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Posts posted by TDunk

  1. 53 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Our society, and the political boards here and elsewhere, have moved from caring about problems and trying to solve them to insulting the other side in the most attention-getting and meanest way possible. It’s not very productive and it just causes emotional distress in everyone. The immaturity is amazing.

    So the R's destroy norms and act like assholes.  Then when The D's recognize that trying to be reasonable and abide by the norms aren't working, they resort to "immaturity".  Now it is unproductive.  So, cool.  

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  2. 46 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    Yeah that's not really persuasive. A bunch of his "stings" have failed, and that's what you're showing. Nobody argues the contrary. He "lies" to get people to say things they wouldn't otherwise say, you know, like how Google feels obligated to stop the Trump thing from ever happening again. 

    You're really close to the truth here. Being "skeptical of James O'Keefe" is entirely reasonable. This thread exists not because O'Keefe merits skepticism, but because a large number of people are "skeptical" of conservative outlets but at the same time believe anything put out by the NY Times, the BBC, the WaPo, etc. All of them merit skepticism. They are all selling an editorial position/bias. 

    O'Keefe put out a piece last week from a Pinterest insider, who provided documents demonstrating bias at Pinterest. This week he put out documents from Google, showing clear and deliberate political bias in their editorial choices. It was news, in fact, that they have an "editorial policy". No telephone company ever had an editorial policy. 

    They are putting their thumb on the scale in a way that makes the Russia interference seem like a speck of dust in Google's sandstorm.

    They aren't banning conservative speech, they're banning free speech. It's not some crazy accident Elizabeth Warren is under attack. They're unpersoning a bunch of people. It's evil. It's Orwellian. What do you call it when a private company controls your democracy? Fascism. Government-Corporate partnership. A government negotiating with a monopsony corporation is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner. Nobody represents you and me.


    Box.  Pinterest equals election interference.  

  3. 5 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    Well I think it’s pretty telling that Obama didn’t immediately endorse Biden.

    Barack gonna keep his powder dry until the nominee is obvious.

    He’s not going to want to be seen as putting his finger on the scale and he can’t back a loser in the primaries.

    But Biden is the only candidate he could plausibly endorse early without people going apeshit.

    But he still isn’t doing it.


    Barack Obama's White House deputy chief of staff Alyssa Mastromonaco slammed Joe Biden's latest pitch for bipartisanship, saying that some people (like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell) just can't be shamed into working together.

    The former vice president was speaking at the Poor People's Campaign forum in Washington D.C. on Monday when he was asked by MSNBC's Joy Reid how he would get his Democratic agenda past Republican leaders if he is elected in 2020.

    "I know you're one of the ones who thinks it's naive to say we have to work together," Biden replied. "The fact of the matter is if we can't get a consensus nothing happens except the abuse of power by the executive."

    The 2020 Democratic hopeful went on to say that there are "certain things where it just takes a brass knuckle fight" to get things done and that "you can shame people into doing things the right way."

    Mastromonaco, who served as the deputy chief of staff for operations in the Obama administration from 2011 to 2014, responded to Biden's comments via Twitter on Monday afternoon.

    "Maybe you can shame people. you can't shame McConnell. it would be dope to find a path to greater bipartisanship but this isn't that path," she wrote. 


    Uncle Joe knows best

    Edit: *Bolded because she is lily white and should get the Buscemi skateboard.jpeg


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  4. 21 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    No he won’t. I’m going to use all my power as the prince of whales to assure that won’t happen. I’ve gotten the entire sea world empire at my back so we should be good. I’ll keep you updated though. 

    As long as the sperm whale is not utilized anymore, this might be good news.  Also, he is kind of a blue whale.  But then again, they are all wetback whales.  So...

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