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Posts posted by OrangEngr

  1. On 4/1/2021 at 10:49 PM, mininghorn88 said:

    A number of years ago when my son was 11 or 12 we went to a hockey game with his youth group from church.  A fight ensued during the game and the fans were yelling at the visiting team's goon.  As things begin to quiet down my son stands up and yells "you suck!!"  Being that we were at a "church" event I said that we should not say that.  He looks at me and says, "Dad, you let me yell 'OU SUCKS' at the Texas football games".  I said, "Yeah, but that is different."  A proud dad I am!

    Did you explain to him that “Well yes, but OU are a bunch of land grabbing cock gobblers, but this is just a friendly game against other players?”

  2. 39 minutes ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

    Mrs CL has a horrible habit of improvising when she cooks. Not necessarily substitutions, but actual improvisations to recipes to try and make them... better?

    Tonight my oldest had baseball practice. Wife says dinner will be waiting for its when we get home. She is going to brown some chicken and mix in some canned Alfredo sauce with fettuccine noodles. Sounds great, I'm looking forward to it. 

    I get home and she has decided to throw in some frozen mixed vegetables: carrots, peas, and corn, plus some chopped celery and onions too. Because all that shit goes with traditional fettuccine Alfredo. 

    It was vile and I threw it in the trash and had a hot dog for dinner instead. 

    Nope. Vic’s friends food thread is ———->

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. On 3/28/2021 at 4:14 PM, Marfa Low Crown said:

    I thought of another one...

    This is a little over 20 years ago and I am working in restaurants. I had graduated massage therapy school probably six or seven months earlier and like the majority of massage school graduates, I didn’t end up doing it as an occupation.  

    Waiting tables and freelance programming were paying the bills back then and offered an easier and less physically draining way to make money. 

    It’s early on a dinner shift I’m working and two of the owners of the massage school come in and sit in my section.

    They remember me because I was a student not long ago and we exchange pleasantries. The whole chef craze thing is really taking off at this point in time, Iron Chef all that. 

    Already I have seen the cold slap of reality hit people we have hired in the kitchen who have just graduated from chef school but never actually worked in restaurants before. I guess they didn’t really understand they would be scrubbing fryers, pulling up mats, and generally busting their asses a long time for low pay while being burdened with significant student debt from chef school. An awful lot of them didn’t make it.

    I guess this was all in my 20-something brain because it’s the only explanation for the shit that came out of my mouth next...

    The owners asked me if I was doing massage therapy and I said no. That really should have been the end of it but.... 

    “No, I decided not to pursue massage therapy although it’s still a great skill to have. It’s kind of like a lot of these new kitchen people we have (gesturing to the open kitchen & people behind the line). 

    Take this chef craze going on right now for example. Most of these students coming out of school right now have underestimated the grind & physically draining nature of the job.

    A lot of them won’t even be doing this a year from now. There are easier & more lucrative ways to make money than this and the people who are really profiting are the ones who own the chef schools. Kind of like massage therapy.”.

    They ate quickly in general silence and never came back again.   

    Damn, I would have lost money on betting if the words “Instagram” or “Deshaun Watson” showed up later in your post

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  4. New Mexico is a sometimes food. And that sometimes is a week in July/august when I can spend a week in the mountains playing golf and otherwise not do a goddamn thing.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Fletch said:

    That was me and no he wasn’t a blue chip. But you’re right, he wasn’t Kevin Vaccaro or Case. So congrats...? He was average at best here 

    Hey man, don’t knock case. Isn’t it funnier that we sent aggy off with a loss to herp derp rather than someone like Vince or Colt?




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  6. 8 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    A HS friend . . . a 57 year old who is well-suited for the "Over 40" thread . . . is a big-time red state Baptist.  She works at her church.  Today, she posted this on Facebook regarding their upcoming Easter services.


    May be an image of text

    Are you saying this is the ultimate “Don’t care, had sex”?

  7. Just so we are clear, are we claiming that it’s perfectly reasonable that in the 24 hours since buzbee posted 6 women have contacted him with claims and his team have been able to do enough work that they feel comfortable claiming it publicly?

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  8. So we finish the eighteenth and he’s gonna stiff me. And I said “Hey, lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know.”  And he says, “Oh, uh,  there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” so I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.

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  9. 40 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    3) the attorney is an aggy, aspiring scumbag politician, and aspiring tank commander, ergo the entire thing is bullshit.


    Im not disagreeing with your overall point, but I guess that when a relatively low-profile person seeks out a known self-aggrandizing gasbag of a lawyer, ESPECIALLY one not known to champion such causes in the past, let’s just say my bullshit meter starts pinging a little bit.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. One of our twelve year old labs just ate her second sock in a month (despite showing no interest in socks for the entirety of her life), and then two days later, proceeds to systematically throw up two days worth of mostly undigested food. Fortunately, the sock came up with the last bit; so didn’t have to make an expensive vet trip of it.

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