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Certifiably Surly
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  1. And right there in your link text is the opening for Dems to remind people that it was liberal policies that built an economy that actually grew for the middle class and not just the elites. If economy is truly the #1 thing on the persuadable folks minds, you have to lean in, you have to make your case. Then, if you want another term, you have do deliver. The Right has had yet another shot at showing us that laissez-faire tendencies are the rising tide that lifts all boats, and have, once again proven their thesis WRONG. I think the persuadables are correct. The economy isn't working for the bottom 4 quartiles. We are badly in need of a course correction. I doubt you can sell social democracy in 90 days, but you can sell individual policies to strengthen worker protections and benefits. Elections are about giving things to people. Trump is giving his wealthy donors lower taxes and less regulation, and to his poorer cult followers, he's giving them increased self-worth by elevating them above brown people. Make this election about shifting subsidies away from the top 1% and towards the other 99%, and fulfilling the promise that we consider all people equal. Own the economy as an issue. But understand that the reason it is an issue is it is very much not growing for most people.
  2. Ohio's is August 7th. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/democrats-plans-formally-nominate-biden-early-august-ahead-convention-rcna162320
  3. The [Dem candidate's name here] campaign should buy whole ad blocks and simply run 2-3 minutes of Trump's greatest rambling hits. That, plus ads highlighting 5-7 of Project 2025's most unpopular planks will give [Dem candidate's name here] a several point boost. And don't be afraid to just say what P2025 is really getting at: ending Social Security, ending Medicare, ENDING public education, criminalizing birth control and IVF, state overlordship of every womb, and ethnic cleansing. Take the fucking gloves off. I've become disinterested in the Biden will he/won't he melodrama. This election has to be a referrendum on Trump and quelling fascism. Make it about that, and we could put South Austin's mom in the WH. Tie every downballot Pub to Trump in the process, and maybe the Dems with stones can fix the damn system.
  4. Yes, or they could use the spending clause to coerce state compliance, like when Louisiana had highway money withheld until the increased the drinking age to 21. And no, the conservatives on the Court will not find ANY level of withheld spending to be unconstitutionally coercive in this instance. I'm sure we'd get a very pointed and well-written dissent, so we've got that going for us.
  5. You don't need to use the Force to have a strong influence on the weak-minded.
  6. Might? You really have a shred of remaining faith that this isn't a coup that has nothing to do with reason, precedent, logic, decency or any consideration other than it's time to put a handful of billionaires in complete control through a puppet king?
  7. He might've broken records for the number of concurrences, in part.
  8. You should learn the editor’s concept “kill your darlings.” When your writing doesn’t really convey the thought in your head (here apparently the exact opposite, you say) you really should let it go.
  9. Don’t get pissy ‘cause you suck at expressing yourself.
  10. Doubling down on the boot licking, I see. There’s zero chance that the flexibility here is anything other than the flexibility to pay workers less.
  11. Your take is idiotic. The “flexibility” in those proposals are just tools for fucking over workers. The whining about how hard it is and the cool shit companies would do if the hard shit didn’t exist is pure nonsense. You’re going to bat for fascists and it’s just sad to see.
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