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Everything posted by Honeysucklerose

  1. Who is surprised??? Who? With 11 left on??? Horns lost today. What the heck were you expecting??
  2. Stand up people! No one has a clue what cancer is
  3. We leave more men on base than Joe Biden.
  4. Please. Please do something. I can’t take another Saturday like this
  5. I never and I mean ever want to hear all gas no breaks again. Take the freaking slogan off of everything. It was stupid when we were 0-0 and it’s worse now
  6. I’m not gonna make it through this whole game am i
  7. They may fool Indian villagers, but we know the truth
  8. We won't see Siri again this season. Adios
  9. I have said this 100 times. Someone should compare pre-bat carry Bregman with post bat carry bregman
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