostly the same thing over and over again. It’s like watching Seinfeld reruns for me. Holy shit. 

    Fun Drinking GIF by Stan.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 5/31/2024 at 9:41 PM, Vertigo said:

    Total stupidity. Private equity getting involved is a fools errand for both parties. For PE, they are not dealing with rational organizations in terms of business sense and ROI and expenses. They are dealing with career academics and government officials who care about stupid shit like being associated with Stanford even though they bring literally nothing to the table in this context. 

    For institutions, it would be oil and water in terms of some asswipe new york scalper coming in and propping his feet up on your desk and telling you that you report to him now. Im looking at you Vista, you chop shop shitbags.

    I for one can't wait for the first school to let that PE genie out of the bottle and watch the shit show unfold as they slowly realize what a terrible idea it was.

    Worked for a software company that had previously taken "investment" from Vista and came to find out said company was as hollowed out and rotten on the inside as a jack-o-lantern on November 15th...not sure what the equivalent of that is gonna look like in college athletics but it won't be pretty.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 32 minutes ago, msucolt45 said:

    The SEC commissioner was once the head of the SLC, so I really think he’s going to help protect the little guys. Just MO.

    Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

    Oh wait you are serious aren't you? Here let me laugh even harder 

    The Office Lol GIF

    The only reason Greg Sankey would give a single shit about the Southland Conference is to make sure it's still there for the lesser SEC schools to get their cupcake win for bowl eligibility. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 19 hours ago, Evil Bill Obrien said:


    UFCU/ ex Bobcat Stadium model missing entire upper deck (or lower deck depending on how you look at it). 0/10 review will not be buying game. 

    Our long national nightmare might be over:


    Nice to read that they seem to want to get things right and represent everyone accurately and not just the blue bloods, will see how it actually shakes out tho

  5. 7 minutes ago, Park Gothic said:

    You gotta think like a business and do the math. Is the amount of money it costs to fix the stadium worth the extra number of units sold due to the fix? If not, then don't do it. 

    Not to be mean about it, but nobody gives a shit if Southwest's stadium looks right. 

    I understand the business logic behind “fuck them G5 schools” that’s a fact of life, just frustrating that EA got it right in 2014 but couldn’t be bothered when the game finally comes back 10 years later.

    Old man yelling at cloud rant over, will go back to just being happy Texas State is in the game at all and run a dynasty train on everyone even with half a stadium. 

  6. 3 hours ago, LonghornSean said:

    The University of Texas at Austin and Texas Athletics are thrilled to announce an epic all-day celebration commemorating the Longhorns’ inaugural day in the Southeastern Conference. The SEC Celebration will take place Sunday, June 30, from 1 to 10 p.m. across campus, with featured activities on the Main Mall in front of the iconic UT Tower. Admission is free, and all of Longhorn Nation and the Central Texas community are invited to join in the festivities.

    How long does it take for the first “SECx3” chant to break out? Over/Under 2 hours seem reasonable?

    • Rage+1 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Voted for Molly Cook against Jarvis Johnson for state senator in Houston. Looks to be very close and my vote may have counted more than any point in my voting history. 74 vote difference right now.

    Honesty I'm not entirely sure Cook is better than Johnson but she is an outsider who gets things done. I also think that the abortion laws in Texas go against the majority so it's important to have more women in Austin especially one who openly mentions her own experience. As a guy I have my thoughts and opinions about abortion but believe that women's' opinions mean much more than mine.

    From what I could tell the Chronicle mainly endorsed Johnson because they said he had experience. That's weak and perhaps pandering from the Chronicle. 

    Feel the same way about the Molly Cook turnout, feels good to finally cast a vote that likely made a pretty big difference in something.

    The comical also endorsed Whitmire who seems to be hell bent in dragging Houston back into his he 1950’s so whatever chucklefuck on their editorial board who is approving that shit can take a short jump off a high bridge…

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, StassneyHorn said:

    Molly Cook may have just edged out Jarvis Johnson in SD-15, Whitmire old seat

    1. Fuck John Whitmire

    2. Gonna tell myself I was one of the 74 votes it looks like Molly won by, feels good. Got a bunch of campaign mail/flyers from Jarvis this past week and they were all pretty sleezy. 

    3. Fuck John Whitmire

    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. 11 minutes ago, bluto said:

     the only hope for the state is Dade phelan to win speaker and go full double bird. 

    Suck It 4Th Of July GIF

    That would be rather fantastic 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  10. 15 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    Well it is the best future for somebody. All the private equity firms who are going to be scoring big profits from Texas tax payers. Ah well.

    Brushing up on my Arabic so I can start a Muslim charter school to get them sweet sweet school voucher dollars from Lt Dan, Hot Wheels, and Ken “Lay” Paxton, what could possibly go wrong?

    • Rage+1 1
  11. NSIAP:

    Linked CBS article does bring up the amusing fact that Trump will have Secret Service protection in the joint should he end up behind bars, and the secret service will be protected by department of corrections officers...

    • Drool 1
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