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Posts posted by TDunk


    2 minutes ago, AnonymousInternetPoster said:

    Well, I guess I should be happy that I've only been called a racist, a Nazi, a Russian and accused of being married to a cheating spouse in the past 3 hours.

    So, snowflake?

  2. 2 hours ago, ScottishHorn said:

    It's funny because Pelosi defended MS-13



    At a May 17 press conference, the day after Trump’s "animals" comment, Pelosi said"calling people animals is not a good thing" and defended "undocumented immigrants." She did not mention MS-13 gang members.

    Pelosi said "we're all God's children" and spoke about "a spark of divinity in every person on Earth."

    "And so when the president of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, ‘These aren't people. These are animals,’ you have to wonder, does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person? ‘These are not people. These are animals.’ The president of the United States," Pelosi said.

    White House spokesman Steven Cheung said in an emailed statement, "Pelosi either is peddling an out-of-context quote that mainstream media outlets have corrected or retracted (AP and CNN), or defending MS-13 gang members whose motto is rape, control, and kill."

    The White House said the "animals" term is language Trump has used before when talking about MS-13 gang members.

    Still, Pelosi did not defend MS-13 gang members or come out in their favor, as Trump claimed. She centered her comments on "undocumented immigrants" and rebuked using the word "animals" to refer to people.

    Our ruling

    Trump said Pelosi "came out in favor of MS-13."

    Trump’s claim is based on Pelosi’s criticism of Trump for using the word "animals" during an immigration meeting with California officials. Trump used that term after a sheriff spoke about MS-13 gang members.

    A day after Trump’s comment, Pelosi said "calling people animals is not a good thing" and defended "undocumented immigrants." Pelosi did not mention MS-13 gang members in her comments.

    While Trump blasted media reports and others for missing the context of his remarks, he did just that with Pelosi’s comment. We rate it False.


  3. 24 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


    To be fair, Japan has all sorts of advantages ------ and incentives ------ when it comes to infrastructure.  In terms of miles of roadways to maintain, for example, the U.S.  has almost 6 times the mile/kilometers of paved "regular"  roads and almost 8 times the mileage of freeways/highways to maintain, while having a population only a little more than three times that of Japan. Plus Japan's total area is smaller than that of California. 

    No Godzilla or blurry penis disease.  USA!  USA!

  4. Quote




    Vegetable prices may be going up soon, as a shortage of migrant workers is resulting in lost crops in California.

    Farmers say they’re having trouble hiring enough people to work during harvest season, causing some crops to rot before they can be picked. Already, the situation has triggered losses of more than $13 million in two California counties alone, according to NBC News.

    The ongoing battle about U.S. immigration policies is blamed for the shortage. The vast majority of California’s farm workers are foreign born, with many coming from Mexico. However, the PEW Research Center reports more Mexicans are leaving the U.S. than coming here.

    To make the jobs more attractive, farmers are offering salaries above minimum wage, along with paid time off and 401(k) plans, but even that’s not proving enough.

    It’s unclear exactly how widespread the labor shortage is for farmers throughout the country, which would have a bigger impact on prices consumers pay. Ultimately, drought and flooding have a more significant impact on farms. Low oil prices could also offset any impact of the worker shortage.

    But for farmers, who have seen net farm income fall 50% since 2013, any lost income could be potentially devastating.


  5. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Probably shredded all record of his Blockbuster account. You know a dick like that didn’t rewind ANY of his movies, and he thinks he can skip out in a couple hunnert in penalties. Not so fast, fucker...

    Wouldn't you with titles of "Good Will Humping", "You've got Male", "Willy Wanker and the Fudge Packing Factory", "Oklahomo!", and "Yank My Doodle, It's a Dandy"?  

  6. The New Testament revealed Jesus' two main commandments.  Matthew:

    Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

    38 This is the first and great commandment.

    39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

    40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    • Like 3
  7. 5 hours ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I made two arguments, and I stand by both.  You didn't get the first exactly correct.

    1. The meeting on empowering women was not important for substance.  It's all about show.  It was not about empowering women.  It was about home politics.

    2. Trump insulted Macron by not showing for his speech.  Both guys have a burr up their ass about trade and ego.

    I believe both 1 and 2.  They don't conflict.

    Empowering women not of substance



    An estimated 75 million children, many of them girls, are out of school in 35 conflict-affected countries around the world, according to the UN children's agency Unicef.

    In conflict situations, girls are 2.5 times more likely than boys to not be in school.

    Some of the larger commitments were made by the UK, which said it would invest $250m, and the World Bank, which said it would contribute $2bn over five years.

    Canada said it was committing almost $310m over three years.

    According to the government statement, investments will support global action to:

    Equip women and girls with the skills needed for the jobs of the future

    Improve training for teachers to provide a better curriculum for women and girls

    Improve the quality of available data on women's and girls' education

    Promote greater coordination between humanitarian and development partners

    Support innovative education methods, especially for vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups, including refugees and displaced people

    Support developing countries in efforts to provide equal opportunities for girls to complete at least 12 years of quality education, from primary to secondary school


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