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Posts posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. 5 minutes ago, udaydanceparty said:

    All the pictures and talk about this giant Trump balloon made it seem as if they were going to have a zeppelin flying over the city. 

    While the image is funny, I can't understand how that stunt could be considered anything other than a failure to those that paid for something the size of a rose parade float and ended up with something you'd see at party city. 

    Failure like millions of people talking about it all over the world?

    • Like 3
  2. 49 minutes ago, Chet Steadman said:

    This press conference is brutal.  

    Quote just now:  “CNN is fake news.  I don’t take questions from fake news.  John, you work for CNN and your fake and so is is your company.  Fake.  Mike at Fox, your question please."

    He took a question from CNN yesterday at his impromptu presser.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tuco said:

    I'm guessing Putin wants Nord Stream II built, probably more than any German politician.  And, unlike NATO, it might not withstand the pressure of international scrutiny.

    There are a lot of ways to read the data here. One is that Trump needs to get some decent cover ahead of some accusations.  If there is something about to come out that implicated him with Gazprom, attacking a Gazprom asset would provide a reasonable defense.  Another possibility is that Putin has prioritized damaging our relationship with NATO as more important than Nord Stream.  Another possibility is that Trump is just too stupid to understand the ramifications of his attack.  Another possibility is that Trump was not beholden to Putin or Gazprom in the first place. (Hey, it's still possible...maybe.)

    you're trying to make sense of the actions and words of a borderline retarded person. no need to do that. he's just a fucking idiot that says whatever comes to mind.

  4. 17 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Exactly.  Seems like it'd be pretty easy to prove one way or the other.  He claims he hasn't had contact with her, so I'd assume he's either lying about this (and guilty) or telling the truth and she's lying.

    that's why we pay you the big bucks, knox.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, TornACL said:

    Trump's entire foreign policy and US military strategy is just grab-bag, word-salad nonsense to address the agenda of the day, with no thought to history (of which he's ignorant) or long-term view (of which he has none).

    On one hand he wants to increase spending for the military because DA TROOPS and on the other hand he lambastes NATO and questions the costliness of the Korean exercises because of the expense. A 13% increase in defense spending, slight increase in numbers of troops, and substantial capital investments in warships and aircraft. But at the same time he's questioning our deployment to key strategic locations on both sides of the world. Which is it?


    Spot on. There is no strategy here.

  6. Reading that article, I’m reminded once again that we have a lot more racists in this country than I thought prior to trump’s presidency. I know that wasn’t the “point” of that article, but I’m shocked at how many people out there want to blame people of color for everything.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:



    4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Flashback tweet from three days ago:



    Lulz. And his supporters will completely ignore this lie and bitch about the mainstream media.

    on the old board Tahoe asked what a Trumpkin is. Put simply, it’s someone that completely ignores any facts or realities if they do not fit their views.

    trump lying about the immigration vote will be summarily dismissed.

    I'm actually jealous some people can go through life ignoring the inconvenience of reality. It would actually make things much easier in some ways.

    • Like 2
  8. Every single move Dotus makes is scripted by the Kremlin. This is insane. I’m convinced he’s going to be removed from office and sent to jail. We will need to make a very clear signal to the rest of the world that we’ve killed off this cancer and are ready to re-assume our position as leader of the free world.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    A new national message will come, Obama argued, as the 2020 field of presidential candidates emerges. The people who are looking for one now are being ridiculous, he said, but if they needed something to hold them over, he said his own old slogan still works. 

    “All these people that are out here kvetching and wringing their hands and stressed and anxious and constantly watching cable TV and howling at the moon, ‘What are we going to do?,’ their hair’s falling out, they can’t sleep,” Obama said. “The majority of the American people prefer a story of hope. A majority of the American people prefer a country that comes together rather than being divided. The majority of the country doesn’t want to see a dog-eat-dog world where everybody is angry all the time.” 

    Obama mocked Trump and others for being among the angry: “They’re mad even when they win.”

    Trump’s executive actions and legal maneuvers to cut down Obamacare after failing to repeal it in Congress are a perfect example of what he means, Obama said. 

    “I am not surprised that instead of replacing what we had done with something better, they just have done their best to undermine and erode what’s already in place,” he said. “Of course people are going to be angry about that, because if you had health care and suddenly somebody who says they’re going to make it better comes in and makes it worse, you’ll be pissed. You should go out and vote.”

    Obama called that an opportunity for Democrats. 

    “Reality has an interesting way of coming up and biting you, and the other side has been peddling a lot of stuff that is so patently untrue that you can get away with it for a while, but at a certain point, you confront reality,” he said. “The Democrats’ job is not to exaggerate; the Democrats’ job is not to simply mimic the tactics of the other side. All we have to do is work hard on behalf of that truth. And if we do, we’ll get better outcomes.”

    Read that last paragraph over and over and over, Brisket.

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