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Posts posted by TXs

  1. 32 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

    CDC: Hey Tom, thanks for stopping by. No need to sit this will be quick. Look I think we both agree there is a touch of antimosity among the fans. As such, I think as a sign of cohesiveness perhaps you should start wearing the team colors. You know burnt orange, both on the field and in pressers.

    Tom: Well.. um.. you see..

    CDC: Thanks Tom! Hey would you mind closing the door, I have an important business call with an old friend. Thanks again. (CDC picks up the phone) Amigo, how the hell is the Metroplex treating you? (Motions for Tom to close the door)


    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, VaHorn said:

    It doesn’t matter what people want. Even if he only wins 4 games, there is zero chance he is fired this season. Zero.  

    if we lose every game from here out 0-50, he is NOT coming back for a 3rd year. 

  3. On 8/24/2018 at 1:20 PM, Walden Ponderer said:

    I am firmly in the turn them in crowd. If that turns into tilting at windmills, fuck it.

    Integrity is integrity. Values matter. If you choose to join the cynical hordes, then give up all pretentions and kill yourself, because at that point nothing fucking matters.

    When I read Dostoevsky or Tolstoy, I'm not leaping with joy at the thought of becoming another fucking nihilist shitbag. I have values, I believe in them, and I don't give a shit if the rest of the world is turning a blind eye. The fact that they are stupid is not the only reason to look down on aggy. The fact that they are slimy shitbags far, far outweighs their stupidity on my list of reasons to hate them.

    Being this deluded.

    You think Mo Bamba and others came here because we were just killing it with championships? The NCAA is not bringing down Texas or another blueblood unless you literally had a coach on video committing to giving money. 

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, 6th Street said:

    If Herman finds himself out of a job next year, he will have no one to blame but himself for assembling a horrendous coaching staff with guys like Beck, Mehringer, Warehime, and Giles. That is Charlie Strong level bad

    He wont get shitcanned out of next year even if he goes winless. year 4 he would, tho--and should if he does. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    They were saying the same thing about Jordan Elliot when he committed to coach khaki in the 2016 class. Then was given a warm welcomed once he finally signed the dotted line for Texas.





    And they hate him again for taking his football and heading home..to Mizz

    If he signs here, I agree we stole one. But half the posters here need to have their noses rubbed in shit until they see the light how far we've fallen, which should never happen at Texas. Muh diamonds in the rough.

  6. 1 hour ago, satyanash said:

    We have had a grand total of two WRs drafted in the last ten years. So when everyone keeps repeating "no need to worry about WR, the state is always loaded" like a broken record it's kind of meaningless. Especially when we see TCU, Baylor, A&M, blOU, and OK. ST killing it at the position compared to us, all with in-state WRs. 

    Meanwhile, Mehringer continues to alienate and mismanage the WRs we do bring in, while botching the recruitments of our top in-state targets. It's not hard to understand. Why are we content with continued mediocre coaching/recruiting at a position we've flat-out sucked at for the last ten years?

    Meanwhile fuckboys on this forum say "Fuck Wilson" because he's not coming here, like we're above him

    • Fuck You 3
  7. 23 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

    Regarding Flex Pass, as noted, it seems you can’t do anything until August 31st.

    I never saw anything guarantee USC tickets: but if you do get tickets to the Trojans, you’ll be limited to two. Since there is the two ticket limit, and they presumably kept the Flex Pass to 199 users, that should only be a 398 ticket pull for these purchasers, so they will hopefully have enough on reserve for those of us who pulled the trigger.

    Again, as I understand it, you don’t have to go to the USC game, but if you do get the max two tickets to that one, then you can get 8 more the rest of the season. If you want to use all 8 vouchers on one game (other than SC), you can do so.

    This. The 2 USC tickets pretty much pays for the entire thing. I'll use the rest to take the wife and kiddo (who don't even watch the game), or just invite some buddies. The FAQ even mentions you can transfer a voucher - I wonder if you can "transfer" (ie sell) to anyone. 

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