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Rex Kramer

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Posts posted by Rex Kramer

  1. 1 hour ago, Drew said:

    Yes. Cause he’s a fucking good QB. Fuck yiu idiots who say otherwise. You have no clue and would rather be right about Dak and have us in purgatory rather than competing every damned year with a chance than hoping they hit on a guy.

    And fuck that “he’s not a big game guy”

    He’s WON playoff games. He’s performed well in more of them than he’s not.

    You can keep pretending he’s bad all you want. But you’re wrong.

    The main point was that I’m done caring for now about the cowboys. And I hope they fuck up any let him walk. Tina real team trying to win.

    Not acting broke.

    You take a long break and you miss things. I miss the above. @futureman

  2. 20 minutes ago, Covri said:



    Just get over being falsely detained/arrested/spending a night in jail because the cops realized they couldn’t continue their bullshit anymore. Just an inexplicably stupid take. 

    I didn’t say they weren’t wronged. They probably were. What do you do when you’re wronged?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    PTINS' boss hired PTINS.  His boss's idiocy has already been established.  You'd just be pouring salt in the wound.  Have you no decency?

    I’m not talking to you. You negged me because I suggested this wasn’t that big a deal. It hurt my feelings. 

    Go be a loquacious blowhard off my lawn. 

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, PTINS said:

    I did not mention "speech" in my post. That is the Freedom I cherish the most. You are free to tell my boss he's a fucking idiot, and he is free to fire you.

    I merely responded to where you might exercise that freedom.

    The freedom to assemble is provided for, but that does not mean you can do it wherever you want. The right to defend and protect your life and property are also provided for.  

    But like it or not, agree or not, the City of Austin had/has a well known position of choosing not to enforce the law.  UT called somebody who would.

    Will Trump be allowed to have a rally on the steps of the Capitol? Doubtful, but not my decision.

    I’m pretty sure I can call your boss a fucking idiot and I won’t get fired. Give me his number and I’ll roll audiio on some attempts. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Oh, fuck off.  I'm older than you and I think Abbott, Hartzell, Eltife and the gang are wannabe authoritarians that boot-lickers like you jizz over every night.

    You think Hartzell and Eltife are wannabe authoritarians?  Really?  Why are you so angry with me?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    The fact that the law enforcement left en masse at a certain point yesterday and people came back to the same areas and there was no problem showed that this was not the big bogeyman that they claimed

    Maybe. Or maybe they just wanted to minimize the PR disaster that ensued.  Probably one of the 2 and I don’t know why we’d guess. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    You can't say, no harm, no foul after you've disrupted someone's right to free speech. That moment is lost forever. And, despite your minimizing of the difficulties the protesters suffered, the threat of future action is most certainly designed to have a chilling effect on their desire to participate in free speech later on. If there is any chance that actions like this will make anyone less likely to exercise their rights, then it absolutely is a big deal and must be dealt with and prevented from happening again. 

    And all of the above sets aside any potential physical or mental injuries caused by the actions of the police and concerns of falsely imprisoning someone for any period of time. If we allow the state to trample rights with a "whoopsie", then we really don't have any rights at all. 

    I understand what you’re saying. We still do not know what happened behind the scenes (though I’ll reiterate it appears police were unnecessarily heavy handed). And my perspective is certainly shaped by age. Despite that all you say above is true, life isn’t fair, and everyone arrested should be able to get over it. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    For the same reasons that his ilk are convinced the election was stolen. They are stupid fucking rubes. 

    Whoa!  Holy CR Invasion. I don’t think the election was stolen in the slightest. What a tremendous presumption and childish post. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Even in my younger, more conservative days, when I walked by any number of hippies, activists, and dipshits with their pet issues ("marijuana is great!  We should legalize it because you can make rope with it, not because you can smoke it!"  Well then, why are you constantly baked, Moonbeam?  Just be honest with us.  And of course, "The Shanty."  And all that shit)....not only did it not occur to me that I should be pissed at them and want them beaten, seeing the cops beat them would have made me ripshit pissed.

    Because I guess I'm one of those rare folks who 1) says he believes in the Constitution, and 2) ACTUALLY believes in the Constitution.

    Fascinating to me how all the "freedom and liberty" types are....totally fucking opposed to some of our most foundational freedoms and liberties.

    a) I don’t know what the group was told, what the authorities knew, etc.  I still don’t think they were treated appropriately. 18 hours later, they were released. This simply is not that big a deal. Worthy of discussion, sure. 

    5 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    Curious why you think that the alumni at UT are so out of step with the majority of Americans. Especially when you consider that the majority of UT Alumni are white with college degrees?

    A majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s military actions in Gaza, in a pronounced shift from November, according to a new poll released by Gallup on Wednesday.

    In a survey conducted from March 1-20, 55 percent of U.S. adults said they disapproved of Israel’s military actions — a jump of 10 percentage points from four months earlier, Gallup found.


    Being critical of Israel is not at all the same thing as supporting Palestine. You know this. 

    2 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Everyone wants to know what your five wealthy friends who are scared of Cloak Room think?

    5?  Lol. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Rex Kramer said:

    I don’t really know what happened. Neither do you. I know that if a group I supported were arrested and ultimately released without charge because of police being heavy handed or because of campus administration / police being scared of a PR disaster, I’d get over it very quickly. 

    I believe more alumni are more perturbed with the messages the naive protestors were sending than anything Abbott or Hartzell or police did.  I don’t think the comparison is close. 

    Wow Brisket, how does this post bother you?  This was about as genuine a post as I can muster. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I strongly disagree with your imagined ratio and would bet that far more than 10% "give a fuck" about how the protest was mishandled yesterday. It's not CR to be concerned with what happened; it's just reality.

    I don’t really know what happened. Neither do you. I know that if a group I supported were arrested and ultimately released without charge because of police being heavy handed or because of campus administration / police being scared of a PR disaster, I’d get over it very quickly. 

    I believe more alumni are more perturbed with the messages the naive protestors were sending than anything Abbott or Hartzell or police did.  I don’t think the comparison is close. 

    • Fuck You 8
  12. 3 hours ago, Js1 said:

    Weird that these protests don't get defended as much as the peaceful demonstration 3 years ago in DC

    Maybe the students should have pushed past the barricades, broken some windows in the Tower, gotten into Hartzell's office and put their feet up on his desk, stolen some shit from the Tower and threatened to hang Sharon Wood

    Bonus points if they beat some police officers with flag poles

    Odd post. Who here has defended Jan 6?  There are, also, very few posters not defending these protesters. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, Get ln My Van said:

    Eat your Otter crow boys. Dude is the only reason we’re still in this game.

    Nah. Hes played well but the last goal he gave up was atrocious. He’s not a shut down goalie.

    Also, we have a bunch of good players. Not one great one. 

  14. 5 hours ago, DDD Dad said:

    I don't know why this term of reference bothers me so. Perhaps its because I'm half Jewish (father's side so not recognized as Jewish by ethnic/religious Jews).  But when people refer to Jewish people (as in, the adjective use of the term) as "Jew" rather than "Jewish", it comes across as anti-Semitic to me (e.g., "I have a Jew lawyer" instead of "my lawyer is Jewish"), or at the very least ignorant.  It carries the same derogatory connotation as when people refer to the "Democrat" Party instead of the "Democratic" Party.

    Anyway, just thought I'd put that out there.

    Ok. No idea why this post is in this thread. I didn’t post in here. Weird how posts just get moved around. Carry on. 

  15. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    Wedgewood is a terrible backup on a team as good as the Stars. Amazed we didn’t upgrade at that spot last summer.

    And yet Otter had to have a tremendous stretch of play just to have slightly better numbers than Wedgewood. I really don’t see a lot of difference between the two except Otter looks more talented. 

    59 minutes ago, Skipper said:

    You guys act like there are Vezina trophy winners just sitting around waiting to be picked up LOL.  Otter is easily a top 10 goalie when he's on his game.  This team clearly needed defensive help in front of him and they got that at the deadline.   I personally have absolutely zero issues with the way the team was constructed this year given contract/cap limitations.  And now we have a "slumping" Otter after one poor game where he had shit help in front of him.  They had like 3.6 expected goals and he gave up 4 so now he sucks forgetting he was absolutely a key (if not the key factor) in winning the west the last month.  If any part of this team is slumping it's our top line.  Helleybuck has given up 11 in 2 games so guess he sucks now as well.

    I'm not saying he doesn't need to play better to win this series, he absolutely does, but so do our top guys and defense.  Harley has been great this year but had a really poor game Monday as well. 

    And when he’s not on his game, like Monday night, he’s one of the worst goalies in the league. I just provided you a season’s worth of numbers that suggest he’s a borderline Top 20 guy. The defense in front of him is not bad, but is better with Tanev and clearly a healthy Miro and that skewed Otter’s numbers negatively. 

    Bottom line, they need much more out of him, and now. We are right to be concerned. Hope Otter makes me eat crow. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Get ln My Van said:

    I was watching him miss gimme shots and generally being a fuck up. He stepped up at the end hence why I posted “Shut me up then PJ”. He still played like ass the first half.

    He played fantastic D the whole game and it was most noticeable in the first half when he had 2 blocks. Offensively he was bad. I recall a missed layup and 2 missed FTs. He then missed a few more gimmes early in the third.  Overall I’ll take 18 and 6 and 2 from a 3rd guy in a low scoring, tight defensive game. 

  17. The stretch down the season helped his numbers but he’s 17th in GAA and not in Top 20 in save %. During our mid season slump he was awful and we’d win by out scoring teams.   He gets a lot of leash because he’s young and talented but he’s not that great and I’m concerned. 

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