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Posts posted by FondrenRoad

  1. 6 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    There are teams that will never be saved,


    Jets, Browns, and Lions are among them. 

    To be fair, at one time both the Patriots and the Bucs were included in that group. And that dogshit or champion group is actually better than another group. 

    The often capable but can't get over the hump group.  The Oilers. Bills. Vikings.  To a lesser extent the Bengals and Texans. Making the playoffs means shit in the end. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Just never seen anyone like this. Watching the NFL network and other postgame shows and it’s clear that the entire team bought in. On Brady. The head coach admitted as much. DC called a tremendous game. Just listening to Gronk talk about how he was just waiting on Brady. That’s crazy. Or Fournette was like, “Brady is like your dad. He tells you to do something and you do it.” When I mentioned Lebron it’s not because I think he’s remotely close in terms of team like ability. I just meant the team gave Tom the reigns. Let him roll. And only other player I can think of that had that type of control was Lebron. But still it’s not even close. I’m talking out my ass. 

    You're young. Shaq did it better than LeBron did. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, dec3169 said:

    It would be fun to watch, but he would have to live somewhere near Detroit to play there.

    Of course with his money, and the $1000 houses (if they still have them), he could basically buy a large percentage of Detroit.  Then raze the houses, build a moat, hire a ton of security, and design someplace safe to live.  He would just have to have all his supplies helicoptered in.

    Nah - still not worth it.

    Detroit is underrated as a place. I like it better than Boston personally. It has both a heart and an edge. And Detroit is cold, but Boston is the coldest place in the United States where people actually live. 

    Brady lives on 23rd street in Manhattan. If he is going to dig deep, may as well do it for the Jets. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Had Enough said:

    This is it right here. Every football coach in the world should understand this. Protect the passer and harass the passer.

    I said it in the Brady ass kissing thread. He's Mack Jones. Mack Jones whipped ass in large part because his teammates were dominant. No one will ever match 7 titles, but there was nothing special about his playoff run or tonight with respect to his performance. He played well but he was kept incredibly clean. And it ain't all because he gets rid of it so quick. Spare me the shit he sees stuff others don't. Based on the individual performances tonight, I'd damn near take every Buc over their KC counterpart.

    Mahomes had two incredible throws doink right off receivers in the end zone. Not easy catches mind you but very catchable. If you switch QBs teams, Mahomes wins and it isn't close. His stats won't reflect it but he played pretty well.

    Mahomes played a phenomenal game. He made some ridiculous throws in trouble that were dropped. He had no protection all night.  It may very well be a different story without OL injuries.  But they scored 31 last year. Bucs scored 31 this year and sat on the ball at the end. So maybe in the end, Brady was able to carve up the KC defense better than SF last year.  And better than Winston could do with TB receivers. Sure it's not all Brady. People forget that Manziel owes Mike Evans every dollar he ever made.  Godwin is a WR1 on most teams. But it was a mediocre squad overall and Brady took Winston's mediocre squad to a title. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Nicole44 said:

    Why not Detroit? They have never even been there. Would be badass to watch. When he does retire Brady should consider coaching. Jmo.

    Retire?  We aren't talking about Peyton Manning here.  Brady has 5 more years left. At least.  I'd like to see a Houston title. But Brady isn't going to go to an organization that shitty.  Detroit. Closer but not seeing it.  People act like TB was dogshit before, but that WR corps may be the best Brady has ever played with. While he could be the best hired hand ever, not everyone is ready for his services. 

  6. 1 hour ago, markstanco said:
    1 hour ago, ztejas said:
    This man just left the franchise he had played almost 20 years for and won six Super bowls with at age 42, went to a team that went 7-9 and missed the playoffs in the previous season, and won the Superbowl with them in the first fucking year. 
    Absolute GOAT. We will never see another like him. We may see a QB win as much (doubtful) or be a better player but there will never be another Brady. 
    And you know this fucker is going to try and go do it again next year, too.

    He needs to drop the mic after this one. Winning a SB is hard. Go out on top.

    Winning a superbowl is hard. But Tom Brady doesn't know that. 

    Done what he can with the Bucs. Time to go to Cleveland. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 37 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    29 QB pressures for Tampa today, most of them with 4 guys. 
    getting pressure with 4 is the only thing that kills the modern offense nowadays. No solution at all for that. 

    Those backup tackles for KC were getting wrecked all night. 75 especially. Story of the game really. Even so, there were a handful of Mahomes throws where he was in the grasp and still hit his receiver in the face mask. If they catch those, its a different game.  His receivers played like they expected a sack and that fucked the team. Mahomes actually played his ass off under the circumstances. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    The greatest ever. If you say different, you are a fucking moron

    Yep. And now Belichick is going under the microscope. He's gonna need to do better than 7-9 without Brady.

    He is getting old, but Brady could take this years Browns to the Superbowl. He is that level. 

    But Mahomes may get there. He played the whole game under immense pressure with zero blocking and was a few dropped passes from making this interesting.  But no matter how good he gets, he won't have Bradys longevity. Brady ain't throwing that many passes while getting folded in half. 

  9. Tom Brady had a hall of fame career. Then he got injured. Then he came back and had an entirely separate hall of fame career. Now he is working on his third. 

    And he is actually that good. He should have two separate hall of fame displays, each of which may very well make him the best player of all time by itself. Together, its not even close. 

    • Like 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Bullshit. There have been aberrations in voting for 100 years.  You don’t think there’s anything we can do to improve our system?  What about the machines that have been found that benefit the R’s in the past? Don’t think there’s anything we can do to improve on that?  We have different systems for different states.  It takes weeks to get all the votes in.  That’s fucking stupid and we can manage better than that. 

    I think having different systems in different states provides some resiliency. If a foreign power wants to truly attack a voting system, its hard for them to make much leeway now. A one stop shop makes it much easier for them to make big waves. 

    Only things I would do is allow political observers (already allowed), allow foreign observers (like the UN), and maybe randomly link 2 states together to double check each other's counts (change the states every cycle) in close races.

    Who cares how long it takes to count if you get it right? So a few more things I'd add.  Every state published the ballot count order prior to election day (absentee, mail-in, in-person or vice versa).  Voting demographics are known to vote differently from one another. It should be a felony for anyone to attempt to stop a count, to question the integrity of the election based on count order, or to declare a winner while the other candidate still has a statistical, even if unlikely, chance of winning. 

    In short, there is really no problem with our system that just counted 150 million votes. The problem is that the loser needs to take the loss and stop being a pussy.  You don't get to make shit up to try to make the loss go away. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:


    It's like arguing that you should stay in a relationship with a woman because she's got nice legs......but she also regularly lights all of your stuff on fire, you wake up to her trying to stab you on the regular, and she already murdered your dog and brags about it.  It, ummm, really doesn't matter how nice her legs are -- you're continuing to date a murderous animal abusing psychopath, and that's a bad choice.


    Damn, you were talking about my dream girl there up until the dog killing part.  If I'm waking up about to get stabbed, the night before must have been fun. 

  12. 37 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    in principle, i agree, but means testing for stimulus based on last year's tax return during an unparalleled pandemic that has cost millions of people their jobs - a person's 2019 w-2 and reported income is worth fuckall for so many people. i'm fortunate that i am still working, but i've lost several coworkers in restructuring directly related to covid-19. they may have mad more than $75k in 2019, but that doesn't mean shit now.

    Yep. If they want to pull some of it back, then make it subject to income tax. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    this is why we can't have nice things:


    Surprised its that low. Trump did get over 74 million votes. Thats a shitload of Karens and Cletuses.  Gonna need workplaces to mandate it. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Good post.

    What's interesting is watching support for the state of Israel going down among American jews.  I know quite a few who openly oppose Israel's policy on settlements, for example.  Israel purposefully being a provocateur and shitter on all things Palestinian doesn't sit well with them.  Because American jews have a strong identity of "shat upon minority, abused by nation states" (remember that American jews are almost entirely a product of diaspora), they have some real sympathies for a shat upon minority, abused by the nation state of Israel.

    Yes, it's complicated, and yes, those same American jews are also opposed to islamic terrorism that would kill them just for being jews, but that doesn't take away from their perspective of right and wrong.

    But have no fear.  Any loss of support from American jews is more than made up for with increased support by the Dominionist Christian eschatological batshit movement which actually has quite a few seats of power in American government.  Israel has plenty of friends.  Sure, some of those friends just want Israel around so it can fulfill their prophecy and be obliterated in the final battle between good and evil, but Israel isn't dumb -- they know that belief is batshit bullshit, and they are happy to exploit it for their advantage till the cows come home.

    Israel didn't make it this far by being bad at politics.  They'll play whatever advantage is presented, and where more advantage is needed, they'll exploit the situation to expand it.  That's not all bad -- it's what nation states do.  We're just a willing sucker in the game.

    Isn't the end times supposed to go pretty poorly for Israel. I get using Christians for short term gains, but what is Israel's plan for when evangelicals start to set up the final battle?

    I guess the Dome of the Rock has to be destroyed first to set up the new temple. Israel has no desire to do that part either. So evangelical terrorists are probably gonna try to make that happen at some point too. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:


    Is it possible for him to convert that PAC to personal income?  Maybe just declare it and pay taxes on it?  

    I've never donated to a PAC so I don't know if you can put strings on your donations.  Or what happens to PAC money if they dissolve. 

    Either way, Trump is a bit of a fool for even sticking with the charade. His followers would absolutely give him millions of dollars with no strings attached. All he would need to do is pay taxes on it, and then he can live his dream life.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. On 1/26/2021 at 8:27 AM, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Since many of the advertisers are pulling out of the Super Bowl due to COVID, hit em up for a deal? Or will it not grab eyeballs? I can't keep straight what the GOP is telling people to cancel while complaining about cancel culture.

    Aren't they boycotting the super bowl because of players kneeling?

    Maybe buy some ads during Osteen or the 700 club instead. 

  17. 1 hour ago, washparkhorn said:

    I echo what Mrs. W said on the Burma v. Myanmar split - 

    From 2007:

    The BBC (which still refers to the country only as Burma) writes that:

    Burmah, as it was spelt in the 19th Century, is a local corruption of the word Myanmar. They have both been used within Burma for a long time, says anthropologist Gustaaf Houtman, who has written extensively about Burmese politics. ...

    If Burmese people are writing for publication, they use 'Myanmar', but speaking they use 'Burma', he says. ...

    "Richard Coates, a linguist at the University of Western England, says adopting the traditional, formal name is an attempt by the junta to break from the colonial past. 'Local opposition groups do not accept that, and presumably prefer to use the old colloquial name, at least until they have a government with popular legitimacy,' [Coates says]. 'Governments that agree with this stance still call the country Burma.' 



    So Myanmar and Burma are actually the same word?  Even Austin couldn't fuck up a pronunciation that bad. 

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  18. 10 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Hate to break this to you, there are single issue voters on...gasp, both sides.  

    I know in your mind every D is someone who’s reads every candidates plans, and weighed them out, and chose his guy because it’s right. Similarly every R could be replaced with one of those idiots storming the capitol.  But that shit is fantasy.  People vote for whatever party butters their particular biscuit.  

    Who said there aren't?  It does help that for single issue Dem voters like pro-choice voters, the GOP is less progressive on pretty much every other issue as well. The Dems aren't perfect for progressive issues, but they are better than the alternative on every single one. They dont have to hold their nose and vote for a white supremacist because they want to keep abortion legal. 

    And right now, the Dem party is tearing itself apart based on policy disagreements.  The Rep party is tearing itself apart based on a cult of personality. One driven by the fact that GOP voters simply didn't care if Trump took over the party. 

    And also, I dont trust the judgment of anyone who would vote for Trump for any reason really. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I think you're right about the people who would DESCRIBE themselves as "pro gun."  But that's actually 1) a smaller slice of voters than you think, and 2) those folks are NEVER voting Dem.

    There's also a large group of gun owners and people who want to continue to own guns who will support a candidate who acknowledges the right and value to firearms, but proposes some tight, common-sense proposals to reduce random gun violence.  Those are the people we're talking about.

    The "any restriction on guns is communism!" crowd is always going to vote R.  The "I don't know why anyone needs to own an instrument of death!" crowd is always going to vote D.  The huge chunk in the middle is what's in play.

    Very little of that chunk in the middle sees unrestricted gun ownership as their number one issue.  Once you decide to put guns over other issues, you are a locked in R voter, or D voter if you support gun control as your number one issue.  Once you say, "I care more about owning this AR-15 than I do about Americans having Healthcare, humane treatment of undocumented immigrant children, or a competent pandemic plan," you were never going to vote D.

    Never pander to single issue voters. Whether the single issue is a real belief or an excuse, they simply don't cross over even if you cave. 

    When you look at the adult population of Texas, there aren't that many CHL licensees nor are there that many hunters. Old school Texans like yourself still think of that old school Texas, but the population boom is made up largely of people that don't hunt. They may have a handgun in their home, but don't carry it around, and will still keep it no matter how they vote on gun control. But they also didn't move from Ohio to the Dallas burbs to be around minorities, and will use the little white lie to avoid saying that. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  20. 20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    But it's an easy side-step.

    "When it comes to guns, what worries most Texans is the idea of sending your family to school or the store, and them not coming back.  That's why the most important gun safety measure is better mental health protections.  Blah blah blah."

    It's namby-pamby bullshit, but that's how you win -- or more importantly, it's how you stop losing.

    The real problem with the gun issue is that its just an excuse. There isn't a single "Dems are gonna take your guns" voter who would even vote for a Dem that was so pro gun that they wanted to get rid of all background checks and allow nationwide open and concealed carry. Pro-gun people use guns as an excuse so they can just punch that R ticket without having to think about actual issues.  And they will continue to do that no matter what the Dem candidate thinks about guns.  Sometimes, there is an underlying issue they dont want to admit drives them, like white supremacy. But most times, it is just simple laziness or the desire to stick it to "libs."  

    In a way, this is why the GOP has gotten so shitty. Their voters don't ask for any accountability at all, and don't really give a fuck what they do with power as long as they keep that R by their name. An R could vote to ban guns and still win the pro gun vote. 

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