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Noah Fence

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Posts posted by Noah Fence

  1. 18 hours ago, deadshank said:

    Went in for my 1st last year. 

    I get there, sign the forms, walk in from the reception area, nurse says strip down, put on the gown, lie down on the table, face the wall, get comfy and she'd soon be in to administer the knock out juice with the docs and they'd get started. "Over in a jiff, hon!"  she says.  I'm OK with all of that and she walks out.  Everything going according to Hoyle at this point.

    Not two minutes later the door opens up, I feel my gown go up and someone starts to work on me.  I'm thinking "what happened to the knock out juice?  This shit is killing me. WTF?"  I'm biting my lip and trying to survive without crying.   After a minute or two the gown gets put back in place then the door opens and closes.

    I'm left in a puddle of sweat and in some serious pain after being completely  violated with no sort of anethesia.

    Then the door opens up again and the nurse says, "hey, uh, who was that?"

    Go on. 

  2. On 8/30/2018 at 11:48 PM, Longhorn Al said:

    Educate me about the "unplayable" thing.

    The drum track required Bonham to play with four drumsticks.  The band had a hell of time getting it right in the studio.

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  3. 3 hours ago, po elvis said:

    what is that thing we have on the south side of the stadium with a big tent with food and TVs and beer, etc? i have been going to that thing for at least 20 years.

    Yeah, but did you have to pay $5 to get in, ya durn sip.

  4. 17 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    AUF funds can’t be used for building football stadiums or buying out football opponent contracts

    Not supposed to use hurricane relief funds either, but that won't stop them.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

    Maybe someone needs to give Urban some press conference training. He seems to not be very prepared for them.

    Or maybe his disability/medication are simply causing him to forget the truth and the people he needs to be apologizing to.

    This.  He had a very well thought out apology for Courtney Smith at the  press conference, he just forgot it.  JFC

  6. On 8/2/2018 at 11:00 PM, utee94 said:

    For the 1988 summer Olympic games, McDonald's had a promo where they gave away game pieces with purchase, that had an event on them and if the USA won gold, you got a free big mac, if the USA won silver you got a free fry, and if the USA won bronze you got a free coke.

    But they never counted on the fact that my high school friend who worked at McDonald's would be giving away scores upon scores of unearned tickets.  Since the USA does pretty well in the summer Olympics, many of those hit for gold and silver, and I ate free big macs and fries pretty much daily for a month or whatever the duration of that promo was. It might not have been $24 million, but I'm guessing I got at least a free $80 off that deal.  Which, to a hungry high school junior, is a fortune.

    Did the same thing in '84.  The Russians boycotted and  the US won a medal in nearly every event.  I ate so many Big Macs that summer, I haven't eaten one since.

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