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Horn Dog

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Horn Dog

  1. 1 hour ago, Ghost of LL said:

    Careful about PR—it’s not necessarily Democratic.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Good point.  Ok how about every city with a population greater than Wyoming gets to become its own state.

  2. 8 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    The reality is she failed. Who was to blame can be argued about all day but that was a great time to reform it and she blew it. She was in charge. You don’t get to not get blamed for failure when you are in charge. 



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  3. 1 hour ago, Snake Diggity said:

    4-4??  Isn’t is currently a 5-3 conservative court?  This is what I don’t understand.  Trump should wait until after the election to nominate, in order to improve his odds of keeping the Senate.  If he loses, he push his guy through and the lame duck senate can help him.  If he wins, he can postponed the nomination until his 2nd term to score points with moderate republicans.

    This is why I am on Team Mitch on this one.  If 4 Repubs grow a conscious and stop this then everyone is gonna be satisfied and talk about how decorum is back and the dems will not have any backbone to do what needs to actually happen...take the gloves off and fight barefisted.   Instead the court will stay 5-4 with Robert giving the occasional bone to the left but ruling with the right on the important shit.  What does it matter if they rule 6-3 instead of 5-4?  Losing these cases is losing.   We need them to spark nationwide outrage so dems can actually win instead of barely lose.   So..... Go Mitch!  Do it and do it soon!

  4. Exactly.  The rules allow congress, with the consent of the pres, and to make new laws,  expand the court, and add new states.  So when you are at home scratching your itchy twat in a year over the Justice AOC appointment, please refer to this post.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Calihorn said:

    Ram down every piece of liberal legislation down their fucking spine. GND, gun control, universal healthcare, the Dream Act. All. Of. It.

    Exactly.   I understand the despair, but the Repub overplaying their hand could be the best thing that ever happened to the Dems.  The Dems were never going to accomplish anything till they realize that the rules are gone.  We can’t have a repeat of Obama’s first 2 years of being played and stalled by the Rs while trying to get “bipartisanship support.”  We need a brutal ass fucking to truly understand  that politics is no longer consensual.    

    Day one-  make DC and PR states.   You have now secured the Senate for generations.  
    Day two-  pack the court. You have now eliminated conservative judicial activism from overturning the will of congress.

    Day three-  increase the size of HOR for proportional representation.  You have now secured the House for generations.

    Day four-  address political gerrymandering, pass voting right act, and address Citizens United.  You have now secured the Presidency for decades.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    Man I did not expect the negative rep I got here. I was speaking very matter of factly and not gloating.  Under the current rules I would fully expect the Dems to do exactly what McConnell purports to do. Perhaps the procedures for appointments need to change. 

    Anyway, while there is absolutely nothing fair about politics or life, I’m sorry I clearly offended people who are fearful right now. For what it’s worth I will not be voting for Trump for a second consecutive election. 

    You are correct.  Under the “current rules” McConnell and Trump can fill the post.  Lets forget for a moment that under those same “current rules” McConnell refused to allow Obama the same thing.  Thats fine.  Lets just be very clear that this is the criteria going forward.  We no longer care about compromise, respect of precedent  or “giving a little to get a little” as has been the political practice of this country for nearly its entire existence. Cause under the “current rules”, if the dems win the prez and senate they can make DC and PR a state, pack the court, and pass enact any way they see fit.  As long as we are clear on that, and you and your “conservative” cohorts are willing to accept that, then fire away!  

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  7. 6 hours ago, lemonlime said:

    Hell, I just about never give to politicians.  I always figure I could donate the money to charity and it would be better spent.  But I gave to a few candidates.  I've spent my money on far more wasteful stuff than getting Joni Ernst out.

    Same here.  Have never donated a penny to a politician.  Have now donated to 3 candidates (Biden, Greenfield, and Harrison) and plan to donate more.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:

    I’m starting to not worry as much about winning this election. 

    independemts are going to see this country shifting so far to the right because of the courts alone that they will overwhelmingly vote for Biden. Trumps crappy 40% base can’t outweigh a bunch of pissed off democrats and independents.

    i know the damage is done because Ginsburg didn’t make it, but I see relief coming in a few months. 

    This is where I am.  Let them do it...all of it.  Appoint your justice, kill Obama Care, outlaw abortion and equal rights. Do it!  Then watch the opposite and equal reaction occur, and hopefully it won’t be equal.  Immediately pack the courts and make DC and PR states.  Then get right to work on campaign reform and Gerrymandering.  They won’t be back in power for generations.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    I thought so.  Thanks.  Makes me ragey.  I don’t have a huge dog in that fight as I’m not a ‘minority’, woman or gay, but I want them to have equal rights to myself and not have the government dictate how they can treat their bodies...and think it’s ridiculous how strongly some people want to meddle in the lives of others while screaming about socialism.  

    I wonder how many heads would explode if you went to a Trump rally with a sign that says:

    “Defund Socialism!  (This includes the police, Medicare, Social Security, and The University of Texas)”

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  10. 14 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    The same party that couldn’t pass a fucking public option with total control of the federal government is going to expand SCOTUS for god knows what reason. Lmao. Y’all are no better than the Fox News watching chuds y’all love to belittle. 

    Under normal circumstances you would be absolutely right.  The Dems are pussies who are too concerned with decorum to do anything bold.  This is exactly why I want Mitch to do this.  Get your 6-3 court.  Then watch the outrage of the populace explode.  The pressure on the dems to retaliate, and retaliate big will be overwhelming.  It will be glorious to watch.

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  11. 1 minute ago, yoladu said:

    they are floating the "hilarious" idea of Trump nominating a black conservative woman for the court to make liberals heads explode. They keep asking certainly there is one... but no on can seem to come up with a name.

     Black face Ted and change name to Tedisha Cruz.  Done.

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  12. 1 minute ago, HRSchenker said:

    Logistically speaking, could the Dems block a nominee at all?

    No.  Nor should they.  Let the Pubs do their thing so we can rip the bandaid off and there will be no excuse for fighting back with the same ruthlessness that only the pubs can pull off up to this point.

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  13. 1 minute ago, horncyclist said:

    Yeah, Trump uses this and then rams through whoever regardless of outcome. Democrats better use it too.

    Yup.  If this doesn’t motivate young people to get out at vote that piece  of shit out of office they deserve the world they will inherit.

    And let Mitch and Dotard install someone after the election.  The pressure to pack the court will be overwhelming.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    Anyone know if this is a predominantly Republican or Democrat area?  Curious if all these people are lined up on the first to day to vote Trump out of office or to vote for their Trump lord to stay in office.  

    Pretty sure Richmond is D territory.  As a generalization, anywhere there are actual people in VA is going to be Dem heavy.  The R areas are mainly rural

    2 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:

    People in Virginia are smart. They make tons of money, they’re very educated, and the republicans tricks never fool them. That state is getting bluer and bluer. I freaking love it.

    True.  Moved to VA a few years ago after spending my entire life in Texas.  It is truly refreshing to be around educated people and have a state government that isn’t actively trying to prove government is the enemy.  Public schools are good, people actually have health insurance, and local government is responsive.  Yea paying state income tax sucks, but my property tax and  sales tax are a fraction of what i paid in TX and are basically a wash.  

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