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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by softlynow

  1. 5 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    If they do it, we need to get rid of the electoral college, bring in DC and PR, pack the court, everything else.

    Don’t stop there. One Dakota. WyMontIdaho. MissArKansOklahoma. Whittle red Amerika down to the 16 or Senators the deserve. 11 new ACLU lawyers on the SC. Make all NASCAR races have right turns. Make SEC! teams play 9 game conference schedules and disallow FCS matchups. Kaepernick statues at every mile marker on every interstate in former confederate states. Require all southern schools to play New York, New York on the PA after the pledge. Free firearms to NAACP members. Replace God Bless America with WAP during the seventh inning stretch. Tax churches at the top marginal rate to fund planned parenthood and transgender surgeries for anyone who wants them. Ban the DH. Death penalty for driving slowly in the left lane. Trains. Lots and lots of trains. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    My wife had Tucker on tonight. She “wanted to see what the idiots are watching.” Holy fucking shit.

    His first segment was some unhinged lunacy about Obama inspiring the same anarchist movement that vexed Teddy Roosevelt.

    We shut it off for a while and flipped past it a few minutes later, just in time to see an ad from something called PragerU that is apparently an online brainwashing / 501c scam that turns you into a wide-eyed zombie who stares blankly at the camera to beg for donations, followed by an ad from some Indian mystic. 

    This is the shit millions of Americans are soaking in daily. It’s fucking bizarre. 

    At least the British print version used to have tits. I could understand that. This ... why spend every evening getting told to fear shit and told to buy shit that won’t make you thinner or longer?

  3. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    It's a stretched metaphor, and one I'm not thrilled to make, but remember when Harry Truman realized he's save more lives, both American AND Japanese, if he dropped a couple of nukes on Japanese cities?

    I wasn’t around then, but I heard about it later. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    It's cute that you think anything Woodward says would move the needle for millions of Americans or would have saved any lives.

    Correct. And the best time to actually reach the barely-informed voter is within 60 days of the election. Defeating Trump is the only way to save lives he’d otherwise destroy. I would expect more and more of these revelations because now is when they could really move the needle, whether that’s changing a few minds, or convincing a few to actually vote for a change. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 2 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    If you have no code of ethics and are fine with deception and lies, why not just join the GOP?

    I’m not for outright making shit up. If someone mistakenly slams Dotard a bit like this, correct it and move on. Skip the fucking lecture.

    Spare me the sanctimonious shit. These people would have any amount of “other” in chains if that got them a .5% capital gains tax cut. So THIS video doesn’t show he’s got serious mental decline. Oh no, the horror. He deserves this treatment and we have democracy to save.

    But you do have a point. Dems are supposed to be the party that loses out of principle. We should sing kumbaya, call for disbanding the military, lose resoundingly, and watch the west crumble with a clear conscience. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Queen Bitch said:

    This clip is out of context. He wanders over there cuz he’s waiting for Melania.

    Stop sharing shit like this. We’ve got to be better than them.


    Why? Is it because the Dotard Party is so honorable, their campaigns stick to truth and positivity, and our elections are decided by which side avoids the cheap shots?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Why the fuck would you put BT on ignore? He is legitimately one of the best posters on the politics board.  Original thoughts with rhetorical flourish.  I mean, a total fucking asshole that is wrong all the time, but one of the better posters on this board. 

    Agree not to ignore, and that he brings a unique perspective and interpretation. But you’re overselling it. He spends far too much time picking a fight, and derailing a thread without actually backing up his points. He’s bizarro Escriva/Laphroaig/LonghornLaw. 

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  8. 13 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Hey look a troll has managed to distract from our lack of national response, failure to provide adequate testing to aid reopening, and 175,000+ dead Americans- mostly because the President pushed states to open before they could contain the virus. 

    Biden has said he’d issue a national mask mandate on Day 1. The simplest thing for Trump to take away that talking point and show seriousness about the virus is to issue the mask mandate himself. But he’s an incompetent idiot who intends to wish the virus away instead of doing even the most basic common sense bullshit. 

    And by Troll you mean Trumpist Intellectual. It was said in another thread that the GOP should replace the elephant for the troll face as it’s logo. It’s all they even pretend to offer as cover for all the gritting and the rape of our political traditions and norms. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

    Looks like he acknowledges it could happen then goes on to point out all cases where cause of death is tagged as covid are reviewed at the national level. He goes on to state tagging patients who are discharged “could” be an issue as they are not reviewed at the national level. 

    As the physicians are the ones who assign the diagnoses, not hospital administrators, I just don’t see how you are going to get them to play ball in that scenario, given the high risk involved without opportunity to collect any of the funds

    I agree. I didn't post it before, but if you cut an post the quote above into google, it shows up a total of 1 time. How many times do things show up in a google search with one hit? It was The Christian Post. Not sure there's anything special about that, just the lack of other coverage. It seems that Redfield acknowledged what anyone would in his shoes, that money is a possible motivator for fraud. Not that he thought it was happening to any significant degree.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Or....and follow me here.....the GOP could just destroy any and all institutions and mechanisms that could force them from power, rigging the game for the next 50 years.

    Which path do you think they'll take?

    How are they going to do this? I get that they might want to. But what you're talking about takes competence. Trump ain't no Cheney.

    Let's assume, arguendo, that Biden takes the EC. What does the GOP coup look like?

    I'll grant that they will try to rig the election. Gym laid out one plan for us today (again, I think a fascistic takeover is beyond the grasp for these D-teamers). But humor me and consider that they just can't quite get that done.

  11. 4 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    See--the problem with the last section is twofold:

    1) If Trump loses, he won't have the good grace to go away like Nixon or McGovern.  He'll stick around.  It always has to be about him.  And he's got enough supporters that they will make it about him.  The GOP can't move past Trump.  Not while he's alive.  It will always be the Party of Trump.

    2) If the Democrats gain control of the House and Senate, the first thing they're going to pass is a new Voting Rights Act.  And that is going to make it impossible for an all-white party to win going forward.  And what're the chances of the Trumpublican Party changing its colors to become something other than an all-white party?

    The problem is Arthur Brooks is looking at Trumpism as if it was an isolated bad presidency that led to the upheaval. Trumpism is more akin to the cataclysmic events in our history. After the Civil War the GOP won 9 of the next 11 presidential elections. After the onset of the Great Depression Dems won 7 of 9. Following the fracture of what historians call the Democratic-Republican Party in 1924 (marking the beginning of the robust two-party system Brooks looks to for solace) the Dems won 6 of 8.

    It's foolish to look at the 1970s, when liberalism was losing intellectual momentum and conservatism was stretching its legs as a data point for the resilience of today's GOP. If anything those roles are reversed. Progressive ideas abound, and are, for the first time in a while, a decent threat to take control of the Democratic Party.

    I would argue, that, If your looking for parallels, Biden is the Dems Nixon, who with conservative support, though wasn't conservative. Conservative activists saw the disaster in '64 as reason enough to get in line with the GOP in '68 and hope to continue to work within the party apparatus to capture it ideologically. One could easily see that dynamic play out over the next decade or so as boomers give way to millennials as the dominant electoral block.

    In short, I agree. If GOP activists want to prevent long-term electoral carnage, they need to work with their donors to isolate Trump as a political force. There's no guarantee that any strategy along those lines would be successful, but if there is any path to parity with Dems in the near-term it includes total disavowal of Trumpism.

  12. 24 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    I'm not a "gifted oracle."  I'm like any Texas fan who watched a Greg Davis offense -- we all KNEW a 2 yard out pattern was coming on 3rd and 10, and we all KNEW that it was more likely to result in a pick 6 than a first down, and sure enough, that's what GD called and ran.  We weren't oracles.  We'd just seen this shit enough to know.




    Low blow bringing this shit up right as football anticipation is usually at its highest, but isn't because the season will undoubtedly be cancelled.

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