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  1. His issue was blowing assignments, understanding down+distance, and taking plays off. He's okay physically, so maybe this will be a wake up for him.
  2. Feel like I was one of the last holdouts to actually make posts on those. At some point they turned into gif celebrations instead of articles/discussion on the player. Which sicks because those were great to bump after 5 years.
  3. nvm. Thread is off the rails right now.
  4. New month: down about 10 lbs and 2-1/2" off my waist YTD. I'm bigger across the shoulders, arms, and thighs, so hopefully I'm also gaining some lean mass. Chest hasn't moved, but I carry a decent sheet of extra weight on it (no moobs). I have more energy than I have had in a long time. And that started with the healthy eating moreso than losing any weight, but it's only improving. I'm waking up earlier and less drowsy while not fading in the late afternoon.
  5. There's a couple things wrong with this and they are common mis-beliefs. 1) Only HS dropouts have more kids. For every other category the longer a woman stays in school, the more kids she will have. There are probably issues with causality leading to this common misconception. 2) Also, the age of first marriage and first child stays the same across every other education level. Waiting to establish a career isn't really a class or education thing (although it has changed over time). 3) Low income families are more likely to be dual-income and more educated women are less likely to work. This is a no-brainer once you think about, but we often celebrate the power couple and working mom more than the "normal" family. Still, the reality is that couples comfortable living on one income are the ones that do it, and educated women are more likely to find partners that provide that lifestyle.
  6. Moments before breaking her leg: 21abcdc7-8fb1-452e-aa94-6f9622f000c0.mp4
  7. He is currently locked in a social prison in Britian. Pretty sure the Jews put him there.
  8. The last time we got one of those it worked out.
  9. A toric? Pretty sure that's super common in string theory. People take Weinstein's theories seriously. His main complaint is that so much of the $$$ and computational power in physics go to string theory.
  10. They are having trouble squaring away Bama being terrible last year with them going undefeated outside of our game and winning the SEC!SEC!SEC! last year.
  11. I might as well chime in this year. This ended up being be a sort of a longcat, but I don't visit this thread often: Started the year 225 with a Halloween goal of 205. I know that it doesn't sound like much, but I'm also trying to gain around 20 lbs of muscle in that time, so I'm really trying to cut closer to 40 lbs of bad weight. See below's response to Brew for a full picture, but I'm trying to regain some not-insignificant, long-lost upper body strength No drugs. CICO/WFMM diet, which for me means cutting carbs (mostly in the form of snacks and binge meals), while just all-around eating cleaner foods. I cook 90% of my own meals, so mostly replacing rice and pasta with veggies. Stress and sleep end up being my weaknesses more than anything. I use caffeine (either plain old coffee or GTE/Vit B) in the morning to help with sleep cycle. Light strength training with walks/runs/bikes around the neighborhood for exercise. My boy's spring soccer is about to start and it'll give me 2 days/week for more structured cardio when that happens. I'm terribly inconsistent about exercising. With 4 kids and a salaried desk job, I basically just try to take advantage of what I get. I'm currently below 217, with essentially no strength or muscle gains (or losses for that matter). I'm closing in on a decade past 4 elbow surgeries followed by months of PT. Without knowing your exact situation, my only advice is to listen to your body. Figure out what's painful in a good way vs painful in a bad way - if that makes sense. Know your limits, do what you can, and eventually you'll be able to add more. And I'll add that patience really helps and that, for general health, walking is underrated.
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