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Everything posted by pied

  1. overall fine but not spectacular performance imo. Three points is three points, top of the league and home unbeaten streak in tact.
  2. only thing I can think of is the var review which doubly sucks.
  3. That kiss was a weird situation, and the second time she's reacted when there was any sort of delay. She's nuts, and even though he's a dolt, Yosef's point wasn't terrible. There are lines, this is the Bachelorette, but I can see a group naked dodgeball being a question.
  4. I think they do the recap when during the game when you're logged into their app. they suck.
  5. In other news Ajax was up 2-0, but Atalanta has pulled even.
  6. guess they had a big pregame meal. woof
  7. Four hungry guys up front makes sense with five subs.
  8. Have to admit, I was meh on the Jota signing, but he’s been very very good.
  9. Ref gave the foul then checked amd determined he was on the line which is part of the penalty area, so a penalty.
  10. This is the kind of game that screams for Thiago, but this lineup is sexy.
  11. Forgot about that. I get it, if it's like a final four or so date. Brutal if the first date that you know like nothing about them.
  12. Yeah, agree with her attitude, but that was a stupid thing to say if you don't have something to support it.
  13. This is one I'll give to her. That might have been ok, except he opened up the conversation with ~"as soon as I heard it was you , I had to apply!" and then crickets, if you have any game make something up at least.
  14. He can, but he makes you nervous as hell too.
  15. Hendo on for Jones instead of Milner. A little surprised at that. Five subs it appears so expect a couple at 60.
  16. glad to see one of Milner/Henderson, but Milner and JOnes? They've earned enough credit from me, but I wouldn't have predicted that one. Go get some Curtis!
  17. Elliott on loan to Blackburn. Rather he stay, but with no LC games, his time would be limited.
  18. Jota/Minamino/Thiago look to be good reinforcements.
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