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Mitch Hedberg

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Everything posted by Mitch Hedberg

  1. We can block all the potential AL playoff contenders except Minn and Toronto. Will be interesting to see how far any of them fall
  2. https://x.com/jeffpassan/status/1696632481099755613?s=46&t=0NSPXsQuydBFNWpJIm0EQw
  3. Almost had the best lineup. Just had to thrown one curve ball.
  4. Lmao…that’s funny because I don’t think I’ve ever used it before because it’s usually said by some numb nuts on some Meet The Press or something. But I just felt it man! 😂
  5. Brantley activated, Julks optioned, Jake Cousins DFA. we just didn’t need another Jake.
  6. Dusty hasn’t talked to Brantley’s dad yet.
  7. Any playoff spot decided by a committee and not won in a pre-determined way set out by rules, IE in every other level of football from peewee to pro, is fucking stupid. Play your way in or out. Letting fat ass writers, coaches or anyone “choose” who gets in just chaps my ass. Playoffs should not be decided by money, favoritism or media. Full stop. I know I’m in the minority. And I’m old and have never liked polls in any way besides some beer talk. The idiocy of polls is on display every year when teams are ranked higher than teams with the same record that beat them. They decide nothing. And I’m out.
  8. He can’t be on the playoff roster at this rate. Where would you trust him to pitch?
  9. By all accounts Brantley should be back Tuesday or Wednesday. Which would mean for Verlanders next start, assuming Dubon in center and Maldy catching, that leaves Yordan, Diaz, Brantley and Chas for the LF and DH spots. I wanted a better bench but not because we don’t start our best players.
  10. Wtf Gallo. That may be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all year. That’s saying something.
  11. Ghosts of Astros past. Keuchel helping us out and Correa and Vazquez shitting the bed with RISP.
  12. Well ledge…until next time. I’m back baby!
  13. I did start to mention something about this being about the time last year that he had the hand soreness and what not but I wasn’t going to jinx him. I have a knack for Murphy-ing shit up. But since y’all brought it up…He needs to drink some milk or something.
  14. Maldonado and Dubon have more home runs than Yordan since Aug 6. And I have as many as Yordan.
  15. Until and unless Brantley comes back and can play left, this is our best lineup
  16. If we miss the playoffs by a couple games there will be enough “what if” and “should have” material for 50 pages added to this thread. The first day.
  17. It makes no sense to put the guy who supposedly can’t hit left handed pitching behind two left hand batters who will most likely see left handed relievers. Especially when the guy behind him loves left handed pitching. I’m not even sure Dusty believes his own bullshit.
  18. Maybe the pitchers being relaxed is the reason for their shit show. A little urgency and focus might do them some good.
  19. We’re gonna need to have weekly meetings.
  20. I don’t know what company makes those pitch coms but they should be fired.
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