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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Jones with another hold. I just don't understand. You're looking right at it.
  2. Connor Williams kills a drive. Shocking.
  3. Nice throw, Dak. He's only wide open.
  4. Can we get a replay down the line? You know where you can actually tell if he's offside? I remember Ware getting some of those and he wasn't offside. He was just quick. Also, the Cards receivers use their hands to push off on just about every play.
  5. Great throw and catch. Gallup was injured before the catch, too. That's pretty damn impressive.
  6. If I was confident that Dallas would get that same call, I'd be OK with it, but the DPIs are so lopsided against Dallas.
  7. Almost like they knew the play ahead of time.
  8. Always fun when a team is missing key players on offense and defense and we just let them go down the field.
  9. el oh fucking el I hope Utah puts another one in before half.
  10. Nice hold. I mean he held for at least 4 seconds and his hands were on the outside of the pads. What more do you need, ref?
  11. Kevin Glover was also a pretty damn good Pro-Bowl center.
  12. This thread is a god damn treasure trove.
  13. Heineke just got blown up bad. Dude is taking a beating.
  14. Dallas already with the highest score of any team for Week 16.
  15. Damn, what an ass kicking this is. Love it.
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