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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Pato del Muerto

  1. 3 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    well, yeah, when you let an algorithm decide rather than a person, this is what you get. they probably didn't even "look" at it - it was probably caught up in a search for charged terms and added to the list automatically. collateral damage be damned. oh well, this is what "we" voted for

    They don’t like people with “disabilities” either so it could just be that. 

  2. So if Texas needs to be top 4 in conference to get a double bye, and the worst we could finish is with 4 losses, then Alabama would have to beat lsu at home and Tenn and ou on the road just to stay at 4 losses.  So to me we’ve all but clinched a top 4. 

    I know eyes are on bigger prizes but that was one metric of success cited before the conference season.

  3. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Am I The Asshole


    I use the family bathroom as much as possible. Had to take a huge #2 dookie at globe life yesterday and destroyed the family bathroom behind home plate. 

    saw a lady her kid walk in after me and they walked right back out 

    The family bathroom isn’t only for families just as the ACA stalls aren’t only for those that need them. But if you use a family bathroom when the regular bathroom is free, then that is assholish. 

    to finish, if you choose the ACA stall just because it has more room, then don’t settle in for some solitaire and wordle. In and out- or use the regular stall.  

    • Drool 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    I've stewed on this for 24 hours and this dude just cannot abide this. I must know more. were you alive in the "tie" era? it fucking sucked. you could have an intense as fuck game and end up 3-3. like giving yourself blueballs. I simply cannot understand how someone would prefer that. anyway, again, I'm glad more don't agree with you. cheers!

    Yes and there was even overtime then.   When there’s 80 games, some ties should be ok. So that would apply to most American pro sports outside of football and at least in the nfl who would really care if there were a few more ties than there currently are. Could encourage playing to win. But at least in football and basketball you play the same game, just a little longer.  NBA going to 3x3 and then a 5 shot horse competition wouldn’t be good either. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I hoped for 2-2 against Vandy, SoCar, Kentucky, LSU

    Then I was content with 3-1

    4-0? Amazing. Toughest stretch of games - Vandy was ranked, SoCar was #2, Kentucky was #8 (maybe not that good, but they had the record) and LSU was #5


    Vandy not doing great at Auburn. Been watching for half a quarter now and have t seen deyona in the game. 

    3 minutes ago, Radical Larry said:

    And menthol cigarettes 

    So Scope?

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