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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. Never donated to a political race in my life.  My local races are not close and will not be swayed.  Just gave $250 directly to Biden and plan to give about $1000 more this cycle.  This shit changes so fast and it’s difficult to wade through all the different threads to figure out where dems can realistically flip a race with some resources.  What are some national races where some money can actually currently make a difference?

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  2. 3 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    But it isn't a hospital. It's a private prison. Are we sure they have the same standards? I'd bet strongly against it. If the doctor gets to bill LaSalle Corrections for every procedure then he might be inclined to perform unnecessary procedures, especially in an atmosphere of limited oversight where no one in the hierarchy really gives a shit about the well being of the detainees. 

    I don't know. I want to know more. I hope the story is overblown. But we have a president who has referred to brown people from south of our border as "breeders" and if it turns out that there's some zealot doctor performing unnecessary sterilizations on those people for financial and ideological gain then we shouldn't be terribly shocked. 

    We still have very limited reporting on the story. Given everything we've seen about how the Trump administration conducts business, and inspires a callous and racist view of migrants, it sounds easy to believe. But we have to be extra skeptical whenever we're presented with a thinly sourced story that just "feels" true. 

     Ok its not a hospital but the point stands.  There is no “lone wolf” ob-gyn doing hysterectomies by himself.  There is a team of med professionals including other docs like the anesthesiologists and highly skilled nurses and scrub techs.  Sure, I guess they could all be fucked up psychopaths who turn a blind eye but seems highly unlikely if you know how things work in medicine.  There is ALWAYS, and I mean always a nurse or tech looking for a reason to turn you in for some perceived slight, much less crimes against humanity. 

  3. 7 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Well for one it would be really odd for only one doctor to be calling the shots on a lot of patients getting hysterectomies from consult/referral to postop care - now I’m sure if it could happen anywhere in the US it would likely be in that type of situation.  I’m just saying I doubt it.  I never said it was impossible.  I’ll stick by highly unlikely.  I can actually walk you through a similar pizza gate scenario that would be plausible if you don’t stray from the points and parameters I insist on.  


    7 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

    The anesthesiologist(s) would have to be in on it IMO if it is a large scale operation. They can tell you which surgeons stretch their indications and what is alleged here is WAY beyond that. A bunch of young healthy women getting hysterectomies and they come in with guards? All kinds of red flags there

    The pre op, scrub and OR nurses and pacu nurses all have pretty advanced bullshit detectors as well  

    Do we know how many hysterectomies were done and over what time interval?

    Exactly this.   Real life isn't like on TV where one doctor sees the patient in the ER, reads the imaging, does the complex surgery and is also is in charge of all the rehab.   There is an entire team of medical professionals at each step.   I can’t even take a shit at the hospital without some nurse supervisor or tech threatening to report me to administration.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    That doesn’t seem like a denial. 

    Of course it is!  It doesn’t get any more of a complete denial than that.  Its just like after 9/11, when we  started hearing that Bin Ladin might be involved with the attacks.  Sure, at first there was some worrisome and concerning intel, but not enough “to connect the final dot” or anything “actionable”.  That’s why we just attributed it all as liberal hoax based on “anonymous sources” and gave up the entire investigation.

  5. 51 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    FOX is losing a step.  Go ahead and give your target audience what they want!  
    “ABC declares Guerrilla Warefare On Trump”

    ”ABC tries to get Trump to slip on Banana”

    “ABC monkeys around with Trump”


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  6. 6 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    They view scientists as “the elite”. They don’t even know why they are supposed to hate them, just some vague, nebulous threat to their egos. It’s fucking detached from logic. 

     scientists gave us cell phones and the internet including Facebook/Twitter, so the hate is not entirely unjustified 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 11 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    Had my first Biden sign stolen out of my yard today while I was at the store.    Wonder how pissed they were when I put a new one out within an hour of them swiping the first.   I hope they keep coming.  I have about 40 more to go.  Cowardly fucks.   Had two Beto signs destroyed in 18.


    Buy some capsaicin hot pepper wax spray and spray the sign.  They will be in for a treat when they wipe their eyes or take a piss.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Who the fuck falls for this shit?  Unbelievable. 

    Pubs have a significant built in advantage since their base is uneducated , low IQ, lack critical thinking skills and easily frightened/manipulated.  Even the ones that understand it’s BS are ethically challenged as to not be offended at such transparent shittery.   Just imagine how easy your job would be if your clientele had purchasing power, but lacked any ability to analyze your sales pitch.

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