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Everything posted by Jograves

  1. Mo Salah Mo Salah running down the wing.
  2. Not at all upset with Egypt being eliminated here. Hopefully Mo doesn't play in the final match.
  3. Keeper nutmegged from 8 yards away.
  4. Yeah, that's a heckuva goal. Nicely played.
  5. That's on the keeper. Wtf is he punching that instead of catching it? Idiot.
  6. Shit goalkeeping. Shit defending. Geez.
  7. I thought it was interesting the club was quiet when Lyon said it was over. I didn't see any quotes from LFC that our interest in Fekir had ended.
  8. You should do one of the free months of a streaming service. I'm watching through Vue and it works so much better than the fox app.
  9. Geez. He does nothing all game but still gets a brace.
  10. Has he given a yellow yet?
  11. Why'd he stop play for that? It's not a head injury.
  12. Good gravy. How have they not scored.
  13. Pickford has short arms.
  14. Subbing your keeper after 13 minutes is not optimal.
  15. Did Stones score with his header before Kane knocked in the rebound? Do they go back and review that?
  16. Spain has too many of the same kind of players and they really lack pace. They should get worked on counters every time.
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