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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by midtown

  1. Sometimes I wonder how any of us over 40 were able to go anywhere without phones. Paper maps, AM/FM radio/cassettes and beating the shit out of your siblings while your mom threatened to murder you ifyou didnt calm down
  2. I have my plate in the tow hook. The front splitter is way too low for a bracket under.
  3. Dave Ramsey is a used car salesman that took a well known debt reduction strategy and attached religion to it and got rich. He has no business giving financial advice what so ever. This is like taking compassion advice from Joel Olsteen
  4. Im getting a UT plate that says 2.112 GPA
  5. couldnt tell you but definitely not fast at all. the yellowtail we picked up was within probably a 500 yeards for the marina.
  6. Am i the only one that thought the double hands to the face on Son should have been a foul?
  7. Yeah that was coming Not getting a goal from Son was going to bite ua
  8. I'm up. Saw the first goal from bed. We must be leading the league in cards at this point
  9. As a mustang owner I take offense to this
  10. It was obvious from the begining that our starting 11 were excellent but we do not have the depth to compete with injuiries to key players but let's see what Ang can pull off.
  11. I'll be flying home from Nicaragua. No peacock for sure
  12. Did a half day here in San Juan de Nicaragua. It's kind of off season but two small Dorado females, a small yellowtail and a bonita.
  13. Back from Nicaragua I should have taken a taxi directly out of Managua. Pretty much nothing there. Granada is cool. Ometepe might be my new favorite place in the world. Ometepe seems like a place you could hide out if you were running from the law. San Juan is a good spot as well. I actually stayed in Maderas which is about 20 mins into town. It's pretty quiet but close to Playa Maderas where I took some surfing lessons. Was a pain to get into town for fishing on Saturday. And the roads around Maderas are dirt and then mud. It was supposed to rain all week but other than evening thunderstorms since its' rainy season the weather was fantastic. Mosquitos are a big time issue and the govt fumagates like crazy. It smells like diesel exhuast all the time Things are cheaper than CR but not exactly dirt cheap. Beers are a tad over a dollar. Credit card use is few and far so lots of cash but there are ATMs even in little Ometepe. You can get local or they will actually spit out USD People are really nice and I felt completely safe Nicaragua is going after the digital nomad business. They are building a Freeway from Costa Rica to El Salvador. The say it will be done next year but lol. That's ilke saying 35 will be done tomorrow This is now a top 10 country for me. I'll definitely go back. As someone said about it's still got some massive infrastructure issues. Lost power a few times but usually not for long.
  14. Whew And definitely a hand ball cost us a clean sheet
  15. This looks like a squad that just played Monday
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