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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Pato del Muerto last won the day on September 3 2023

Pato del Muerto had the most liked content!


54952 Surly 1%

1 Follower

About Pato del Muerto

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  1. Every forward except Stankoven had at least one point. 4 defensemen also got a point.
  2. Gonna lose people when you use words like archipelago in your metaphors.
  3. In your dreams tonight
  4. Sounds like it could have been higher
  5. Don’t know how she held it together to beat Arkansas 3 years ago.
  6. Let’s go with still no earned runs allowed
  7. Sounds like a fafo game brewing
  8. Scrolling scores on the app above i see that Illinois got shut out by Bakersfield.
  9. I will say that the app says so maybe the feed will pop up just before game time.
  10. I have retracted my hookem reaction to that post as undeserved.
  11. Mike knows that building computers for dorm mates is different than say becoming CTO of IBM at 19, doesn’t he?
  12. Is that enough to make him gone, now?
  13. I was just trying to force the incorrect lyric into peoples’ subconscious.
  14. I staggered back to the underground where a priest blew back my hair
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