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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. obviously they're not trotting out a tom clancy character to play in the celebrity all star game, but who is jack ryan..

    He’s a middle aged white dude who according to him is a “basketball celebrity”.

  2. He works 20 hours a day, is making deals with dozens of foreign countries to make America great, still gets 36 holes in, and is banging a supermodel. With any luck he’s got the Nobel Prize already.

    He saved time by not reading any of the material the CIA and Secret Service provided him. That 30 mins to 1 hour a day savings gave him the time to make America great by talking shit on twitter on the toliet.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 2
  3. What would you do if you had $250,000,000?
    I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities...
    No, no, you're missing the point. The point of the exercise is that you're supposed to figure out what you would want to do if you didn’t have to worry  about money and could do anything.
    Oh, in that case, I’d choose to spend all day sitting in a windowless studio talking to crazy people about how 5G and Covid vaccines allow the government to control your brainwaves.  Also, I’d watch a lot of UFC.  I mean, like A LOT.  And if I had any spare time, I’d talk to meatheads about UFC, and steroids, and then we’d take steroids and practice MMA together.  Just living the dream, man.

    No chicks at the same time
    • Haha 1
  4. 31 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:

    It’s pretty clear that this team belongs to Austin Reaves. Everyone else is just along for the ride.

    It's pretty clear that some players play better without the weight of bron on their shoulders.

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