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Posts posted by CTC2

  1. 2 hours ago, ajax said:

    There's another mini guitar for sale today in stupid deals for $99. I'm tempted to get one but I have giant hands (glove size xxxl) and I don't think I'll be able to play it.

    Mine came in the other day and I decided to keep it. Took it in for a set up. I have huge hands with skinny fingers. Able to play it pretty well. For what it is I’m happy with it. Perfect for carrying on a plane. Solid padded case with backpack straps. 
    If traveling by car I’d take one of my regular ones. But, if you don’t have the space and just want to work on something or just mess around it’s perfect. 

  2. 56 minutes ago, MotownHorn said:

    It seems similar to that DE that just transferred to OU instead of us.

    He wanted as much money as possible. Sark and the NIL guys said "here's what we'll offer" and didn't get into a bidding war with OU. 

    You're assuming 1) Toppin was a big part of RT's vision, and 2) the NIL guys would be willing to vastly overpay to serve that vision.

    Toppin was a big enough part of RT’s vision that they were left without an immediate back up plan. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, HookEm said:

    RT would have to completely and totally shit the bed to get fired after this year. If he wins at least say 12 games, I think he is coming back. 

    If he gets to the 2nd weekend this year or next year, I assume he will get an extension.  If not, he should be gone.

    He’s not getting fired or extended before completion of year three barring a national championship or total wheels off season. 

  4. 55 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    The amount of people warped by the media in this country is astonishing. 


    Expanded fucking NATO (This alone puts him All-Time, fuck)

    Infrastructure Bill

    CHIPS Act

    Capped Insulin at $35/month

    Highest Appointment of Federal Judges since Reagan

    Lowest unemployment streak in 50 years 

    Marriage Equality Law

    Reclassifying Marijuana

    Student Debt Relief

    Inflation down from 8% to below 3%


    This list is not complete but it blows many Presidents out of the water. 

    The only reason people are not "feeling it" because Outrage Media is 24/7 and housing is expensive thanks to lack of supply. 

    Those are old paradigm standards of success. Apparently the new standards are things other than actually doing the job. 
    I’m traveling back from a vacation where for the first seven days I did not encounter another American. The last three days were in a place crawling with them. Really brought it home that a lot of Americans are entitled, snowflake assholes. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    You hope RT thinks he has infinite job security? I’m confused about that statement. Please clarify if you would.


    With respect to CDC pulling the trigger, wouldn’t RT not having pieces in place for success (such as big bodies) in part due to NIL factors out of his control potentially result in RT having more time at the helm?

    Who knows. But, the end result will probably be RT not getting last year 3. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Who knows?  Seriously, in decades of doing this... I can honestly say "who knows?"  My first jury trial, we had one juror who struck me as an "overthinker" - I wanted to strike him, the partner kept him.  Jury goes out and deliberates all day before returning a verdict in our favor.  Ask the foreman what all went on, and he said "we were all ready to come back with our verdict in an hour, but that dude [juror I was worried about] made us go through each and every piece of evidence, and hold it up to each and every jury question, which took forever."  I can't begrudge him wanting to be thorough -- he took his job seriously.  But I'd have enjoyed winning in one hour vs. winning in six hours.

    Or it could be holdouts.

    Or it could be reasonable people trying to reign in people who just want to hang him now.

    "Who knows?"

    Yes, that was my point. I’ve seen all kinds of crazy shit. About the only thing I know for certain is that juries do like to wrap things up on a Friday. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 2 hours ago, The Dog said:

    everything I've seen about the jury questions is that it indicates they are taking this seriously and likely understand the gravity of deciding whether or not to convict a former president for the first time ever.

    Or they have a couple of hold outs who “just aren’t sure”. 

  8. Picked up one of these travel guitars off the Stupid Deal of the Hour off of MF.  $150.  Traveling a lot this summer so I figured what the hell. 


    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, definitely not derka said:

    we’re not going to jump stupid for someone who is anything less than a generational talent. just because you have a lot of money doesn’t mean you should spend any price for every single thing that you want. also this is Texas, not arkansas or ole miss. we’re not trying to be the highest bidder for every recruit out there, we want guys who actually really want to be here. we have five starters and 7-8 guys total who actually matter. if we can’t fill out those spots with great players who want to be here then we’ve got bigger issues than missing out on a random, merely good player who is only looking for a payday. 

    I’m not taking a shot but I’m always mildly amused when people act all frugal with for the most part, the money of super rich people who are footing the bill for NIL.  I thought we were Texas and could do this type of thing. Not saying overpaying for this guy was the thing to do but he apparently was the big man who the staff thought could most help us so why not?  We need a productive big man so our other efforts won’t go to waste. If Tito or some other rich guy wants to foot the bill who cares?

  10. 22 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    So hypothetically speaking, if a person felt like his, and his family’s, lives were in danger from Abbott’s policies and this hypothetical person happened to be near Abbott while hypothetically armed would the Texas stand your ground  statute apply?  Hypothetically speaking of course.


  11. 4 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I know Mitchell has holes in his game, but it feels like he'd still be vital if Toppin goes pro or transfers elsewhere.  Is his potential transfer really a vote of no confidence for RT?  Is this an NIL issue?  Other?

    He really doesn’t have a choice given the lack of development in his offensive game. He’s got to try something else. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Deej said:

    Where have these Gibson Custombuckers been all my life? Exactly the tone I want from a Les Paul. 

    Do you have any experience with the SD Seth Lovers?  I’m curious how they compare. Haven’t had an opportunity to play around with the Custombuckers yet. 

  13. 6 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Huh?  We beat #2 Gonzaga 93-74 at home in November 2022.  Am I misunderstanding your point?

    Wasn’t Creighton highly ranked too that year?  Last years non conference schedule was a waste of my money for season tickets. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. On 5/7/2024 at 2:17 PM, YGIFS said:

    Other than a handful of known musical quantities and underbutt, best part of ACL is discovering somebody new.  Best part of this thread each year is reading one another's posts about how we happened upon a  new band (new to us, anyways) and finding out something about music with whom we fell in love with all over again.  

    But all that to say, seeing Bob Schneider that far down and how he's pushing 60 and I'm pushing 50 and partying with his groove line horns 15 years ago.  Holy fucking shit, where did the time go?  

    Wait until you no longer care about anyone playing at ACL and wonder where the time went. 

  15. 5 hours ago, sidis said:

    i do every year.  why wouldn't i? wtf do the idiots whose lives are so shitty they have to work for a property tax protest company know that i don't know?

    This year, they raised my house by 6% despite no changes to the house.  I pulled 27 properties within 700 feet of mine and literally every one of them went down except mine...by a mean of 33% and a median of 39%.  not some of them, all of them.  all in improvements because everyone's land stayed the exact same as the previous year.  i provided this evidence as inequity to neighbors in my informal hearing yesterday with some absolute dipshit reading off a script to describe to me why the three properties that they picked as comps for inequitable treatment to neighbors that averaged over three times larger a lot size and were an average of 2.5 miles away from me were more relevant than the 27 contiguous properties bordering my house.

    that was amusing.  next up, explaining this to three octogenarians that tcad provides lubys for who will just sleep through my explanation of this to do absolutely nothing of value and then i get to go to court. hooray.

    I used to do all that shit. Probably for @ 10 years. I pulled all kinds of lawyer tricks to frustrate the district rep at the board hearings. Think I got the Bd to go with my number four or five times. Took two to court which settled on favorable terms for me. A few times I worked it out at the informal. 
    Bottom line is that I was really good at it but my time is better spent doing something actually enjoyable. I hire it out and don’t give an ass that I could easily do it myself. I’d rather be playing tennis or fishing than dealing with that crap. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  16. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:


    I think people are figuring out what some have known for a while that there are some very rich and powerful people who want to fundamentally change UT Austin.  The issue of how they handled the protests is just in keeping with the tenor and tone they desire to achieve. 
    I’ve actually heard someone on that list say that conservatism is the only thing they admire about A&M. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 13 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    I haven't read the thread, but based on just this last page, I don't think I missed much. But if Biden wants to win the youth vote, he needs to push hard for decriminalizing the Mary Jane at the federal level. 



    Yes, so the Orange Jesus will take the obvious Christian Nationalist position that he will criminalize it again. 

  18. 9 hours ago, Longhornlove said:

    Not that there is any real need but I will indulge you since you seem to be so ignorant......... I know you aren't ignorant, you are an intelligent individual whom is just trying (I assume) to get a rise out of me and get your fellow CR junkies riled up here in your pristine little echo chamber.

    This is a fairly long video that may not be able maintain the groups attention span. I chose this because he equally bashes Trump for the same thing you appear to believe Joe Biden doesn't do.

    Just a few others off the top of my head.

    • Vaccines are safe and effective
    • Covid started in a wet market
    • Masks prevent the spread of covid
    • 6ft apart prevents the spread of covid
    • If you get the vaccine, you can't get or spread covid
    • Uncle Bosie was a pilot that got shot down and eaten by cannibals (Recent Biden)
    • Rode across the Francis Scott Key bridge via train many, many times. (Recent Biden)
    • He saved 6 people from drowning while a lifeguard(Biden)
    • Joe Biden was a civil rights icon, raised in the black, Puerto Rican, Jewish, Greek, Italian, Catholic and polish communities. Which is is, It can't be all of them?
    • Joe Biden was once a generational athlete
    • Jo Biden was a Truck Driver(someone once gave him a ride in one)
    • Bloodbathgate 
    • The Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation
    • Alpha Bank collusion
    • Trump Campaign wasn't spied on
    • Steele dossier being factual


    I could go on but why bother?

    You get your news from Facebook don’t you?

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