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Everything posted by Jograves

  1. Great answer, md. Good question. My guess is Firmino in October. I think he had a couple of braces against Maribor and Spartak Moscow that month. Or I could be completely full of shit.
  2. Brighton played Man City fairly tough yesterday. Hopefully City tenderized them for us a little though.
  3. We need to use it as a training for the CL Final too. Start fast and blitz 'em.
  4. Draw. We just need a point vs Brighton now.
  5. Those poor Town fans.
  6. Holy shit. How did that stay out.
  7. Chelsea is going to win this.
  8. We would still need a point from Brighton.
  9. Burnley and Leicester got whacked by 5 goals recently too. Both would've likely had positive goal differential otherwise. Never mind the fact neither have had anything to play for in a few weeks.
  10. Think you'll keep Hughes? He was a big reason Stoke went down this year.
  11. Tremendous win for Soton. Wow.
  12. This first 10 minutes has been intense. Like Mountain Dew intense!
  13. No Charlie Adam and the lack of a single Everton player on that team makes it invalid.
  14. Sorry for your loss, pied. Any details on the type of surgery needed? Is it just to clean it up?
  15. I'm really looking forward to this match today. It's a cup final for both.
  16. Origi has scored 5 goals in 34 appearances while out on loan. I just don't see any way back for him. He doesn't fit and he hasn't been very good for 1.5 seasons now. I'm ok with keeping Solanke because he's young. He may need a loan spell. I think Ings is gone. He's at an age (25) where he wants more than 22 appearances. Most of those have come in mop up duty. He could definitely start for someone like Newcastle or Brighton. We do need another forward pretty badly. I think Harry Wilson will get a look early on next year as a 3rd striker. He's been very good at Hull.
  17. No, my argument is that we can't have like for like reserves at every position.
  18. You can't compare City to us. It's apples and hand grenades. They spent £140m on fullbacks last summer. Our goal should be to have 16 to 18 outfield players that can play in the first XI. We've had that for a large chunk of this season.
  19. Yeah, but you can't have a squad of 40 guys either. These guys want to play. There's going to be a dropoff between the first XI and their backups. It's how it is. Klopp would say, 'this is completely normal.' The fact is we weren't complaining about depth in December when we were playing twice a week. It's only now that several are out.
  20. If Clyne, Can, Ox, Lallana, Gomez, and Matip are all healthy, no one is complaining about depth. Injuries have been the biggest culprit these last several weeks.
  21. There's a PL game starting in 30 minutes, if you need a little Friday afternoon entertainment at work.
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