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The new NFL helmet rule and other rules they are enforcing are terrible


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I am an NFL junkie and watch whatever preseason games I can find on TV. Watching the Jax-Min game today just pissed me off as a football purist and long time NFL fan. There were 13 penalties in just the first half alone. This new helmet rule is vague as fuck and I saw 2 late hit on the QB calls which were absolutely ridiculous and under no circumstances should have been called. These penalties are destroying the game flow. I didn’t have an issue with doing away with wedges and other stuff like that that have a small impact on the game. This new helmet rule is written by someone who hasn’t played a snap of football and what they’re trying to enforce has no bright line to it and was standard tackling technique taught for years. If they continue with this garbage, the amount of fans driven away by it will dwarf those that have left because of Kaepernick and other anti-American assholes who haven’t stood for our national anthem.

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