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Anwar Namtut

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Posts posted by Anwar Namtut

  1. 10 minutes ago, Anwar Namtut said:

    My own front yard - knew I wouldn't quite make in the house to the bathroom returning from a run. 

    Also, ex's bathroom when first dating. Plugged it was was too embarrassed to say anything. They never said anything to me, either

    Meant to include a couple of days later my daughter said "there's a giant poop in the yard by the gate!" Went out to pretend to look and just said "That must have been a giant dog." Then mulched it at the next mowing.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 4
  2. The name "Everest" is clearly Danish.

    Somewhat related, but wife's side of the family are Danish so that makes my kids 1/64th or whatever. Anyhoo, my daughter's sixth grade female teacher insisted that people from Denmark are Dutch. That sixth grade teacher is someone's wife. 

    • Haha 4
  3. 6 minutes ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    I'm not actually counting on being 'able' to retire.  But at some point the ageism will catch up to me I'm sure.  I should probably get back to working on my Spanish (wife is fluent).  Or seemingly Portuguese.  Portugal seems to be making a 'retire here' push lately.

    I've also looked at Portugal. From what I've read, pretty reasonable cost of living compared to the rest of Europe even in coastal areas, great climate, etc.

  4. 2 hours ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    I have posted it too many times but I left Texas  at the tail end of 2019 having lived there all my life.  Left Austin specifically.   I chose Bend, OR and put a bid in on a house exactly when Covid started shutting everything down.  At the time we panicked because plenty were predicting a housing crash.  Instead prices have shot up so much I couldn’t afford to buy the house we are in.

    I love it here, and am grateful every day for the life I have.  There are some “but’s.”  You will find it is harder to make good friends.   You don’t have the shared history of your long time friends to lean on.  Sure, you can make acquaintances.  But deep friendships?  Challenging, and Covid didn’t help. I am lucky in that I consider my nuclear family my best friends.  But still, would be nice to have a pal or two to really hang out with.

    If you are moving for political reasons, well yeah Texas is awful.  But there is plenty of crazy/stupid everywhere.  And that State government you might be OK with is an election cycle or two from changing.  Also, the Supreme Court is  going to seriously wreck this country over the next few years, imo.  So there won’t be a place to hide.

    Texas weather was maybe a bigger factor for me than politics at the time.

    While I love it here, I am have no idea where we go when retirement age hits.  I would look heavily at stable governments with universal health care. I am pretty terrified of some health misfortune bankrupting my family one day.


    Now I know why you have Mt. Bachelor as your avatar.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/30/2022 at 1:02 AM, Superhero said:

    Don’t say shit like that. That’s bad juju.

    It’s like telling the guy in the foxhole with you that by golly, you’re going home to marry your high school sweetheart Emma Mae and raise a family. You know he’s next to get blowed up.

    Kinda joking, but good luck and stay safe. My buddy’s wife is a teacher and got Covid 2nd day back from Christmas. Fully vaccinated but no booster shot. She felt like dogshit for a few days. This omicron doesn’t fuck around. 

    My wife got it almost two weeks ago. She's vaccinated but didn't get around to getting boosted. She said it was the sickest she's ever been and still has a bit of brain fog. I got boosted in December and I tested negative, but it was a self-test and I had a bit of a sore throat so I'm sure I had it. Other than the mild sore throat, I felt fine.

  6. 2 hours ago, texashorne said:

    Years ago my wife backed out of the driveway and into my F150. It was dark outside, so it was my fault.. I had foolishly purchased a truck that was navy 2 years earlier and parked it in the same spot I always park it in.  Apparently when you have a navy truck, it blends into the night like the Predator blends into the jungle. 

    My daughter backed into my two-month old at the time F150 because she didn't want to go on the grass. She only had her learner's permit at the time, but still... She's off to a good start!

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