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Posts posted by OrangEngr

  1. 26 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    Comparing seating capacity is like comparing undergraduate enrollment. A&M has more students than us. Fine. Who fucking cares? We have a new medical school and the US Army Futures Command along with multiple best-of-the-best colleges (business, engineering, etc). We don't have the same mission as Texas A&M. We never did. They've gone from turning out dudes who stick their arms up cow vaginas to the Arizona State of the SEC, just a big mostly pointless four-year "university" that anyone with a pulse can get into.

    FUCK THEM. They are irrelevant to what we're doing whether it's varsity athletics, intramural Quidditch, or academics. 

    Agreed 100%. Let them have the biggest. That way, when you reply to their smug proclamation of such with a calm “I don’t give a fuck”, they will be all the more confused

  2. School is getting ready to start back up. Which means my wife will re-learn the terrible grammatical habits of the mush-heads.

    Wife:That's so extra!

    Me: Extra what?


    Its like she doesn't realize I'm trying to break her of her bad habits

  3. 13 hours ago, lemonandaturd said:

    Northwestern State. 

    Rationale:  Jimbo's offense is going to be a work in progress.  Starkel and Mond will be serviceable, but they will struggle.  Daylon Mack sucks.  Northwestern State has about 10 JUCO and D1 transfers that are pretty good players.  Their offense is up tempo,  go as fast as you can spread.  They want to run 100 plays.  Daylon Mack craps out after two.  aggy's DL depth sucks.  Northwestern State's new coach was a JUCO offensive wizard.  They have enough JUCOS and D! transfers like Jazz Ferguson and Quan Shorts from Tech to scare the fuck out of aggy and Jimbo.  Brewster better not sleep on these dudes.  

    I like the cut of your jib

  4. 34 minutes ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    The problem with this law is that means it is illegal to drive in the left lane unless you ARE passing

    I treat this law like I do the whole no alcohol in public parks thing. It’s the way to deal with assholes while maintaining credibility that it’s not just cause they are being assholes

  5. 1 hour ago, Jhawk said:

    This story could blow even more open if Mcmurphy or someone were to open record act UF and see what was reported to the school in 2009.  Maybe Urban reported it to the school and thus has always known about the alleged abuse.  Then what you have is a coach that is a serial cover upper of abuse. 

    He has always fully admitted knowing about 2009. Wether or not he reported it, is almost beside your point, which is a valid one

  6. 27 minutes ago, Froghorn717 said:

    depending on where -- *this* could be a terrible idea - hear me out. We pay for our spots (some in our group are season ticket holders and some arent) - so the dude who only wants to Tailgate For like 1 game is gonna take a space from a group who is out there for every game year in and year out? regardless of kickoff time? 11am games are a bitch 

    (and this isnt about me worrying about our spots - our spots are owned by the State of Texas but i guess its possible) but i know there are tons of ppl that get up at the crack of dawn and work their asses of to set up and breakdown - would be terrible for those ppl to have spots taken for the guy who wants to tailgate maybe one game. fucking lazy asshole 

    Tailgates are fucking work |


    As a tailgater who has more or less assumed control of my in-law’s tailgate logistics, I approve of this message whole-heartedly

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