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Posts posted by dad

  1. I’m still a fan of a good amount of sauce but I’m definitely using a lot less cheese than I thought I would. I like the grease also seemingly serving as a way to keep the cheese a little more melty and less viscous. I’d like to venture more into what combinations of cheese and other stuff leads a cheese that stays melty the longest.

  2. 7 minutes ago, elfenix said:

    i'm wondering if the difference is the oven being more preheated with the second

    I don't think so, i even turned it off for a while before I knew she wanted one. I use a laser thermometer to check and it really quickly reaches max operating temp. This last one I just happened to leave longer b/c i'm never timing the pizzas and am always juggling pizza making with parenting and software development. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. None taken! I'm still learnin! I agree the color in pictures looks better. But in person the first was plenty crunchy as you can tell from the bottom crust pic. Not bad for a black and decker pizza oven that reaches 600 deg F in minutes for $25 on facebook marketplace lol.

    Also this recent batch of pizzas I experimented with using half 00 flour and half organic unbleached all purpose flour from costco. I was trying to figure out how the various levels from only all purpose to only 00 flour affected the crust. My suspicion is that 00 flour is more ideal for a higher temp oven and me baking at 600 deg seems to be ideal for a mix and not pure all purpose or 00 flour.

    I'm addicted to the Rao's Margharita pizza sauce. Also I top the whole pizza with a mix of red pepper flakes, chili piquin, salt, black pepper and oregano that I ground to a fine powder. I prefer that consistency and increased heat to just pepper flakes. The learning journey continues. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, Sam Lin said:

    I'm not quite following you, but I think you want more char on the crust? Are you wanting more on the ring of topside crust, or on the bottom? (or both?) For bottom, easy way is preheat more, or preheat a stone or steel and cook on it. That'll get more heat into the crust.

    For topside, it's a little more tricky balancing toppings cooking with crust cooking, but from your pic, it looks like the ring of crust is very thick and wide. Try pulling it thinner and see if that helps.

    Yes more char on the crust. Specifically on the ring of the topside crust. The bottom is perfect due to the pizza oven I'm using utilizing a metal plate as the base. The issue is that I'm baking around 500-600 deg and the results I want happen more like 750+ if not more I think. 

    I show an unusually large ring of crust because that's how my son likes it but I prefer a more normal size for myself. 

    My pizza oven is sooo convenient. I can have it up to temp in less than 5 minutes and it's ready to make more as soon as I'm done with the next pizza. I think I might be able to make them mostly in my oven and then perhaps char them for a minute in the broiler if I wanted to be fancy or make them in bulk for a pizza party. Otherwise I'm too lazy to get the oven going that hot just for a quick broil.

  5. I would love to get the burnt crust of those legit pizza ovens like the Ooni Koda 16 but the bottom not being that crispy is a concern given that it cooks so fast. Anyone here have any experience with that type or similar? I measured the temps at the metal grate in my Black and Decker once it was hot and it was around 550 to 625 at spots consistently and still at 450+ after finishing a whole cook with lots of opening and closing so that seems good. The crust phenomenon that I desire must happen beyond the 600 deg realm.

  6. I also use Raos, but i think the best is roasting cherry tomatoes with some garlic. Blend them up with olive oil and a little salt. Tastes fantastic and is more of a spread than a sauce, which i prefer.

    Good call. I like the sauce a lot. I’ve always liked sauces based out of cherry tomatoes, they seem to have a lot of flavor.







    Tried cutting my own pepperonis but I went too think I think.
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  7. I would think rocker type would make the cleanest cuts. Sometimes those stupid wheels get gunked up and ruin nice clean cuts. What I've done a few times was cut mine on the wood peel, is that a no no for any reason? I don't think a bunch of lines into the wood should do anything to it. Enough corn meal/flour and you're good to go. Also heard something about regularly oiling wood peels but haven't researched that nor see a true need. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    Am I too old to try the same thing in my neighborhood?

    Obviously I meant my 10 year old but perhaps that was a Freudian slip of me seeing this as a business opportunity. LOL no you're not too old, there are TONS of people selling food on FB marketplace. But I think i've seen you post in other threads and you seem like a rich guy who isn't about to waste time slinging pizzas on FB marketplace lol. 

  9. Kind of thinking of asking my $10 if he wants to make them for people around the neighborhood for $10 a pizza and he gets to keep the money. Teach him how to be a freaking pizza master, manage money and just grind in general. I used to mow yards, he can do what he likes doing, baking stuff with his dad.

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    I think a homemade sauce will move the needle muuuuuch more than 00 flour.

    That’s certainly not to say that I don’t use jar sauce sometime (Rao’s is also my go-to).  I also don’t make my own dough anymore because I don’t enjoy that part and my dough wasn’t thaaaaat much better than the store stuff.

    So, in other words, what the hell do I know?

    it is fun as fuck though.  My favorite thing to cook.  Glad you’re enjoying it.

    I actually did my first one with a home made sauce using this stuff, olive oil and salt but honestly I thought that pizza hut sauce was better so I figured maybe I needed to find a good store bought sauce b/c i'd never be able to channel my inner italian grandma sitting on the stove for 8 hours stirring sauce. I think making the dough is one of my favorite parts. I get the use and justify the mixer and I am fascinated with figuring out how to make it the lightest, fluffiest, crunchiest, bubbliest pizza crust. I just realized I have a bunch of brisket I think i'll see how that tastes but not sure how it'll pair with tomato sauce.. Out of pesto but I want to do some kind of chicken pesto cheese pizza, i think that'll be good

  11. 29 minutes ago, NoName said:

    any recs on buying pepperoni? i want some #pepcups so prefer the smaller ones that crisp up really well...

    due to the rona and where i live probably buying online if that matters.


    I've used the Hormel cup and crisp pepperonis from Kroger and they've been solid. 

    • Like 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, NoName said:

    I’ve come far in converging on the optimal solution on sauce, cheese mixture, dough prep quantities, olive oil timing and bake method. This shit is fun. Can’t wait to host people and blow them away. Adding grilled chicken pieces has taken it next level. Waiting on arrival of 00 flour today to see what difference that makes.

    Hd Waiting GIF by moodman

    For the most part I followed this dude's dough recipe. I used Rao's home made marina sauce. I found today that breaking up the fresh mozzeralla into smaller pieces helped with the final product being more elasticy cheese whereas before I was using larger chunks which while melted, were still just a melted solid chunk so your bite can feel that slight difference. The tip the chef made about pre-cooking the crust with the sauce before hand has made a big difference in the final cheese product not being over-cooked and having released too much of its oils. I found that adding too much olive oil before baking all around the crust made it harder and less likely to puff up into larger lighter bubbles. Fresh Parmesan cheese on the sauce adds a nice saltiness. Not to say I'm an expert or anything but the results have been really impressive for just a few iterations. I'm cooking on a Black and decker pizza oven but I'd like to try a pizza stone in the oven, it's just so much more work than using the smaller oven.  


  13. I’ve come far in converging on the optimal solution on sauce, cheese mixture, dough prep quantities, olive oil timing and bake method. This shit is fun. Can’t wait to host people and blow them away. Adding grilled chicken pieces has taken it next level. Waiting on arrival of 00 flour today to see what difference that makes.




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  14. 10 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    They were awesome.  My oldest boy was slamming them. 

    Funny you mention brisket taco, cause I am a huge fan of brisket on a warm tortilla with pico as well. I was actually thinking that it might be interesting to mix the chopped with some pico before rolling up the kolache.  Acid and onion from the pico might set it off. 

    My kid and I have been baking shit lately to try to get him off the games so this is another good option. I wanted to say for your pico idea I would think that it would taste much better if you keep it like you did but afterwards cut a slice into them then you can add pico or bbq sauce or whatever suits your fancy. If you add the pico before the cook it's gonna make the pico soggy and hot which isn't as appetizing as fresh cool pico with crispier tomatoes and jalapenos. Just a thought!

    • Like 2
  15. 10 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Not sure if anything can top brisket tacos for repurposing (better than the original application, in my opinion), but this ... this could end up being option 1B.

    NOTHING can top brisket tacos with some avocado and salsa. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 7/3/2020 at 7:51 AM, Landomatic said:

    I did it.  I finally did it.  I finally made the perfect pizza.  Best pizza I've ever eaten and it's not even close.  Magical...


    Oh my god. It's like i've watched my own son grow up. I've watched your first pizza attempts on here when you were but a wee little lad. They weren't great but I was proud of you for trying. Now you're stunting on hoes. How does one replicate this dough and baking method? I need this in and around my mouth.

  17. Coworker participated in a Whataburger taste test of new incoming products. Said he tried one that had pico de gallo with green chili lime salsa that was AWESOME. Said his suggestion was to call it the taco burger. We'll see if it makes it to production.

    You’re welcome for the insider knowledge.
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