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Posts posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Just now, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    I guess my point is even if its not subsidies but straight investment via a infrastructure bill, would it be in our best interest to have every home in TX, AZ, NM, CA, FL, etc... using solar panels and feeding it back into the grid? Maybe the cost is to high, I really don’t know.  

    Whatever happens, when the federal government sends in FEMA and starts bailing out Texas, they better attach strings and bring the Texas grid into the federal regulatory scope. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Yes.  This storm hasn't made it up to the Northeast.  Hell, yesterday, I almost turned on my AC it was so warm (up to 57 in the city in places).  Plus, our heat in the city is largely Heating Oil, not electric.

    Yeah, summer strains our grid in the northeast a lot more than winter.  And I'm just about ready for summer now instead of more snow. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Actually, the generators pay all costs for winterizing, with no way to revive them. They’re just an expense item, and expenses eat into profits. Expenses are bad. So don’t have them. That’s why we have no winterizing.

    As for capacity, yes, the end consumer pays for it. But in order to sell the profiteering plan cooked up by Tom Delay and Ken Lay (look up their roles in deregulation), they had to be able to say this was a great saving for the consumer. So....they had to cut costs everywhere they could. “Hey, if we take the insurance premium payment out of this, their costs are even lower! They’ll go for that!”

    Again, simplifying, but that’s how it worked.

    Oh, and we were warned about the is exactly scenario after a near disaster in 2011. There was a report with a bunch of common sense recommendations.

    Nothing was done, because taking any action for the benefit of the citizens is pussy communist shit, and we’re Texans, not pause communists! Right...you ain’t one of them pussy commies, are you?

    Not to worry. You won't get your state taxes raised to pay for needed upgrades. Instead, my federal taxes are going to bail yall out of yet another natural disaster your "low tax" state refuses to prepare for. 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Per Dan Crenshaw on Facebook:

    With blackouts across Texas, many are wondering: what happened?
    Leftists are cheering a “red state” having energy problems.
    Here’s the truth about what happened.
    A mix of over-subsidized wind energy and under-investment in gas power means we didn’t have enough base load energy for a massive spike in demand.
    Also, Texas infrastructure isn’t designed for once-in-a-century freezes.
    #1 - Frozen Wind Turbines:
    West Texas had wind turbines that had to be de-iced. The little energy that power regulators planned on being supplied from wind was now gone.
    We have almost 31GW of wind installed on the grid, but on Monday we couldn’t even depend on 6 GW working.
    To make matters worse, existing storage of wind energy in batteries was also gone, because batteries were losing 60% of their energy in the cold.
    Bottom line: renewables don’t work well in extreme weather. Never will.
    This is what happens when you force the grid to rely in part on wind as a power source. When weather conditions get bad as they did this week, intermittent renewable energy like wind isn’t there when you need it. https://www.forbes.com/.../texas-outages-put-reliability.../
    #2 - Nuclear also got too cold: We only have 4 nuclear units in TX, near Houston and Dallas. One of the reactors near Houston turned off due to a safety sensor freezing. No problem with the reactor. But the lack of the sensor forced the plant to shutdown, as a precaution.
    (On another note, this shows how safe nuclear is. Lots of safety precautions.)
    #3 - We don’t have enough Natural Gas online:
    ERCOT planned on 67GW from natural gas/coal, but could only get 43GW of it online. We didn’t run out of natural gas, but we lost the ability to get it transported. Pipelines in Texas don’t use cold insulation – so they froze.
    Every natural gas plant stayed online. The “downed” plants were due to scheduled maintenance.
    Gov. Abbott made the right call in diverting all natural gas to home heating fuel and then electricity for homes. Gas and coal brought a stable supply of energy, but still not enough.
    Why don’t we have extra gas power when we need it most?
    Because years of federal subsidies for wind has caused an over reliance on wind and an under-investment in new gas and nuclear plants.
    Bottom line: fossil fuels are the only thing that saved us. They are *base load* energy.
    If we were even *more* reliant on the wind turbines that froze, the outages would have been much worse.
    This raises the obvious question: can we ever rely on renewables to power the grid during extreme weather?
    No, you need gas or nuclear.
    And subsidizing investment in wind has pushed gas and nuclear out.
    Now we live with the consequences.
    The push to decommission baseload power sources like natural gas would be disastrous when trying to keep the lights on in Texas.
    I’ll be joining my Texas colleagues in getting to the bottom of what happened. We can do better, even for once in a century events.
    In the meantime, stay warm, stay safe, and stay strong.

    Denmark and Sweden don't seem to have much problem running windmills in cold weather. Russians can run a nuclear or gas plant at damn near the north pole. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    That is such a BS narrative pushed by the media. First, there more parts to NY than NYC. No one is leaving Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, etc. Second, a lot of people are going to their 2nd homes in FL (Or TX for me) because the work narrative has changed. Most industries in the city have offices that either can’t be entered or can only be a capped number of people. (25 last I checked) If you can work remotely, why stay in NYC? It’s like paying for a ticket to Six Flags when all the rides are shutdown. Last, people are still furloughed. Why hang around when you need money now and finding a job in the most populous area is almost impossible? The amount of actors, hotel employees and food service employees here is a pretty good chunk of the population.

    In conclusion, your mom is a failed State.

    You got it backwards. Ignoring the covid year anomaly, the NYC metro is the only part of NY that is growing. All the other cities you mentioned except Albany have been dying a slow death for a few decades now. NYC will be fine once tourism comes back. The rest still won't be fine. 

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  6. You don't get to kick the can down the road intentionally and then say that Trump is shitty but we can't do anything now. Trump was impeached when you were senate majority leader, Mitch. If he was as bad as you said he was today, then you betrayed your duty as leader of the senate by refusing to call an emergency session. So step down. This is entirely Mitch's fault. As much as I hate Trump, I think Mitch is several times worse. There will only be 20 or 30 people in the level of hell where they end up.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    This is where I’m at. 45 senators just do not fucking care what the evidence is.  They won’t change their mind - half of them aren’t even paying attention to the trial. We are wasting time when the country needs relief - impeachment doesn’t pay the rent or put food on the table  


    History always prevails is a cop out. History is made. Right now, in North Korea, history says Kim il Sung is a god.  History is written by the victors and the Trump GOP knows they can still be the side that writes it. The Dems can not let them do so. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    The Democrats could stop them with a majority vote.

    And they should. Enough of the bullshit. If the GOP doesn't care about governance, then they can go home and stay there. String the trial out and make them vote to acquit and make them publicly comment on their reasoning. 

  9. 33 minutes ago, fakebusiness said:

    Motherfucker your guy STILL HAS PEOPLE IN PRISON for marijuana convictions from the crime bill he literally created. Do I need to get started on all of the terrible things Biden has either supported or written in to law? How tf do you just ignore or turn your head at this? Seriously, please explain. Progressive? Dude is a Republican's wet dream on paper and you keep enabling and defending these assholes. Crime bill, Patriot Act, the Wars, Welfare Reform, Nafta, Repealing Glass-Steagull, anti-universal healthcare, fervently anti-marijuana, systemic border abuse (all documented by the ACLU), bailing out and deregulating Wall St at every whim, stripping bankruptcy protections, sucking off the credit card lobby, imprisoning whistleblowers, the list goes on


    There is a Biden thread if you want to go complain about him there. But you support all those things. And you support open insurrection. So not sure what you are complaining about. 

    This is a thread about taking the car keys away from someone who believes in Jewish space lasers. And you compare this to policy disagreements. And half your shit about Biden is made up anyway. So yeah, I can disagree with Biden while also knowing that Biden isn't a complete imbecile that needs to be removed from government. You're a sham. And not even a good one. There is one big thing that soulless people like yourself that just want to watch the world burn miss. Its gonna be burning with you in it. Wake up. 

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  10. 4 minutes ago, fakebusiness said:

    Still waiting for a link to a thread where a Democrat is criticized. 

    Look up Kathy Griffin.  She took it too far. But really, you're just on the wrong side of history. The modern conservative viewpoint is intolerant and it desires punitive action against others for their skin color or gender. Or for being born poor.  Or for believing in science.  These things just aren't all that acceptable. Nobody needs to tolerate intolerance. 

    "Cops, quit killing black people!" and "Cops, keep killing black people!" are not equal and opposite statements, either politically or otherwise. Sometimes wrong is just wrong. 

    I could certainly nitpick issues with some Dem politicians that aren't progressive enough. But none of them called for the speaker of the house to be killed or believes in space lasers. There simply aren't equivalents. And you know that rocko.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    It’s a terrible place to be, imagining an alternate reality where R or Rs died and the party’s collective decency and humanity magically reappeared. I wish no specific actual harm upon Republicans but gosh it’s nice to visit a world where a demonstrably treasonous seditionist shitbag could be successfully impeached by our elected Congress.  

    I’ve no doubt that Trump has dossiers on his bootlickers and that blackmail explains much of the inexplicable. At some point you’d think the obvious carnage they’re enabling would outweigh the selfish concerns. Still waiting for that.

    Trump doesn't have anything on them. You continue to think about it from the perspective of a caring human. They dont care. They are doing this to ingratiate themselves with Trump voters. The very same mob that attacked them. And all because they care more about continuing to get elected than actual governance. I would never hire someone so afraid of losing a job that they have a weaker spine than a jellyfish. I have no idea why people would vote for them. Its not that they're hateful even though they are.  Its that they really have no actual ideals or goals. I will take a hateful true believer over a spineless jellyfish any day.  They are more straightforward to deal with.  Trump could tell Cruz to send his wife to Saudi Arabia as a gift to a sheikh and she would be on the next boat there.  Cruz just wants those Trump voters to make him President so he would give them anything. And as President, Cruz isn't going to do jack shit because all he wants is to be President just like he wants to be a Senator now.  Just the title. Nothing more. At least Trump wanted people to swear loyalty to Trump and grift. Its not much of an ethos, but its way more than the bootlickers are working with. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, hayden_horn said:

    that's really the question i've been asking myself for five fucking years. the fact that mccarthy continued tonguing trump's asshole after the capitol attack, and his refusal to do anything about it...i just don't know. 

    it's a complete lack of courage and character. if i was someone's family member, i'm just not sure how i couldn't go full claudia conway on them. 

    They suck as humans. There is a single thing that may have been able to change their ways though. They didn't care about cops being killed. They would not have cared if a Dem had been killed. But a Republican being killed may have made them take this seriously. 

    If I was related to one of them, I would tell them to fuck off and never talk to them again. 

  13. 1 hour ago, gmr548 said:

    I’m not sure I buy that at this point. The world is going to look a lot different in November 2022 than in November 2020. America has a very short attention span.

    The only reason anyone talks about Trump now is the impeachment trial. It’s honestly incredible the difference not having Twitter made, even when he was President. Night and day. He’ll be largely forgotten then. Maybe dead. The challenge Democrats face is keeping educated suburban voters in the fold while also getting continued strong turnout from black voters and getting margins with Latino voters like they were pre-Trump 2020. On the one hand, letting people in the tent is easier than getting them there in the first place, and some of these educated white voters well in fact hold an extreme, generational anti-GOP grudge because of Trump. Some won’t though. Some will buy the GOP whining about the deficit and election integrity and blah blah blah and go home. That’s a high propensity bloc in midterms too, so holding them likely means expanding the majority, losing ground means losing it.

    Agree on Twitter. It's shocking how much the bans quieted down everything. 

    But Trump will still be around and trying to profit off his base in 2022.  He is just waiting for the impeachment to end and trying to figure out a post twitter move. He will absolutely be noisy again. 

    Forgotten or dead is wishful thinking. He is gonna be around for 8 or 9 hundred more years. 


  14. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    Yeah, I'm sure the Texas legislature would appoint someone better than Ted Cruz and John Cornyn.

    In Texas, it would be for sale. So it would be someone like Fertitta or Mattress Mac. And both would be better than Cruz or Cornyn because they would actually deal.  In NY, you'd get someone better than Schumer or Gillibrand too. Long term policy wonks instead. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    how in the everloving fuck are we going to split up the country?  who gets the air force?  who gets the nukes?

    Split it all up.  A plane for everybody.  Every state can have a nuke. Whatever.  Red states will sell their assets off anyway.  They won't want to spend to maintain them. Norad will be Canada and a union of blue states. 

  16. This guy wouldn't win a middle school debate with this bullshit.  Not that it matters. The Senate already voted before this even started. 

    Fuck it. Let's just get the Civil War started. This shit isn't sustainable. Maybe in the aftermath we can elect people who put country over self and party.

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