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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Posts posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. 5 minutes ago, Zombie said:

    I don't know shit about the stock market, but isn't the point of the Fed's actions to provide businesses access to money as opposed to just temporarily prop up the stock market? In other words, is the level of the stock market at any given time a fair or accurate measure of the success of their actions?

    That is true.  This is not being done to prop up the stock market per se.  I wan't claiming it was.  My comment is addressing how sour the attitude of the stock market is where such a huge policy announcement is still met with a downward market trajectory.

  2. The absolute obsession over conference affiliation is amusing. Aggy touts SEC superiority when they have had a grand total of 2 wins over Bama, LSU and Georgia combined since joining. Weird but not unexpected.

    I am shocked the lemmings keep running over the cliff
  3. Oh, so we’re trying to woo Ash because he is so in demand that Ohio State wants him back. The unnamed source for this one is either Herman trying to shine the turd or Ash’s agent.


  4. (Eric Nahlin) Fact Patterns and Inside Info: 12/8/19
    doesn't seem likely
    I can't see
    I don't think
    Perhaps not.
    Probably so.
    I think
    It was never likely
    That tends to happen
    I feel confident
    I still believe
    I think it's likely

    Lots of hard hitting facts. $9.95 please
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