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Everything posted by Hondo

  1. Just walked in the door and saw the game stats. SP goes 8 innings and the boys are hitting again. Pitching and defense are half of "score more runs than they do." Hitting is the other half. Of all the games/scores* posted in the Big 12 Baseball thread ... Only 31% of the games could have been won with 3 runs (meaning the losing team scored 0, 1, or 2 runs; example: OU over Wright St. 20-0 counts because 3 or fewer runs still would have won). In 69% of the games, the losing team scored at least 3 runs (requiring >3 to win). *Quick count, so I might be off a couple in either direction. Roughly 220 games/scores or so; sample size is probably somewhat representative of college baseball as a whole.
  2. Once again, I said nothing about defense. You're arguing about defense with a guy who said nothing about defense. As for why, your shitty internet-aggressive comments are the biggest indicator of your puzzling need to get chippy from safely behind your keyboard. As for your pissy little attitude...grow the fuck up. I've tried to gently redirect you, but you seem to need to puff up continually and act like a dipshit. If you talk to people like that in person, you'll be tolerated for a little while as one would tolerate an immature kid who can't control his mouth, then you'll get slapped the fuck across the room.
  3. What I actually said: I said the offense was anemic and a problem. I never said anything about defense and I certainly didn't deny that it isn't a separate/additional problem, so I have no idea what you're continuing to try to argue. You're arguing against a straw man you built. The smart ass comment at the end we can just ignore for now. You look silly enough as it is.
  4. Who said the two are mutually exclusive? We scored 3 runs. In college baseball, it's tough to consistently churn out wins with anemic offense - even with good defense.
  5. Another long outing by LBJ completely wasted by piss poor undisciplined hitting. Nobody even thought about hitting to all fields. Just pull/yank/swing-and-miss all F'n night.
  6. Flores was late on the FB, so he came back with a slider that put Flores right on time. I'll take it, but that's a head scratcher.
  7. The stats link in the OP sends you to the final for the 9-2 to Texas A&M. Thanks for that reminder...
  8. Gotcha, thanks. I missed most of the game, but caught the tail end and was quite surprised when Powell took his mask off after hosing the runner at 2nd. Powell looked pretty damn comfortable back there too. I get that he's a catcher-turned-3B, but still.
  9. Seriously asking since I guessed I completely missed it yesterday or today...I know Galvan hurt his thumb and can't catch, so Schuessler has been behind the plate. He can't catch the ball for shit, but he's thrown out a few and has been hitting alright. What happened to get Powell at catcher?
  10. Just tuned in for the last inning. Imagine my surprise at seeing Dee Kennedy at SS and Powell at catcher... What's going on?
  11. Yep. "We're Texas" was good enough until everyone else caught up. Yep, that's been my point - it's conditional on getting the rest of our house in order. It won't stand alone anymore like it used to.
  12. The "long hair, beards, and chains" isn't about the long hair, beards, or the chains. It's about "what are you focused on, yourself and all the peripheral bullshit, or the team, the game of baseball, and the goal of winning the last game of the season?" It's about cutting out distractions. It's about putting everyone on the same page so there are no individuals or competing interests, only a single cohesive unit pushing toward the same goal.* It's no different in the military and/or other paramilitary organizations. You don't get to be an individual until you get to the top. And even then, nobody's focused ON being an individual; they just aren't as focused on NOT being an individual. <--- There is a huge difference between those two things. . And when you're at the bottom or in the middle, that decision/distinction is made for you so you can worry about/focus on other things. *In the case of Texas Baseball, it's also probably a little bit about representing the University of Texas at Austin. Texas Longhorns represent the University of Texas. UT isn't some podunk, half-ass school. It's a top tier university, nationally and globally, and one of the top public universities in the country. There's more to UT than sportsball. Nobody even thinks about LSU or Mississippi State as universities, only as athletic programs. They are the Tigers/Bulldogs and nothing else.
  13. Correct. That's got to change. Even more so if we retain the old school culture (which I want us to do).
  14. We used to be the most extreme program culture-wise, but we were still aligned with baseball overall for the most part. Now in 2024, we're actually different than baseball culture as a whole...not because we changed, but because everyone else did. I don't think we need to change with them and "go with the flow", as long as we can compete in the other areas (facilities, stadium, etc., etc., etc.). If we're NOT on par with the major SEC programs in those areas AND we retain the old school "it's not about you, it's about the team/program, so cut your hair, shave your face, and lose the gold chains" culture, then we'll keep falling behind. In a perfect world, I'd like to see us maintain Texas Baseball as it was and still is, and make up for it by having the best of everything else.
  15. This is "my reading comprehension sucks and I can't understand anything that's not broken down into easily digestible soundbites - but I really want to reply and since I'm unable to articulate my thoughts, I'll just be a dismissive little twat" shit.
  16. People don't understand this and when someone brings it up, they misinterpret it as a knock on the program. It's not a knock on the program at all. In fact, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the program. It's a reflection of what young players in 2024 value. Texas Baseball hasn't changed, the kids have. Hell, you can see it at the root - in Little League/travel ball. Everything is all about individualism and style/swag. Walk up songs, rings for every f'n tournament, pictures, videos, stupid haircuts, etc. Baseball used to be about baseball; now playing baseball is only about 50% of it. The other 50% is about attention, hype, Instagramable moments, etc. It's more about being "special/unique", the kid's "personal brand", and less about the game itself. It's no wonder when they get to college, they gravitate toward places that are extensions of the same. Personally, I like Texas' "look/act like a professional" culture and I hope we never change. But we're going to have to make up for it in some other way, whether NIL, facilities, or something.
  17. "Jack O'Dowd is the last chance for Texas here."
  18. Well, it was a FB on the inside half of the plate. He wasn't going to hit it anyway.
  19. Why is Flores reaching for his body instead of putting the glove in front of the bag?
  20. Wind blowing straight in at 15mph and we're chasing shit up in the zone. It's a strategy.
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