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Posts posted by OrangEngr

  1. 2 hours ago, texifornia said:

    Uh, y'all know how this ended, right?


    I am going to assume it's one hell of a toll by the SEC. plus, one more reminder that game happened. It was a soothing balm on the sting of the Maryland loss

  2. 5 minutes ago, kopp0e said:


    Hell is the word you are looking for, Mac. Art Briles can burn in hell.  I think he understands his readership's collective IQ when this is the caption for the photo in the article... "Former Baylor coach Art Briles and Ohio State coach Urban Meyer are pictured in this composite photo."

  3. Just now, ClubWhatever said:

    I’m going to start a new pro football league. The Fuck FL.  My teams will be coached by Art Briles, Urban Meyer, Zach Smith, Dj Durkin, the Richie Igcognito, and (on special release) Jerry Sandusky.  All players must have domestic assault arrests, protective orders, or some sort of history of abuse.  Half time entertainment will just be rapes and beatings with a single bass player playing the base line from another one bites the dust.  My league will be centered in Ohio.  I’ll make a killing.  

    Just make sure you hold a few games in Europe every year, like the NFL. I suggest Pripyat 

  4. Just now, Nicole44 said:

    “I followed my heart, not my head,” Meyer said at the news conference. “I gave Zach Smith the benefit of the doubt. " Always follow your head man. Nuts. 

    So his heart told him to keep employing a wife beater?  I'm pretty sure we have hard evidence that heart's not reliable

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Stella Link said:

    Meyer is going to get booed off the field at every away game.  

    I'm guessing college game day is going to stay the hell away from tOSU games this year. TV execs are probably triggered just thinking about the potential signs

  6. 52 minutes ago, markstanco said:

    Meh. This will pass and the nutless ncaa will do nothing. 


    They wont vacate bowl games, wont take away television, and wont take away scholarships for these minor infractions and we all know it. 

    What about fake NCs claimed after the fact based on random computer polls from 50 years later?

  7. 1 hour ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Not in top 25, but I'll be flipping over during commercial breaks of Texas/Maryland to FAU/OUsucks.  That could be an interesting game.  Wish they were playing at 2:30.

    That’s why god created the setting up the second tv in the living room. Praise be unto him

  8. 1 hour ago, GroovusHorn said:

    A good way to start the day (especially when it's Monday) is when the wife backs her new car into your new car. Two for one. Efficiency at its finest.

    Nice humblebrag.


    plus, why’d you park right behind her? Jerk.

  9. 24 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    Oh, let's get started.  Apparently aggy would rank mini-Fisher ahead of both Saban and Dabo, (for starters), right?

    Don’t forget, Chizik has a natty too. And he won his in the SEC!SEC!SEC! West. So I’d put him ahead of Jimbo...

  10. 46 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:



    Drake told WOSU Radio that two weeks was more of a a “projected goal,” before adding “the investigation is underway as we speak and it will be finished when it is finished. The most important thing is to get good information so we can make the right decisions going forward.”


    Saved you a click.

    You kids are driving me nuts! If you don’t shut up, I’ll turn this car around! Don’t think I won’t do it!

  11. 20 hours ago, TrashMaster G said:

    That piece of crap is the college football equivalent of fan fiction.  You pick five areas where you are going to argue aggy is better and then tag each one with Edge: Aggies?  Really?  Was this written by a 7th grader?

    Texas went out and hired the best coach available at the time. Texas A&M went out and hired the best coach, regardlessly of availability


    apparently. Don’t even get me started on the ludicrousness of the statement itself

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  12. 4 hours ago, thrillhammer said:

    me too.  i havent allowed myself to get this hopeful in 5-6 years.  we have a long history of stepping on our dicks while at the same time shooting ourselves in the foot. herman's recruiting is starting to scare me, he retained his inept offensive coordinator, we lost several players to the draft that were advised not to enter the draft.  these are all bad signs.  oh wait, did i say i was hopeful?   lots of quality depth throughout the roster, we were in some games the last couple of years that if we can keep our synapses from misfiring we would have had excellent seasons.  the close losses are uncanny.  frustrating, but it does mean we're close.

    So we are shooting ourselves in the dick?

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