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Llano Estacado

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Posts posted by Llano Estacado

  1. Come again...a goddamm syrup, really?
    let me guess, you learned not to hate wood houses because sometimes y’all bought log cabin..

    Don’t be fatuous, Jeffery. You learn basic spacial awareness, hand eye coordination, and not to hate your fellow Americans from Lincoln Logs not syrup brands.
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  2. This is the Indian border with Tibet? I thought Tibet was pretty controversial and China claims land even further away from Beijing? What is the history there?

    What Bolverk posted. This is further NW and further complicated by Kashmir. But after 20 or so years of dispute and the end of the “war” in 1962 everyone just kind of shrugged and walked away. Then India and China play these little games with patrols and out-bases for 58 years.
  3. First, the Land O Lakes Native American and now this? What's next? The Belgians used to be slave owners. We should get rid of Belgian Waffles! /Football thread slippery sloper

    For some slippery slope, Go check out @JoshThompson87’s Twitter timeline. He wants Coon Cheese rebranded. Coon was the “inventor’s” last name. Doesn’t matter, woke to insensitivity.
  4. LAC and Ladakh area dispute always kind of fascinated me since HS world history when it was expressed thusly-

    “Take an area the size of the Texas Panhandle put it in some of the worlds most rugged mountain ranges. Remove the entire population of Amarillo for density sake and say Plainview you’re the capital. Then have two nuclear capable powers fight over it for generations with no resolution on input from UN”

    • Like 3
  5. FFlattie - https://fiddlebackforge.com/collections/available/products/fiddleback-forge-snowbill-burnt-orange-canvas

    Do it.gif

    I put Flattie onto Anza last night IRL. Any other little hidden gem shops like that out there?

    3 Putt - Guy at the office (pre Rona) has that knife in stag. Gorgeous. Well married modern and old school. Just wish the could hide the scale hardware a little bit or just pin it. Who would change the scales on a bone or stag knife?

  6. Curious what others here say?


    From real life you know I usually have a throw down Mora (ss fishing, carbon camp knife or hunting season) I’ve taken apart a deer or two with one, but not ideal for skinning. Highly recommend as a camping or duty knife is they’re 1/5th the price of comparable ESEE, CRKT, etc.


    These days it’s grandpa’s drop point Moore Maker for field dressing & skinning - looks like they’re still sub $100 but fit in finish of my late 2000s MM folder was pretty shitty. Actual breakdown is done with a custom “file” knife I picked up from a welder at work (would post pic, but it’s at the deer camp). Full tang and fat spine give it a nice heft in cold wet hands. Looks pretty similar to this:




    After looking a minute lots of nice “custom” knives from Etsy at reasonable prices, but always the chance you get a tater and appears lots of shops are ate up with the “hand forged Damascus!”


    Lastly, have this which was my father in law’s father’s Western (before they sold out) set. Looking up the stamp inter web says 1978 or 79. He used it well, but I never have. Going to add cleaning it up and conditioning the leather to the ‘Rona project list. Don’t think it’s really what you’re looking for, but similar sets in worse condition are $100-200 on eBay.






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  7. What a cluster fuck. I can’t imagine feeling enough elegance to a fucking statue of Onate to get violent or risk someone getting violent against me.

    Looked this morning to try and see earlier videos of any confrontations between militia bro and skateboard bro, but couldn’t find anything on news or twitterverse. Glad I’m not a NM DA. “Hey boss, unpack these 50 conflicting eyewitness reports and bad cell phone footage. Who do we charge and with what?”

  8. About 20 years ago I had a friend who called Ranch “fat kid soup”. I still use that nomenclature on occasion when appropriate.

    What’s the ranch to tamale ratio? Swimming or little squirt line on top? May check out the latter next time I’m feeling froggy.

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  9. Never go to the comments section of any news story if you're looking for well thought out, well tempered reactions. People think CR is a cesspool. It has nothing on Facebook and news story comments sections. 


    Holy shit, this.


    As someone who hopes The Eyes remains as a unifying message (document and discuss the song’s history and share the continued failings of the Texas Cowboys loudly) I’ve been reading article comments more than normal to view public opinion. I’m glad I never got access to www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts


    I hope Herman, CDC, and interim Pres can get folks unified quickly, because as others have pointed out I can see a few West Side overt racists co-opting our song and really dividing our fan base, alumni, and students/athletes. Pretty clear to me now that if The Eyes go away in an official capacity, it isn’t going away among all and that would become something terrible for our university.


  10. They tweaked a logo change they’ve had for less than 60 day, that has never been used during NCAA events. To be fair, not a lot of “tradition” changing there.
  11. 1) “will” and “can” are 2 different things.
    2) while I won’t encourage my kids to find work in O&G, I don’t see how/why historically low prices would cause a global shift away from hydrocarbons.
    3)Over supply, low consumption, and the resulting sustained low commodity prices may be hell on shitco and a huge hit to the majors for the next year(s), but demand isn’t going to zero and someone will own and produce the assets at their break-even prices.

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  12. Yep, what NAAL and twice said.

    Engineer that hasn’t worn dress shoes for a single day of my career in lieu of boots here.

    Getting harder to find khaki like slacks that fit the bill, and trim but not euro suits. Had to return several pairs of online ordered pants over the past few years that are too skinny cut at the bottom.

    I have exactly one western cut sport coat that I was sure I was going to wear all the time when I started my career. I’ve since found that as a 5th generation Texan and 3rd generation Longhorn and 3rd generation of oil&gas man whose parents raise longhorns and has dabbled in owning my own it doesn’t feel right. I don’t mind cheesing it up ever so often with that coat and bolo tie, but in reality I’m just a suburban middle class dude trying to raise a family, not “Tex” or “Slim” driving into the “Big D” from Southfork for a wedding.

    Be a Texan, but be yourself. Not a character you want to be. Nothing looks worse IMO than a guy in a cheap Stetson for no reason who can’t wear it. Same goes for the hipsters wearing matching exotic belts and boots with floral print shirts and skinny jeans [insert Ray Wylie - Port Aransas dope dealer joke here]

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  13. Whose wives carry?

    Mom lives in the country and has her LTC. Dad bought her a S&W 9mm Shield to practice (she was already comfortable enough to pass with Semi or revolver, imo), qualify, then carry. She carried the Shield a handful of times, tried a few different Sig and Glock semis from the safe, before ultimately switching back to a SW jframe snubby .38 that’s been her purse or traveling alone vehicle gun since the 80s.

    My wife isn’t licensed and shows little interest in doing so, but is well practiced on a S&W J-frames. We keep one bedside in a biometric (currently the 442 I gave her as a wedding present). While she has no interest in actual concealed carry while running errands or whatever, she has requested and taken revolvers on trips when she’s overnighting. She’s also requested confirmation on the location of buckshot ammo and 20ga or “her pistol” when I’m out of town. (I don’t travel as much anymore, but guns frequently cycle from our home to parent’s property safe where we most frequently hunt and shoot).

    Older sister would never think of have a gun in the home, and never ever on her person. Think she’s pulled the trigger of .22s and shotguns less than 10 times.

    Younger sister (married the guy who became my hunting partner) is comfortable around guns, but is in the leave a loaded shotgun in the safe when you’re out of town group. BIL is not LTC.

    That being said, IMO whatever is comfortable is what they’re going to stay with. I think my dad pressing my mom to try different semis with different carry techniques, holsters, safeties, laser grip locations just reinforced in her mind that old reliable Jframe goes boom where she points when she pulls the trigger. Also the fact that she’s had a “travel gun” for years and never had to think about pulling it reinforces her opinion she’ll never need more than 5 shots ( a slight point of contention between my parents when she got her license)

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