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  1. Yeah bummer man, extra tough when it's a hard to get bottle
  2. That is a different batch upon closer examination. I had the 1st I think and it was just fairly mediocre. It's been quite a while and I'm not great at tasting notes anyway. Fwiw hidden barn sits on shelves at msrp where I live.
  3. Unfortunately it won't...
  4. A section over from where I sat for about 4 years, love that park.
  5. Circling back here, you guys ship many bottles from picks? My go to store sold out to liquor barn a year or 2 ago and my go to fb group with picks got shut down by Zuckerberg 6 months ago. I'm just looking for some damn drinkers every now and then since any pick worth a damn where I'm at is sold out in 30 min at stores.
  6. Offense is horrendous, defense is elite. Sucks all around
  7. Mack brown coached at iowa state as an assistant so it's all connected...
  8. This is where i am as well, but for closer to a year or year and a half. Didn't sell any stash though so I'm just drinking through that and enjoying not trying to run around and deal with the crap.
  9. I'll be in San Antonio and probably Austin in October, so I will be checking in for sure
  10. I'm less than gruntled hearing in here over the last few years that makers picks are in the 50s...that shit in Kentucky is in the 80s for the last 4+ years. Otherwise that would be an easy go to
  11. Ill have you know I continue to bitch about hh6 while yelling at the clouds kind sir
  12. If they have them they usually drop on Thursday or Friday and are gone within a day. If it's a tier 6 or "rare" recipe, they sell out even faster.
  13. Looks like a damn good time
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