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Posts posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. 6 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    i mean, this is propaganda itself.  you are technically correct while not being correct correct.  it said very close to 0 has changed this year.  the russian 0 is bigger than the Ukraine 0, but both round to zero.

    thanks for posting the article.

    It says this:


    When both sides’ gains are added up, Russia now controls nearly 200 square miles more territory in Ukraine compared with the start of the year.

    Is there some other data point in the article that you're referencing that makes what he said propaganda?


  2. 2 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Go find the information you say you want and post it. Don't ask others to do it for or simply imply that others are biased for not posting information that may not even be available. 

    My question re: content wasn't an ask that people post Russians blowing up Ukrainians (truthfully I find it hard to stomach the footage of Ukrainians blowing up Russians). I just wasn't sure what content is flooding social media (I mainly asked the question because there have been so many people talking about all of the mis-info happening in the Israeli-Hamas war and that same complaint isn't brought up with respect to this war).

  3. 1 minute ago, Dahobbs said:

    Good god you're such a whiney poster. If you want to post something, do it. There have certainly been posts on Russian successes and Ukrainian failures in this thread (e.g., early days of counter offensive when Ukraine lost a large amount of equipment in a botched attack). 

    I do makes posts questioning things. Each time, I'm shouted down as a chicken little pussy.

    It's ok, I'm a big boy and can handle it.

  4. Just now, atomheartbevo said:

    crispy or GRU or whoever the fuck you are, here's some things you keep missing:

    We are over 600 days into the "Special Military Operation".  600 fucking days.  For a "Special Military Operation" in a country that is literally next-door to Russia.  Not 7,000 miles away like when the US faced Iraq in 1991 or 2003. Literally next door to Russia.

    And let's say the Russians ramp up missile production, so what?  It doesn't affect the actual military outcome, because the Russian leadership prefers to use those missiles against grain silos, cafes, schools, civilian apartment buildings, streets in Ukrainian cities, etc. Why they prefer to launch many of their missiles against civilian Ukrainian targets while the Ukrainians use their missiles against military airfields, bridges, and the Russian Navy, that's up to you to do your own research.

    At the very least, if the Russians were doing well, the Russian state media and its evening shows would be 100% talking about how great they are doing.  But they're not.  Those state-run (and owned) evening shows are just full of fucking misery about how unfair it is that the West sends weapons to Ukraine, and it's so much fucking whining about why won't Ukraine just admit it's not a real nation and instead join with Mother Russia. Russian state media is just full of constant fucking whining about how mean the West is (and it spills over to the UN and Russia's ambassador whining about the West there as well).

    It's like the Apollo moon landings - there are idiots out there who don't believe we landed on the moon, but they never stop to consider that if we hadn't landed on the moon, the Soviets would not have shut the fuck up about it. They would have brought it up everywhere, and they would have made sure that their sphere-of-influence knew that we didn't land on the moon. Same thing applies to the war in Ukraine - if Russia was doing so well, they wouldn't be going backwards, they would be releasing footage of their advancements, and we'd see the lines on the maps moving in a positive direction for Russia.

    And Russia wouldn't be relying on Iran and North Korea to supply them, while trying to recruit Serbians to fight for them.


    maybe if you keep saying the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over again there won't be a single view point on this thread that doesn't align with your opinion?

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

    You need to come to this thread understanding it’ll have a pro-UKr slant.  If you took everything at face value, you’d expect to see the equivalent of Wehrmacht running over Poles on horseback.  It’s still informative though.  

    important tools:

    1) being your own personal 538 polling aggregator -  take all the reports of great things happening and terrible things happening and figure out how to weight and understand them collectively

    2) start recognizing some posters and some outlets as cheerleading, some as hot takes, some as deeply researched and considered, some as posting generating likes/engagement. 

    One other thought would be to not immediately dismiss/crowdsource any posters/opinions/thoughts that aren't 100% cheerleading. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 9 minutes ago, Mumble Rap said:

    If this is the case, then you're very well insulated on this thread.


    If you want to no longer be surprised by things like increased Russian military output (they're almost out of missiles!, their reserve soldiers are spread thin!) or the complete Ukrainian counteroffensive failure (Tokmak soon!, they're building a new railroad because breakthrough soon!), you'll have to veer off this thread or mainstream media. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for the once every 20 pages or so when someone questions something or posts something contradictory and they get shot down.

    It's vitally important to the Ukrainian war effort that the average American think they're kicking ass. The fewer questions about the effectiveness of our aid, the fewer complaints about sending said aid. I understand the desire to hear good news about something people are emotionally invested in, but I've always found it better to hear all sides of the story. To each their own though.


    As you're aware, you're about to be roundly ridiculed and probably crowd sourced.

    But yeah, this group collectively spends a lot of time lamenting the social media-driven echo chamber effect within our society while creating what has to be one of the strongest echo chambers imaginable when it comes to this thread/war. 

  7. 17 hours ago, NoName said:

    Techcrunch: One year post-acquisition, X traffic and monthly active users are in decline, report claims


    overall there is a trend, but one of these is not like the other in losses:



    good news though lol

    full text:



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    One year post-acquisition, X traffic and monthly active users are in decline, report claims

    Sarah Perez@sarahpereztc / 11:56 AM CDTOctober 17, 2023

    X logo impaling twitter bird logo


    Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch

    Despite proclamations from X CEO Linda Yaccarino that usage of the social network was at an all-time high this summer, a new report is throwing cold water on those claims, saying that X usage has actually declined on all fronts, across both web and mobile. According to data from market intelligence firm Similarweb, X’s global website traffic was down 14% year-over-year in September, and U.S. traffic was down by 19%. On mobile devices in the U.S., performance had also declined 17.8% year-over-year, based on monthly active users on iOS and Android.



    Image Credits: Similarweb


    Although the U.S. accounts for roughly a quarter of X’s web traffic, other countries also saw declines in web traffic, including the U.K. (-11.6%), France (-13.4%), Germany (-17.9%) and Australia (-17.5%).

    The report notes that September was not just a fluke, either, as declines in usage were visible in long-term trends as well. When comparing the first nine months of 2023 with the same period in 2022, Simiarweb found X’s website traffic was down 11.6% year-over-year in the U.S. and down by 7% worldwide.  Mobile app usage in the U.S. was also down by 12.8% during that same period of time.


    However, there is one bright spot for X…or rather its owner, Elon Musk. Traffic to Musk’s profile page on the site was up 96% year-over-year as of last month.



    Image Credits: Similarweb


    The firm’s estimates are determined by machine learning algorithms powered by millions of websites and apps’ first-party analytics, including through its own consumer products that measure device traffic data as well as through partnerships with other companies, including ISPs, other measurement firms and demand-side platforms. Its methodology on mobile devices relies heavily on Android data, however, because of the tighter restrictions Apple places on its App Store and data privacy.


    Still, even with a glimpse into Android data, you can get a sense of how well X is faring. On that front, Similarweb notes that X mobile app usage worldwide was down by 14.8% on Android, compared with the -17.8% drop in the U.S. across iOS and Android.

    The report also indicates that X’s declines are part of a broader shift, as web traffic to the top 100 social networks and online communities the firm tracks were also down by 3.7% in September, save TikTok, which grew 22.8% on a global basis. Facebook web traffic, for example, was down 10.4%.



    Image Credits: Similarweb




    Image Credits: Similarweb


    On mobile, the same trend was true, but X’s monthly active users declined by 17.8% in September, compared with Facebook and Instagram, down by 8% and 3.7%, respectively.



    Image Credits: Similarweb


    In addition, Similarweb’s analysis touches on the declining importance of X in the news ecosystem, noting that three years ago, The New York Times would receive 3-4% of its traffic from Twitter, but that’s now down to less than 1%. Of course, X began throttling links to the Times in August, along with other competitors like Bluesky and Threads. This week, X was accused of throttling Patreon links as well.


    But in reality, Twitter’s importance to news publishers has always been overstated. News may have broken on Twitter but it was never a significant traffic source. In fact, NPR left the platform six months ago after Musk began labeling it and other outlets as “state-affiliated media.” A recent report from Nieman indicates NPR’s loss of traffic from leaving X has been “negligible” — traffic only dropped by a single percentage point, where it used to account for just under 2% of overall traffic.

    Though the report doesn’t include much good news for X, it did admit that the app seems to have staying power.

    “…somehow the X / Twitter audience has eroded but not evaporated,” wrote Similarweb’s Senior Insights Manager David Carr.

    That’s worth noting, given the increased competition from new competitors like Bluesky, Post, Pebble, Spill, Mastodon and Threads.


    X would likely dispute Similarweb’s findings, as its execs have only touted traffic increases, not declines. The company recently told TechCrunch that X sees 500 million posts per day, including original content, replies and reposts, and noted that X generates 100 billion impressions per day. Yaccarino also shared other figures at an event in October, noting that people are spending 14% more time on X, with a 20% increase in consuming video, and that 1.5 million sign up for X daily, up 4% year-over-year.

    X did not respond to requests for comment.


    The meat of this is that Twitter's reach/audience is declining overall but Elon's reach has doubled. So, his plan is working.

    • Haha 2
  8. 8 hours ago, B00M said:

    Of course they do. You can easily find this shit. Go to combat footage subs on Reddit to see the back and forth. Russia is pumping out so much obvious propaganda and false videos and false claims it’s hard to take them seriously. Russia has already lost, Ukraine is winning, it’s in western interests for Russia to stop fighting, and you’re on a Texas site… are you surprised by the pro Ukrainian tilt? 

    I am not on Twitter nor Reddit so this site is my window into the social media world aspect of this war, so I legitimately wasn't sure if they were pumping out content or not. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, NoName said:

    the guy who posted the thread deleted it then went after Nathan Ruser (guy who did the long thread on the hospital i linked this AM)

    this guy is an idiot.


    the misinformation, which is purposefully or accidentally spread, is everywhere. gotta keep vigilant.

    he double checked it. what else do you want? don't worry!

  10. 18 minutes ago, SurlyGator said:

    True.  Call me a cranky old man, but I don’t have a ton of sympathy for any American hanging out a stone’s throw from Gaza.  I have even less for those actually in Gaza.  I’m sure quite a few of them were there for humanitarian reasons, but still not the wisest location choice to be benevolent (no matter how badly they need it).

    what an absolute garbage post.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 29 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    There were some early on in the war.  One of a Russian tank rolling up on some Ukrainians and firing on them point blank in particular is etched into my mind.

    But mainly I think Ukraine has better OpSec than Russia and plays a harder info war game.  They know it does no good to show their own folks getting blown up so they don't.  That pic of the farmer blown up on his tractor yesterday was rough though, but it has a propaganda purpose as well to release it.  I also question the Russian's ability to deliver such info.  We've seen in the past, when they have it they will release it. Case in point when those Leopards and Bradleys got blown up early in the most recent offensive.  But they released it 30 ways from 30 different angles, which just screams "we don't have much to put out there."

    This is all just arm chair warrior shit though.  I'm sure there are those who know more who'll chime in.


    I just seems wildly inconsistent with how they've operated in the past for them to not try and leverage online platforms to drive the narrative. They can't put cameras on their drones and upload the videos? That seems crazy to me.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Put. Him. In. Jail.


    Former President Donald Trump lashed out at New York Attorney General Letitia James over the fraud trial currently playing out — then posted a link to her home address despite already being under a gag order in the case.

    The most dangerous man in America. And potentially our next President.

    • Rage+1 7
  13. Just now, Schulz2.0 said:

    It's not really anything new. The Shia militias have been fucking with out troops in Iraq/Syria for years. Just need to kick the shit out of them with airstrikes.

    spoiler: that won't make the problem go away.

  14. 40 minutes ago, troph said:

    a ceasefire is probably in everyone’s best interest especially given Hamas leadership casualties. 

    There are lots of parties for whom an escalation of this war is in their best interest, including the far-right elements of the Israeli government that now wield significant power that believe all of that land belongs to Israel. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    The never ending stream of information without any credible source of truth is going to expedite the end of humanity.

    But OSINTechnical can confirm it. What else do you want, sir?

  16. 3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Completely by design.  Twitter is working the way he wanted it to.

    The more sensational the tweet, the more reactions to it, the more the author makes in ad-sharing revenue. 

    Meanwhile, Elon and his ilk decry the MAINSTREAM MEDIA because of its perceived lack of accuracy/idealogical slant.

    Unplug me. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
    • Rage+1 1
  17. Well-timed misfire if you're Iran/China/Russia and the last thing you want is Biden meeting with PA, Jordan, Egypt, etc. to try and keep the lid on this thing. That meeting getting scuttled could come back and bite us in the rear.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. 35 minutes ago, Slacks said:

    I can be nominated, right? 

    I get about 5011 texts a day from Conservative politicians across the country asking me for money. Clearly I can represent us all. 

    Nominate me. They (whomever they are) can't say no, or it's racist. 

    I had to change my phone number from that shit. My grandmom is like 1000 years old and put me on one of those lists. Literally 10+ texts a day with some version of:



    • Haha 1
    • Rage+1 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  19. I think it's safe to assume the Biden admin is behind the lack of a ground invasion by Israel. At this point I'm wondering if they ever end up going into Gaza. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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