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Posts posted by dad

  1. 1 hour ago, Dbeasy said:


    We haven’t been out in a few weeks but we struggle with the thought that “Dylan” the delivery dude who makes $10 an hour and plays video games with his buds when he gets home while taking a few hits on the community bong, and who coughs all over the groceries, is practicing appropriate hand washing and other healthy practices.

    So instead, we know that if we stay as far away as possible from other people while picking up groceries, we might actually have a lower probability of catching something.


    When you go pick them up yourself you're still exposing yourself to touching the cart even if you cleaned it, every box or piece of food when you put it in the cart, the card reader etc etc not to mention stockers are also touching every piece. Then you might be passing by some area where someone might have recently coughed. Or vice versa you could be the one doing it to others. I prefer ordering them for pickup at kroger. When I arrive I sanitize what makes sense in the garage, let whatever can sit there for a day, and then wash the fruits and veggies in the sink. 

  2. Saving a grand a month in day care. Who knows how much we're saving from not eating out. My wife was getting in a mode of asking me to bring fast food for dinner every other day so it was adding up. I'm working from home so saving gas from a 45 minute commute each way. Keeping her away from Target is probably making a dent as well. 

    The only time I've gotten fast food since we started self isolating a few weeks ago was a week ago purchasing 10 chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-a and freezing most of them. My son is addicted to them so it's real easy to pop one out and quick defrost it in 3 minutes and it tastes just like it would fresh. They lasted a week. 


    Not savings related but I've lost 11 lbs since I'm taking this opportunity to try and eat healthier to both use up less of our groceries and most importantly to lose some weight. I started jogging again every other day to help with that and to keep me somewhat sane. I REALLY miss my weekly basketball games with coworkers and friends. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Parliament said:

     Macy's Inc said on Monday it would furlough most of its 130,000-strong workforce starting this week as all stores of the department chain operator have been temporarily shut due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    So they're keeping their office and online folks on, right?  Regardless, Macy's ain't coming back.  You gotta wonder how many of their stores will reopen at all.



    Forget Macy's, what about Sears?! Surely this is the last straw.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Modessit said:

    So I was able to determine Big Nancy lives 7 minutes from my house albeit in a different neighborhood. And her FB page and her FB Group page for her Nails business are deleted.

    According to some property records I found online, she lives with someone named Margarito Helton. This is what the internet turned up on him:


    You might want to forward this info to his employer. What if he's still going to work?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Loco said:

    I feel a little disingenuous laughing at those stupid fucks.   Young Loco probably would be out there too, trying to hook up with a girl with a room or sleeping in/on the car.  God I was/am an idiot.

    I guess there is a certain element of the world is ending lets just all bang before we die to this..


    Edit: Wife still won't let me hit.

  6. Just now, ztejas said:

    The guy giving commentary on that website is an assistant professor in history at some bumfuck institution called "Dixie State Univeristy". I don't give a shit what his thoughts on covid are and neither should anyone else. At least post a better source if you're going to continue fear-mongering. 





    It was based on an analysis by Imperial College London. Are you saying you don't find that credible? All he did was state the facts and added some historical perspective.

    • Like 1
  7. Wife asked if it was ok to get a cupcake baking kit from the local bakery so my nine year old kid can do that at home to kill some time. I denied saying it wasn't a good idea to expose ourselves to places and things unless it was absolutely necessary. She was upset, mentioned I'm exposing them every day by going to work. I told her I had no choice but going out to a freaking bakery is a choice. I feel like a dick for being restrictive but come on now... there are books, video games, computers, PS4, Xbox 1, switches, etc at home. There's tons of stuff to do.

  8. I could totally work from home. I'm a software developer for a military defense contractor. HR / leadership has let it known that we are not allowed to work from home even if our jobs allow it because "they can't have everyone working from home". No explanation. They seem to not trust us. It's pretty maddening knowing that my wife and two kids are quarantined at home for two weeks but i'll have to expose them daily because my company doesn't trust us.

  9. A dude named Jimmy in one of my NBA facebook groups is doing podcasts and wants to talk/debate anyone right now on any NBA topic as long as you can back it up with facts. Trolls encouraged (by me)

    I want all the smoke 💨 (831)582-3888 (Jimmy)

  10. So I volunteered to make briskets for my niece's graduation party. They estimate about 100 people maximum (capacity of the venue). How many briskets should we purchase? I've only ever made 2 briskets at a time on my WSM but this time i'll use my father in law's big offset that can fit a whole bunch of them at a time. The food should be served after 4 or 5. What's the best plan on when to try to have them finished? How to hold them? Rotate them within the large smoker so they don't dry out or cook faster near the fire? 

    I'm guessing I should try to have them done early that morning so they can hold in a huge ice chest wrapped in foil for several hours? Should I leave them whole and then we (or some other people) slice it on-site or should I slice them all and have them in big metal foil pans just ready to serve? I'd be concerned about them possibly drying out if I go this route but it would help in case we don't have people or time to slice on site.

    There will be bbq beans and rice as sides. Crawfish outside.

    Any general tips for feeding a lot of people is appreciated!

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