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Llano Estacado

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Posts posted by Llano Estacado

  1. In short, I hate both candidates and both parties and am not concerned who is the greater of the incompetents.  I know that is apostasy on this board and elsewhere, but I cannot bring myself to care.  

    That was a fairly common opinion on Shaggy, but I think the election of chief executive 45 ensured that people have decided clearly which is the lesser of two evils.

    That being said I think most would still agree that a 2 party system and the greater and greater divide since the 70s with zero common coalitions and polarization of every issue (even seemingly apolitical issues) is not healthy for the republic.
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  2. what was going on halloween 2013? i can't recall Obama ever saying he didn't know anything about...well, anything he was supposed to know about. wtf was Trump even talking about here?*


    *i realize it's entirely possible there was nothing and he was literally ranting about nothing 


    The right wing talking heads liked to challenge the “Obama first found out from the news” canard pretty frequently, which is hysterical now when you compare the “scandals” list and WH PCs.


    Has to be 1 of:

    NSA surveillance of Merkel / world leaders

    VA waitlist

    DOJ - AP Phone records

    IRS targeting.



    ETA : googled - WSJ broke the NSA story 10/28/13.


    Obama to Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan (5/16/2013): "I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the I.G. report before the I.G. report had been leaked through press -- through the press."

  3. And the thing is, they know exactly who is on their site, what content these people consume, who they interact with, and the revenue tied to every demographic on their site. If you are looking for reasons why Facebook does anything, it always comes down to revenue. Don't overthink things. 

    Bingo. Q, overt racists, and Chemtrail folks buy shit too.
  4.  Advertisers don't give a fuck about that demographic unless it's Chuck Woolery selling them gold or some shit.

    Slight derail/

    Is that really true on Facebook though? EVERYTHING worth a shit online is algorithm targeted in 2020.

    I’ve never seen coke or Verizon ad on FB or Insta. Beer/booze ads, yes. Hunting and fishing ads, check. Clothing for my demographic of 30-40yo male (work/leisure/athletic/hunting and fishing), all fucking day. The only “missed” targeted ads I get are clearly intended for online shopping for my wife or kids which Facebook knows I have.

    Coke and Verizon can run YouTube or prime time ads and hit their demo without missing a beat. Car antenna American flags, Ensure, and robot insurance want those targeted ads and will keep paying a premium for them, correct?
  5. Bring back the Jason Day vertigo live stream!

    Fucking weirdos. “You know what would help this emerging top talent dealing with health issues? Let’s surround him with 20 cameramen really make his world claustrophobic.” “We interrupt live golf to show you Day crossing a bridge with a medical team.” “Oh here is drinking water with his caddie”

    I know that was “The Story”, and maybe I’m misremembering how bad it was, but I remember being pretty pissed. Give the man some space and cover the tournament and live golf while you get updates from his team.

  6. John Wayne's not dead. He's frozen. And as
    soon as we find the cure for cancer we're gonna thaw out the Duke and he's gonna be pretty pissed off. You know why? Have you ever taken a cold shower? Well multiple that by 15-million times, that's how pissed off the Duke's gonna be.

    I'm gonna get the Duke, and John Cassavetes, and Lee Marvin, and Sam Pekinpah and a case of Whiskey and drive down to Texas...

    • Haha 1
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