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Posts posted by Dropout

  1. 3 hours ago, Swam@Texas said:

    1) They are elected officials with clearly understood adversarial agendas, not law enforcement officials who are tasked with objectively acting on behalf of the American people.

    2) So if there was no problem with Strzok's texts, why did Mueller dismiss him?

    1) Objectively is to put aside ones feelings and personal opinion. What task did Strozk not objectively act on? His text messages are not an act on behalf of the American people. That’s not his job it’s his personal opinion. When did those opinions cause him not to objectively act?

    2) So when Mueller a lifetime R nails every member of this administration people like you have absolutely nothing to point to. A fools errand fools errand is obvious.

    2 hours ago, AnonymousInternetPoster said:

    Yes, because they would be a proven liar.  Not just a proven liar, but a a proven liar to the person closest to them.

    When a man lies, he murders some part of the world.  Cheating on your spouse is the ultimate lie.

    Donald Trump probably going down in history as the ultimate proven liar. He is attempting to murder the world every time he opens his mouth I’ll give you that. Has cheated on a few wives multiple times. So far gone past Strozk.

    2 hours ago, AnonymousInternetPoster said:

    I think the commie pinko bedwetters are just getting warmed up.  I haven't even been instructed to "rape my mother"...yet.

    Commie from the guy defending the administration that defends and seemingly protects our actual historic Communist adversary. If your father could see you now...

    47 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    These hearings are so stupid.  Everyone’s bias is confirmed.  The only real gotcha of the last 10 years was in retrospect when we discovered Clapper had lied when directly asked about surveillance. Otherwise it’s all posturing. 

    But, the boomer has a point.  Someone who got busted leading a double life banging their coworker inherently has a ding against their honesty.  Period.  I hold Trump to the same standard but he wasn’t testifying under oath today in Congress.  Sorry, when he says he was let go by Mueller for perception of bias instead of bias with those text messages, majority of piece imo go of course he was biased.  Bs.

    But...that’s just my bias.  This is all a big circle jerk. 

    It’s like we need to relearn the English language. I’ll admit Strozk was bias when Mueller releases his findings and finds no cooperation with the Russian government. Oh you say something like 5 or 6 guilty guilty pleas and 19 or so indictments have already happened as a result of this incomplete investigation. One is not bias if the truth and fact of the matter is this administration cooperated with the Russian government and continues to cover it up to this day. It’s obvious you will never hold Trump to any standard despite any oath he’ll take or has taken like idk becoming the POTUS.

  2. Wow Rs undermining the FBI on live television. Putin has to be TOing right now popcorn everywhere. Equating bias with facts and truth. It’s quite a show.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    I got a bad feeling about these Boo Boo the Fool and Taco Bell Dumb as Hell characters. House needs to subpoena their phone calls.

    Ask David Clarke. I believe it’s something along the lines of sow discord amongst the two largest racial minorities in this country. Results in things like a poor black woman smashing a brick into a old poor Mexicans head whilst walking down the street. The game is over once they stop fighting each other.

  4. 1 hour ago, Red Five said:

    It seems like this would be a pretty good platform for a candidate. “Hey I’m going to drop our defense budget by like 1% and pay for infrastructure, education, healthcare, and pay off our debt.”

    Is that you Bernie!? I see points of his made everyday all over this board and cannot fathom why this man hasn’t had more support here and across America until recently. Why hasn’t he been idk POTUS already? What reason is there? Why? I’ve quoted and referenced him across many subjects w many posters and no response. Even those leaning left. It’s like he doesn’t exist. Do you all have trouble admitting your mistakes? Is that it? If so get the fuck over it. If this man is alive he could really use your fucking support. A man with integrity ethics a conscience and has been right more times than anyone in politics. Even when he is the only one willing to stand up. What is the problem? Please someone anyone explain it to me with facts. Not some boogeyman arguments. It’s almost as mind boggling as President Trump.


    1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Also, you mean like the crosstabs you lazy pricks? I shouldn't have assumed that people bother to click the link before they offer their amateur opinions about market research. After all, cynicsm is just a lazy, stupid substitute for skepticism. 




    52 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Trump's strongest showing in terms of first pick is among Millenials. Now bow at the altar of market research. 

    You old fucks say what you want about us lazy millennials but we are going to save this once great country. Maybe if you could actually lead and inspire the next generation we wouldn’t tell you all to fuck off every chance we get. That indoctrinated 19% stand no chance. Once all their old dumbass role models pass away they will have nowhere to run or hide. All those charts show me is this is a growing liberal progressive country. Just wait until Gen Z shows up. The conservatives have been gerrymandering and stealing elections anyway they possibly can since the time of Reagan. Clinging and trying to hold on to power. Quite frankly it’s been disgusting to grow up and watch. Time is up.


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  6. He’s a caged monkey. Trump being compromised is painfully obvious to everyone to the point the plan has to change. It’s not smooth sailing. The American people aren’t lying down or taking it up the ass like they perhaps thought we would. This isn’t Russia. The walls are closing in.

  7. Misdirection and create chaos. Has clearance to say these things so he can point to something as him being tough on Russia while he’s having his secret Putin meetings. All the while Germany really has no choice. If they did they wouldn’t be pulling energy from Russia in the first place. It’s Germany who’s the Russian puppet. Right...

  8. 53 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    While simultaneously we are actively engaged in the longest war in US history. I am not sure that a world order built on outsourcing military conflicts to asia and the middle east is the best long-term model. Feels like it could generate some blow back. But hey, fuck it, keep the party rolling as long as we can. 


    Is that you Bernie?

  9. Gracias. It’s like when there is no argument to be made let’s make absurd generalizations about the left trying to abolish the first and second amendment. Generalizations like support assault! Infringing on religious freedoms! No free speech! Take all of our guns! This is not the majority of the left... but if I’d just watch an immigration video it’ll all make sense

  10. Figure it out. Never said it was as simple as taxing the rich. It will cost a ton financially physically emotionally for some but I’d wager America would be better off. Not tomorrow or next year or a decade. Generations. The damage has been done this is not a quick fix.

    Restrict speech? No need the truth is self evident. Those spouting bullshit will be told by the masses they are spouting bullshit. Especially with an educated population. There is no time or need for hate. To what end? Say what you want believe what you want but be prepared to deal with what you have coming.

  11. Curious as to what you listed Sgt that isn’t at the very least a D platform. The left is what disgusts you right now? Just not following... Are you insinuating the left doesn’t believe in God? Or they are trying to abolish the 2nd amendment?

    To figure what I am and what I am about I sometimes take the opposite approach and know what I definitely am not. Support the separation of parent and child for coming to America? No. Support unbridled capitalism with no regard for others or the environment? No. Support ridiculous prison sentences for ridiculous crimes such as what a person chooses to put into their own body? No.

    Lets be honest these issues are about controlling the population. Control. They don’t care about your well being. It’s not about God or trying to save your soul. It is all about control. Money and power over the human being.

    What is the problem with ensuring the children of this country get the best education possible no matter the cost? Is it ridiculous to expect a ROI? We are wasting our most valuable resource the minds and education of young people. For what? So somewhere along the way those with an extraordinary amount of wealth can get another shiny toy? A person in America should have the opportunity to educate themselves to their maximum potential to really make America great. Fuck this cost bullshit figure it out or die trying. Is it too much to ask that our population have decent healthcare? We can spend enormous amounts of money building weapons of war to either sit there or kill each other but it’s too much to ask that everyone have decent health? Again can we not expect a ROI on a healthy population?

    Do what I say when and how I say to do it. I can only hope the socialism America is pushing these days will grant more freedoms at the end. The freedom to be educated to be healthy to have control of ones body and mind at the very least. I know what is happening now isn’t anything close to that.

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