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Robin Masters

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Posts posted by Robin Masters

  1. On 5/20/2018 at 4:41 PM, Parliament said:

    Den of Thieves is pure cheese, with plot holes big enough to drive an armored truck through. It's a seriously retarded knockoff of Heat.


    But so what. I liked it.



    This. Gerard Butler was actually sorta good in this chewing up scenery like a mofo. But the plot fucking holes. One of the dumbest to me, main bad guy gets out of prison. Goes to a pistol range, shoots his pistol. Super cop strolls in, shoots his pistol a few bays away. Hey why not just arrest the fucker for a parole violation.

  2. Can't wait for Verstappen to get these mega tires, be 5 seconds a lap faster than everyone else, drive brilliantly for a few laps, then stuff it passing some backmarker in a way over the top stupid aggressive move.


  3. Golden State has a remarkable ability to miss 3's with no one within 10 foot of the rim.

    How can Steph Curry finish at the rim but KD can't?

    Remember when Thompson was a "lock down" defender? Draymond as well. Who are they locking down?

    If Chris Paul is ok I am ok with Houston winning this. I just don't want Cleveland to win, I don't care if Houston or Golden State beats them. I don't think Houston without Chris Paul can beat Lebron and the refs.

    I loved last years GSW. They played beautiful team basketball. WTF happened? They now play sloppy sloppy, with a bunch of shit iso ball. I thought last years team could have played with anyone. Any of the 4 teams left this year would get there shit pushed in by 1990's Bulls, as well as 1980s Laker's, Celtics, and that 83 Philly team. Hell 

  4. The real heros of Tesla are Bernanke and Yellen and their crushing of yields. Without that a charlatan like Musk could never get enough cheap capital to get this off the ground, much less sustain it this long.

    Why does every recall, death crash, shut down matter? Because interest rates are on the rise, the fed is decreasing its balance sheet instead of increasing, credit markets are slowly tightening up, and Tesla still needs to borrow billions, despite Musk insisting they do not. Every quarter they miss production numbers hugely. The order backlog is not there like it once was. Basically it looks more and more like they will go bankrupt, equity holders wiped out, etc. The inability to ramp up model 3 production is just the latest of their many problems. There have been so many lemon model 3s that even crazy  permabullTesla worshippers are starting to sense that the emperor has no clothes.

    They have done some nice things to push the car makers forward, but in the end they will get ground up. I guess there's always this dream that AAPL or someone buys them, but why buy the stock now when you can just buy the bonds in a bankruptcy in a few years.

  5. Was touristing Peru. Flew to Juliaca. Driver picks us up in van, i sit up front with him to take pics. He strongly suggests I not do that until we are out of town. Basically if someone were to see my camera and lens, well my life would not be worth as much as the camera, I agree that maybe just seeing with my eyes will be fine for once.

    I had seen some TV show about some market in Juliaca where you can get anything, a real black market thing. I ask if that's true. He laughs, says its true, says he saw a motorcycle called a Charley Davidson, that some guy had fabricobbled from many different bikes. I would love to show it all to you, but they would probably kill you.

    We drive to Lake Titicaca. Get to our hotel, no problems. Next day we see Lake Titicaca (tourist bs) and then go to an even higher smaller lake to see a typical small local village. On the way back to the hotel we run into a demonstration. Our driver drives us way up in the hills, by some prison where the "Shining Path" are incarcerated, I can only hope that Van der Sloot piece of shit is there, because that was a bleak fucking existence. We finally emerge back out on the road, just down from where the protest is at. We still get a few rocks thrown our way.

    We have a mid-day flight out of Juliaca the next day. Our driver suggests we leave at say 4am, to avoid any problems, even though it was only an hour drive. We do. We get out of Titicaca just fine still dark when we get to Juliaca, but damn, people protesting a dam about to flood a bunch of villages get up early. They were just forming up. We got hit with about a dozen rocks, thankfully they all either hit the side or the roof of the van, no window damage. Again our driver took evasive action, actually driving into more of Juliaca, instead of taking the main road. It worked, no more troubles but he was super nervous, never really stopping at any intersections, afraid everyone we saw was about to point a gun on us.

    When we got to the airport it wasn't open. There was a couple of other vans transporting tourist that rolled up. There was one guard at the gate and he had us all park ready to go in, but he couldn't open the gate until 7am. We were all pretty nervous everytime another car would come, especially the guard, but it turned out to either be workers, or more passengers. Finally in, and never happier to be wheels up.



  6. In our neighborhood almost everyone hates the engineered wood floor they got from the builders. Indoor dogs seem to be especially tearing the shit out of it.  This is with several different builders. It doesn't come up very easy either, hard work if you diy, probably with a special rental machine, or you pay through the nose to have someone else do it. So choose wisely. Also you say you know about the structure of houses. Have you seen the typical floor these days? We were renting a Darling builder house, and I could feel high and low places through the carpet. That neighborhood was being built out and I was almost always appalled at the lack of finish put on the concrete by all the builders. I say this because I've also heard of several people with squeek problems because there's voids under the floor. We have a few floor tile that are clearly not touching much thinset, just have that hollow sound if you ever drop something on them.

    As a diy, put sealer on your grout. I bought a little squeeze bottle with a spongy wheel, sat on an old office chair, and just rolled my ass all over the house before move in. I put several coats down in the kitchen and dining areas as well as the master shower.

    Why not DIY paint? The builder grade paint will suck ass. Painting is a heluva lot easier when you're using some Sherwin Williams, Kelly Moore etc. than even the stuff at Lowes Home Depot. The hard part is the cutting in, which admittedly I don't do. My wife does that part and I roll. It took us about a week to paint our current house before moving in but that was with her lazy 5 month pregnant ass taking forever, and me just rolling in the afternoons after work. I don't even want to guess how much that would have costs us to have someone do, and it probably wouldn't have looked as good. Buy a good Purdy brush, and the cutting in will go a lot smoother, says my wife. Even the roller, buy good ones, not cheapest shit at dollar general quality.
    I just took out a GE above range microwave. They suck. Basically GE appliances sucks. I took this one out because the vent fan was awful. Once I got it out I found out why. It can vent out the top or the back. It should have been top, it was blowing out the back into the wall, the builder didn't flip the blower motor over. Expect stupid shit like that.
    Our last house had a gas cooktop, range was up in the cabinets, as was the microwave, do this, and have a real vent hood, instead of the above range microwave. Bending down and getting stuff out of the oven sucks.
    Also pay for the extra cabinets, extend them down into the breakfast area if possible, whatever you can do, you will need the space.

    All the pantry shelving that I have seen is dogshit. They make it out of particle board, its kind of free floating. Any weight at all and the shelves start sagging. Maybe gut that day one and rebuild it with some decent lumber. I put a jack under ours, got it up a smidge, cut and painted a 2x4 and got that under it in the middle to help it hold weight better.

    Don't upgrade for shelving in the office. That to will be dogshit particle board quality.
    I would almost tell you to look into Ikea cabinets and then after market doors. There's a few companies that make doors that fit Ikea's boxes, then you have all of Ikeas slides and interior organization stuff that you could upgrade in the future.

    https://www.semihandmadedoors.com/  but there are many others

    Closets are also typically a scam. Shelves will be particle board, they use cheap ass furniture rod instead of heavier grade stuff. They love to butt two rods together in a corner box, and make that part of the support for the shelving. Great until you put clothes on the tiny rods, they sag some, and actually destabilize instead of adding support.

    The heated floor in the bathroom is a great idea. Wished I had it here, will have it when I build.


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  7. Laimbeer - The guy was just so fucking dirty, I'm surprised no one took his ass out. It's like Ndamakong Suh is the Bill Laimbeer of FB.

    Lebron - He is one of the all time greats, no question. He has willed some scrub ass teams to the finals. He is unstoppable. But I'd take Larry Bird over him every time, because Lebrons such a whining, bitch ass, crybaby. How many hours of my life have been wasted by him delaying games a few seconds here and there, to whine. Also if it's not going his way he just checks out, like oh, Sunday afternoon.

    Sprewell - I had about 50 of his rookie cards that shit the bed in value when he choked out Carlesimo. To be fair though, PJ Carlesimo was very chokeable. He could have really been something if his ten cent brain didn't get in the way of his talent.

    Danny Ainge - I hated him soooooo much during the Celtics Lakers wars. Such a sniveling little bitch.

    Rodman - Just a fucking headcase. Shoot the fucking open 5 footer fucknuts. You won't, because you got the basketball version of the yips. Completely hated him on the Detroit teams, but even when he was on the Bulls I hated him. Just so much drama, the rebounds and defense were not worth it.

    Honorable mention Isiah Thomas - NCAA wunderchild at IU, to flashy great NBA player, but that was all show. We saw the real Isiah with the "Bad Boys" His suckage as a coach and front office guy has also been enjoyable.


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  8. Well maybe not. Everytime I am in Spain I eat the shit out of chipirones. That's fried baby squid, the master race may not approve.


    Science news: Octopuses came to Earth from space as frozen eggs millions of years ago

    The genome of the Octopus shows a staggering level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes more than is present in Homo sapiens.

    Its large brain and sophisticated nervous system, camera-like eyes, flexible bodies, instantaneous camouflage via the ability to switch colour and shape are just a few of the striking features that appear suddenly on the evolutionary scene. 

    One plausible explanation, in our view, is that the new genes are likely new extraterrestrial imports to Earth - most plausibly as an already coherent group of functioning genes within (say) cryopreserved and matrix protected fertilized Octopus eggs.

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  9. I did this in 2004 with a company called Battle Bus or something like that. I found them on Tripadvisor back then. Doubt they are still around. We had to book our own train out to Bayeux from Gare du Nord. Then we walked up the street to some parking lot. Dude in a van picked up my wife and I, and a Canadian couple. He spoke minimal English but he could push play so we listened to a tape about each site on the way. He also passed out laminated sheets of each site, often showing then and now pics. It was more than enough info.

    Seems like we started at the rebuilt Pegasus bridge, then hit several of the beaches going east to west, as well as the American Cemetery and ending at Point Du Hoc. Lunch was at some little town right on a beach with a piece of one of the Mulberry Harbours sitting there just offshore. Kind of meet back here in 45 minutes, eat at whatever cafe you like.

    We had a nice partly cloudy day. Rainy day would have sucked.

    Back to Bayeux in time to catch one of the last trains back to Paris. There might have been a train switch from Paris to Bayeux, I can't remember. One downside, we didn't have time to see the Bayeux Tapestry.

    You could just as well self drive this. You'd lose some time getting out of Paris, maybe gain some back once you're out on country roads, and then be able to see what you like, stay longer if you like(I felt like they didn't spend enough time at the American Cemetery) etc. plus you don't have to go if it rains. The tours are probably going to charge you rain or shine. Maybe arrange car pickup and drop off at a station just outside of Paris. My dad and I had to drive into Paris to drop off our car, and we looked like European Vacation only substitute Arc d'Triomphe for Trafalgar Square. 

    Since 2004 there's also a lot more D-Day museums. Practically every little town now has one of varying quality. Tripadvisor research for which are legit. There's  a German Cemetery as well, worth a quick stop if you self drive.

  10. I've maxed out since they started the lottery and never won. But one of these years, I'm gonna win a whole week there. I actually max out because I know 4  people that try every year. If I ever hit in a year they do I will swap with them and get an extra day. 

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