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Posts posted by dad

  1. 1 minute ago, Goo Punch said:

    some said the NBA should have canceled the games today; others have suggested they cancel all games the day of his funeral. thoughts?

    On one hand it seems shitty to ask players to play when they might want to attend his funeral (if its open for them to attend which I imagine it might be) if there are conflicts. On the other hand, it becomes a slippery slope. How important of a player has to die for them to cancel games? They can't do this for all players. 

    I won't be upset either way. Either way people will bitch and moan about it and others will love it.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    I’m not on Facebook, but unlike a message board anonymity (where I wanna know who the idiots are), why would you not simply remove this person as a connection?  I do it all the time on LinkedIn. I simply do not want to be associated with crazy people or people with whom I’ve worked that piss me off. Life is too short. 

    Good question. I haven't done that with a lot of people who don't have similar views as me. I think I've justified it as not wanting to fall into group think and only have friends who have similar beliefs to me on Facebook. It's sort of refreshing to see the different view points about politics and other stuff on my Facebook feed even though most of the time it just pisses me off. I should probably remove the guy.. he's for sure a racist. It just baffles me that someone so educated with engineering degrees, trust from the FAA, pilot, smarts etc could have such a twisted view of the world. Anyway enough about him... he's old so he'll die one of these days along with his racist views and his daughter just went to college so she's probably off getting boned by other dudes.

  3. A former coworker of mine posted this on Facebook:  "Of the 9 people now reported on the aircraft, how many did not rape a girl in a Colorado hotel room, then publically smear her and pay her off to drop the charges? Or did we all forget about that?" 

    He's always posting sensationalist shit or far right religious views that are borderline racist and I want to reply but I don't want to stoop to his level. I wanted to reply "Well he died in a fiery helicopter crash today knowing his daughter was going to die as well so I'm guessing you're content that he got what was coming to him right?"

  4. 3 minutes ago, pops said:

    If he was that close to the hills ground affect would have been a serious problem in a bird that big. 

    But at this point, short of mechanical failure, it's tough to blame anyone other than the pilot for making a series of bad decisions. 

    Will be interesting to see what the ntsb says. 

    Wouldn't ground effect only have helped him hover with less required power? Or are you thinking possibly getting into some kind of vortex ring state / settling with power? 

  5. 2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    My 5 football seasons as a student were 97-01 so basically bookended by Route 66 and 2001 ccg, with nc state, Apple turnover (that was a hot game too) and some less than great ou games in between. 

    My 5 football seasons as a student were 2005 to 2010 so starting with VY winning a natty when I was a freshman and Colt  McCoy vs. Bama as a Super Senior. Never did I realize that we would never be that great again. Talk about being spoiled when you didn't even know what you had on hand. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    Tom Herman and Charlie Strong should someday team up to write a book on how to destroy your rebuilding program with terrible decision making. The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Coaches.  

    They won't have to waste time writing a book to scam more money. They've already got enough from several institutions who got fooled into hiring them.

  7. Buddy of mine used to play for ndsu.  All the coaches showered with the players asa sign of unity.   Coach mess was apparently packing.  

    No wonder Herman wants him. Naked coaches. Kissing players. This program has gotten super ghey NTTAWWT
    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Goodman said:

    Because we can afford it. He's a great dude who has a real in-state network, he adds value to our program just not as an on-field coach.

    I can get behind that then. I can see how it would be counter-productive to piss off tons of hs coaches by canning him if he's legit a good dude. I just didn't know if he was any good with the X's and O's and if he'd really actually produced with the recruiting aspect.

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