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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 9 hours ago, Pods said:

    It's going to be Kavanaugh. He's the biggest proponent of executive power. He'll vote that Trump can't be investigated. 


    Yup Kananaugh, the philosophical purist who once helped lead the Clinton impeachment over a BJ, and who now opposes any presidential investigations will be the pick.  In other news, the hens have elected the fox as their new head of security.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Vince_McCoy_Williams said:


    Also, forcing someone to buy insurance or face a mandatory penalty is an invasion of liberty. So I think you have that a bit twisted, as it has nothing to do with cost of premiums and everything to do with the government forcing you to buy a product or face a penalty. 

    I would agree with this if when the person who refuses to buy insurance is given no care and allowed to die when he gets in a car wreck or has a heart attack and needs said insurance.  Instead, he gets the care he would have had with or without insurance and now that 200k bill is passed on to me via higher premiums or higher taxes.  So now my individual freedom is being infringed because I have to pay for individuals bad decisions....but I guess this kind of welfare is ok.  

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  3. 4 hours ago, swraith said:

    So I guess the rumors of her resignation never panned out. Anybody putting odds on how long her tenure lasts as WH press secretary ?

    If you read the original story, the prediction is that she will resign by years end, so not fake news yet.


    I am not generally in favor or kicking people out of public businesses for anything less than blatant violations of social norms, however if the GOP is going to fight for the right to exclude gays, and others from public businesses, then I give zero shits if they are excluded for being assholes.  

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  4. Dear trumpkin,

    So you keep claiming the policy of mentally abusing toddlers was the same under Obama, which we all know is gas lighting BS, but lets say it was.  Why weren’t you outraged then?  I don’t remember any threads being started on here about Obama abusing toddlers.    Instead I remember outrage about a pizza parlor and some emails, but you had a real example of Obama abusing toddlers and you just sat on that?  Also, the republican congress knew of real crimes against humanity being performed by the O administration and no hearings or fanning moral outrage by the party of precious family values and value of life?  You are only now upset at Obama once we noticed a inhumane policy being  continued (according to you) by DOTARD?  You trumpkins made a scandle out of a tan suit, arugula, and some mustard but you were saving this in your back pocket for a later date??  Really?  

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, TSipper said:

    I hope pictures keep getting out in the media, drive the point home to anybody looking to come to this country that they are not welcome and that they should stay home after their husband beats the hell out of them. Take it up with the local police, don't bring that shit here.

    Fuck yea TSip!  You know what will really end this immigration shit, lets slit those brown baby’s throats right there at the border.  Women running from your abusive husband or gang rape?   We can line up all those brown ladies and have ICE beat the shit out of them right there!  Take that you brown crying fuckers!  In fact...lets gas them!  Bodies piles up high to make a big beautiful wall!  MAGA! 

  6. 8 hours ago, formermav43 said:

    Money changers, not tax collectors. And as for rebellion to the law...no. Quite the contrary.


    *This is not an endorsement of hijacking Scripture like Sessions/Sanders. It’s just this is wrong too.

    I admit I am no biblical scholar so I admit my initial statement is not 100% accurate but neither is it completely wrong.  As with most things biblical, Jesus was contradictory when it came to this issue.  Yes he made statements that encouraged obeying man’s laws, but he also spoke of higher law and God’s law.  Most importantly, he and his followers certainly were not adverse to breaking laws and disobeying legal authorities if they felt they needed to.. pretty sure thats how he ended up on going that cross.  Furthermore,  In it’s infancy,  Christianity was against the law in some places, and from my recollection, the early followers of Christianity were protrayed as heroic, not as criminals in the bible.  The larger point is that pointing at the Bible, and saying that it’s overwhelming message is that one must obey laws, even if immoral or unjust, is incorrect. 

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  7. 57 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    You guys sure get mighty sensitive when somebody points out that your Betito is doing typical democrat politician shit with his "omg somebody think of the children" nonsense. 











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  8. But Giuliani’s comments went beyond ......

    “I respect all human beings. I even have to respect, you know, criminals”. “But I’m sorry, I don’t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman, or a woman of substance, or a woman who has great respect for herself as a woman, and as a person. And isn’t going to sell her body for sexual exploitation. “She has no reputation. If you’re going to sell your body for money, you just don’t have a reputation.”


    So now they are going after Melania...  sad!

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  9. 59 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Yes there is.  And that's the point.  The Dems can, and do,  take up hours and hours with each appointee.The GOP can eventually stop it but unless they change the rules the Dems can chew up the calendar.  From the time a person is nominated till the time he's confirmed is taking about three months if he's a priority.

    Oh no. .. a couple of hours to consider appointments..some of which are lifetime?   That's horrible!   For some reason I don't remember your outrage at O's appointments being blocked for years.

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