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Everything posted by UTEX_ME

  1. Wow receivers that fight for the ball what a concept
  2. One day the Horns will win close games on the the road in the 4th quarter with complementary football like this?
  3. He definitely will if we go 1-3 or 0-4 down the stretch. 2-2 coin flip 3-1 I bet he stays
  4. lol horn frogs down that’s a new one
  5. Decker has terrible downfield vision open receivers everywhere
  6. He knows his time to go Peter Principle himself to a bigger school has waned
  7. Holy shit this crew is terrible
  8. And honestly fuck JV I hope he never pitches in an Astros uniform again
  9. Go get a real manager next year please
  10. What an epic choke job tonight. No way come back from this. Feels like the series was lost tonight
  11. No way we are winning now after this luck
  12. Going to have to walk off to win now
  13. The only guy doing anything gets a single someone fucking do something
  14. Dusty putting on a clinic on how not to manage a World Series game.
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