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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Steele with a mf’ing touchdown.
  2. "I feel sorry for Terry McLauren because he's always had to play with garbage quarterbacks." Damn, Rodney...
  3. NFL really doesn't want the Bills-Patriots game to get out of hand.
  4. SIAP http://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs/machine A loss by ARZ moves them down to the 5th seed, moves LA up to 3rd, and TB down to 4th.
  5. Shocking. A series of missed calls that go the Packers way.
  6. One of my favorite post game responses from Kobe. I bring this up when my teams are approaching different milestones and I hear about "It's essentially done" or "Oh, yeah, this is done, it'll be checked in today" or "Oh, it's basically done". The mindset is exactly how I approach my job. Fuck the Lakers, though.
  7. I think it was 3 things. What you noted above Just say that the racist groups are in fact racist Don't shit on John McCain
  8. Damn, Godwin is jogging around. Good for him. The way that knee hyperextended, I thought for sure he was done.
  9. Shit, Godwin might be done. That was ugly.
  10. Pittsburgh with the big stop on 4th. Also a VERY generous spot. It wasn't even close on the catch.
  11. Damn, as of right now, Parsons did not get the .5 sack on the box score.
  12. "Hey, slide to block 11!" Parsons - "IDGAF
  13. Where the fuck was that ball going?
  14. I don't know, but Diggs has control and is down. That should be an INT.
  15. Parham with a freak injury there. T&P for the young man.
  16. Still a lot of time for another 3 and out
  17. I'm not even mad with the results because the effort is there almost each and every night. Quite frankly there's so much baggage and drama with that comes along with most "stars" in the league these days that I want Buford, Wright, and Pop to continue building the way they want to build. I enjoy watching Murray and Lonnie, I love Pop, it's the 5th lowest paid squad, it's currently on track to be the 2nd lowest paid next season, and we have no all-stars. Not normally the recipe for success, but I still like watching the guys play.
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