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Posts posted by DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt

  1. On 5/25/2018 at 5:58 PM, TankedBevo said:

    Loved this kids grit in the state game and did remarkably well. Let him play qb and if that doesn't work out he could be the next Quan Cosby. Win/win 

    And by Quan Crosby you mean Jordan Shipley, right?

  2. Quote

    “I guess I’d rather do the interview. It gets it over with it. It makes my client happy,” he said in an interview with The Washington Post. “The safe course you hear every lawyer say is don’t do the interview, and that’s easy to say in the abstract. That’s much harder when you have a client who is the president of the United States and wants to be interviewed.”

    I'm now 100% convinced Rudy is trying to take Trump.

  3. 26 minutes ago, GW Hayduke said:

    I get that it appears to be entirely or mostly corrupt but I wonder how much of that is due to the republicans controlling two branches of government. Although there are a lot of things that can be done to make our system less “corrupt” imo like campaign finance reform, removing dark money, more transparency. I think the dems are gonna have a strong anti-corruption platform for 2018

    by "strong anti-corruption platform" you mean they'll convince rubes they're going to FIX WASHINGTON and once elected continue pay-to-play politics, right?

  4. CO peeps...supposedly the salmonflies are coming off on the upper colorado...i'm going to try and hit it this saturday. it'll be a shitshow with the recreational boaters on the holiday weekend but salmonfly. if i float by a dude ripping a panther martin through a salmonfly hatch i'm assuming it's chewie, pulling over and chunking rocks in his water.

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  5. 24 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Love it. Mueller has fucking nothing. Obama's DOJ was spying on Trump just like he did on any reporter that didn't perform immediate fellatio on his ego. The DOJ/FBI/CIA are about to be given an enema. Most of you fuckers would be cheering your asses off if it was anyone but Trump lifting the skirt of the American spying apparatus.

    that was awesome.

  6. 19 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    20 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:
    what beer do y'all drink on the water? i'm a bit of a beer snob but i'll be damned if a banquet isn't the perfect beer on the water.

    Read more  

    Banquet or bourbon.

    I keep a flask of bourbon in the boat but usually only take a tug if I can’t get the skunk off.

  7. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I must admit, I’m getting kinda burned out on Trump Russia news.  

    What, 9,000+ hours straight in the rabbit hole has you fatigued? Get outta town!

  8. 2 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I think it is important that we hold off on getting incredibly high and mighty at this time. The landscape is changing and Texas isn't trapped in a time warp back to 1985. Let things unfold on numerous recruitments. 

    probably the most comforting thing i've read on this forum since it fell out of its momma's pussy.

  9. 1 minute ago, wreckatx said:

    So don’t you think this little raft would be badass on the lake fork?

    i've only fished it from the sidelines, but i'll be floating it this summer in my buddy's 13' NRS. love me some lake fork.

  10. It’s pretty easy to go to a dark place where our QBs continue to break/be retarded, we get a couple of key injuries on the OL and our D takes a step back (while losing the best punter ever)...that’s maybe a 7 win season.

  11. On 4/24/2018 at 8:04 AM, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    2000 mile road trip in search of bull trout starts today. Woke up with a nasty head cold, swollen throat and the runs. Nothing standing in a cold river in rain/snow and sleeping on the ground can’t fix.

    A shot of your strongest whiskey, barkeep.

    Turned out to be a 2,500 mile road trip, 34+ hours behind the wheel. Slightly aggressive. Arrived in central Oregon and went to a fly shop, where we were informed we'd be lucky to get 1 bull trout to hand amongst the 3 of us. Conversations with locals on the water re-affirmed this...apparently we picked a really bad time to chase them. We worked our tails off, hiking many many miles in search of these fish. We managed 5 to hand in 2 days and I got the skunk off in the bottom of the 9th. Stoke levels were high.


    I've now fished eastern Oregon, central Oregon and coastal Oregon. Three very different types of landscape and all beautiful. While I didn't get to spend much if any time there, Bend seems like a really cool town.

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  12. 2000 mile road trip in search of bull trout starts today. Woke up with a nasty head cold, swollen throat and the runs. Nothing standing in a cold river in rain/snow and sleeping on the ground can’t fix.

    A shot of your strongest whiskey, barkeep.

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