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Posts posted by seven

  1. 12 hours ago, Hate said:

    So, didn’t these people who’ve made a lot of money pay taxes on it when they earned it? Why should they have to pay taxes on he same money twice?

    Statements like this just show your fundamental misunderstanding of how taxes work. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    What pisses me off almost as much as Lewandowski is that the best the other guy can come up with is “how dare you.”

    That’s it? Let him have it. Stoop to his level. Democrats wanna take the high road and be above that.  Fuck that. The gloves need to be taken off. 

    yeah, that was humiliating

  3. 17 minutes ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Trump is going to say Sessions ordered this detention policy on his own and use it to fire him so he can claim it isn’t related to the Mueller probe. Then he’s going to replace him with Scott Pruitt, who’s going to fire errbody 

    as far as conspiracy theories go, i consider this one very interesting

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  4. 3 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    STFU You hate the fact we're not a completely socialistic country. Your of late, you didn't build that BS is way past lame. You must work @ the DMV.  

    This is a BS policy, and not sure why they're withdrawing, but has nothing to do with what actual republicans consider right.

    Yup, this guy totally would have voted for Bernie, no doubt about it 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    I want to know how it differs from the Dems plan.  If it doesn’t, he needs to support their plan. If it does, how is it different.  I’ve only  heard rhetoric about the dem plan.  Some pro and some against. The devil is in the details.  I’m sitting at a bar watching soccer or I’d look it up. 

    I think cruz has a better plan. The dem bill (from what I gather) clumsily places a blanket ban on doj or dhs removing a child from their parents. Seems to be some significant concern about unintended consequences. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:


    Correct. Your first time. What would you guess the percentage of those caught would show up on the repeat-offender’s pie chart? 

    You had 2 options 

    1) admit you didn't know what you were talking about and rethink your position 

    2) move the goalposts and ignorantly barrel on 


    2 is more fun for everyone anyway 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    Remember when PhD Horn and the others were telling us that ISIS was crossing the border in droves?

    Narrator: they weren’t. 

    But hey, gotta find that brown boogeyman. 

    And the cartels are helping isis smuggle in dirty bombs

  8. That's great, do you tell these blacks that you're selflessly helping that you believe they are animals pre-disposed to crime? Or is that just your message board tough guy act? 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    The Stanford Prison Experiment was good.  Experimenter, about the Milgram shock experiment, was good too.  Both acted, not documentaries.  Watching them back-to-back fucked with mind for a little while, though. 

    i watched both of these within a few days of each other as well a few months ago.  both very interesting 

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