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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Posts posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. Not necessarily true.  There is not always an even number of possessions per half.  If it is an odd number, the team that gets the ball first gets one extra possession for that half.  If a team gets the opening kickoff, it will get at least the same number of possessions in the game, and maybe one more.  The team that kicks off the first half may get the same number of possessions, or it may get one less.  Of course, this does not take into account odd situations like a fumbled return, a recovered onside kick, etc.  


    I think you are missing the point. A team that defers and receives in the second half has an equal chance at an extra possession than the team that receives in the first half.




    Team A defers. Team B receives the opening kickoff. The first half is played and ends with Team A having the ball. Both teams had an equal number of possessions in that half. In the second half Team A receives and the game happens to end with Team A possessing the ball. In that scenario, Team A had one additional possession despite kicking off to start the game.


    There are various reasons a team might want to receive to open the game or defer to the second half, but having more possessions isn’t one of them.

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  2. expect nothing. expectations are for suckers and con artists selling snake oil. if you want something, you have to go and take it. expecting to win means that we think the other team is just going to come in and not even try. that just isnt ever going to happen, especially for Texas. this team has to go in ready to dominate the man in front of him regardless of what he wants to do. this is "take no prisoners" territory.

    The old “our fans better be focused or the players will blow it” logic.
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