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Posts posted by Bozo_Casanova

  1. 2 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    That’s a pretty serious travel schedule.  Smart to try to cut into the margins the GOP has with the small town and rural voters.  I don’t remember, but I doubt Wendy Davis ever toured around like that.

    Wouldn't want to scuff up the ol' pink Nikes

  2. Hold up - inflation isn't "bad", provided that it's controlled* and slower than the rate of economic growth.  My point wasn't that the cuts were bad because they were inflationary, my point was that because they are, the Fed will have to contain inflation by raising rates (which was the plan all along), which will in turn dampen the stimulus effect of the cuts.




    * That's what Central banks do. 

  3. Conservatives seem to think government spending is guaranteed to cause inflation but tax cuts have no impact on it at all.

    Conservatives don’t think that, that’s just Republicans.

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  4. The question is not whether stimulus stimulates. The question is only whether the stimulus pays for itself. If it doesn't, it's ultimately a net drag on growth. These cuts, like the 2001 and 2003 cuts* will  structurally expand the deficit and the national debt. The corporate rate cuts were too large and the individual changes are just ridiculous. and while it will provide some modest level of stimulus, the Fed will effectively dampen it by raising the cost of money to contain inflation. 




    * I predicted that, accurately, at the time back on Hornfans. @TahoeHorn, I seem to recall that you argued with me about that and suggested that we wait and see. Do you still think they were smart?

  5. I had some Thomas Handy Sazerac and William Larue Weller last night at the JW Marriott Hill Country, put it on the Underhill’s tab.

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  6. It is annoying that Comey will probably come out of this thing looking good, when he is probably more responsible than any other individual in America for Trump's election. It wasn't his intention, and I think he was trying to do what he saw as the closest-to-right thing in a bad situation, but he's going to publicly skate in the court of public opinion and he shouldn't.

    One crazy prediction: James Comey will be a short list candidate for Attorney General in the next Democratic administration, along with Adam Schiff.

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  7. Thats because you're going to vote for a pro-gun protectionist instead of someone who pays lip service to gun control (while doing nothing), but is pro free trade. Wulaw is going to vote for a ______________* who claims to be pro life.




    *Except ‘asshole’**


















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  8. lulz...
    Europeans up until 2016:  "Americans think they are better than everyone else."
    Europeans after 2016: "Americans are now just as shitty as we are."

    You’re not wrong.

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  9. Very impressed with the deployment of But Trump and But Hillary combos in a thread about a Kennedy.
    Well done gentlemen. 
    You should have just left it at "order that has guaranteed American hegemony", because we don't give a shit about democracy unless it aligns in a particular case to our hegemonic interests.     

    I chose my words carefully, note that I said “standard bearer” and not something more active.

    Nevertheless, the idea of what the United States represents, even so imperfectly, is important as a source of inspiration globally.

    That was my big takeaway last year in Italy: they were sad, because they felt the United States had become more like them.

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  10. I celebrate his entire catalog - when the time comes for romance, this is like the Sex Panther of Burt Bacharach numbers.





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  11. The difference is I don't think Trump is anything more than he is.  Hillary voters, believed that thoroughly corrupt POS Hillary was a good choice for president.

    That’s false and utterly ridiculous. There was almost no Democratic enthusiasm for Clinton. She couldn’t even run away from a 74 year old Yankee who isn’t even a Democrat. Most people who voted for Clinton voted for her for the same reason many Republicans voted for Trump: they thought she was the lesser of two evils. The difference is that the Clinton voters who thought that were right.


    You, on the other hand, (on the basis of “corruption,” no less) voted for a man who is abandoning our role as the global standard bearer of Democracy and the international rules-based order that has guaranteed American hegemony for 75 years, not mention running an administration less respectful of basic ethical standards than any in living memory.



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  12. MJ not in someone’s top 3; that’s a new one for me.

    It’s honestly debatable. Personally I go back and forth about MJ or Magic, but the top 5 or so is a very tight group. I went with my top 8 because the’ve al got a legit case for top 3.



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