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Everything posted by gatormarc

  1. I wonder if I should warn gatormarcette.
  2. Well, shit. I gave our new neighbor some fresh pineapple from the yard the other day as a welcome gift.
  3. It's funny and sad after this many years, you still have casual fans who are like "this is ridiculous, I could realign better than this" and then they get about 60% done with their own "perfect" realignment concept and then just start throwing shit against the wall. But rather than just going "oh" they fucking post it to the Internet.
  4. I can appreciate Clemson wanting to get out what with all of the discussion of adding west coast teams to the ACC. Better to go to the B1G where they won't have to travel as far.
  5. Makes sense. I was really surprised how quickly they started cutting.
  6. It's on the list of National Historic Places. I wonder if it would have been near impossible to tear down. Also, is there a legit place it could have moved to?
  7. Drive to norman, AND spend 8-9 hours to do so? I think I'd rather blow some guy in an alley. I bet you can do that in Norman.
  8. One year of COVID really showed how much of a no-win situation we were in. Our former AD, Jeremy Foley, was extremely tight when it came to finances. He seemed to think (or at least I got the impression) that a bubble was happening and that all these schools taking $100+M loans were going to get it bad once it popped. Our facilities across the board were improved but at a more modest pace. But eventually he retired. We're at the end of a $300M facilities upgrade and now with another $400M for the football stadium announced. You basically have to spend big now if you want to win. But that means those at the bottom are uber fucked when shit hits the fan.
  9. Well, you would obviously go in the Coastal division.
  10. One small piece of white tape and it kinda says ACAB
  11. Nice of Northwestern to confirm to everyone that it's an institution wide cultural issue.
  12. Stanford already competes in a lot of sports outside of the Pac12. I guess those would stay Independent or in the MPSF or other oddball conference. Taking a quick glance at sports that would need to change. Men's Fencing, Women's Fencing, Women's Field Hockey - those were not PAC sports but are ACC sports so Stanford would move those sports to their new conference Men's Rowing, Women's Beach Volleyball - those were PAC sports but not ACC; Probably EARC for Rowing, CCSA for Beach Volleyball
  13. I have an irrational hate for Equestrian because several SEC schools changed course and added that rather than Women's Lacrosse, sticking us in the AAC.
  14. Do they get to keep all of the NCAA basketball credits?
  15. Finally. I was wondering when they'd start talking about gambling on ESPN.
  16. I think my point is that it doesn't have to be a big deal for the University to try to sell it as a reason to mingle with other smart young people with money.
  17. Seems really fucking stupid for such smart people. You're in an area that pulls in a lot of smart outsiders who are now outsiders with money. Seems like the first thing you would do is take advantage of that casual angle to sell some swanky tailgates with the football game as just the dessert.
  18. Winsipedia is great for series info: https://www.winsipedia.com/texas/vs/california
  19. This is the AAC. I think we're talking 40s
  20. I think FSU vote + 8 more if I recall. That's only to dissolve the league (and it's debatable if 50%+1 is sufficient as no specific % is listed but other matters of membership require 75%) and presumably get them out of the Exit Fee, it doesn't touch the GoR.
  21. Good to see that not everyone is worried about academics.
  22. Tough shit for them. Nobody forced them to schedule MOO and N.Ill. noncon games. For that matter nobody forced them into the shitty ACC either. They had their choice of any conference. Don't expect too many tears shed for those fuckers. To be fair, 24 hours ago they had a home game vs Miami on there as well.
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